Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

714 Celebi's Induction

714 Celebi's Induction

Seeing the sound of the tail smashing through the air, Jiang Qing felt that if the tail hit someone, that person would probably break several bones.

He didn't take the dog back. The dog's nose is very sensitive, and its vigilance effect is no less than that of Metagross.

After defeating Beheeyem, Metagross has already entered the technology building, successfully found the server, and began to copy the data inside.

Jiang Qing took Arcanine and put some equipment that he didn't know and looked very technological into the system space.

After this trip, it went straight to the night.

There are so many high-rise buildings in this technological relic, so there are naturally hotels. Jiang Qing randomly found a hotel that looked very high-end and lived in it.

Daidai is borrowing the hotel kitchen to make dinner for him.

Celebi was sitting on the bed playing with the handheld, but there was no internet in the ruins, so it couldn't play Spirit Glory.

In the room, there are only Jiang Qing, Celebi, Internet speed-dog and Lucario.

Metagross, who is inseparable from Jiang Qing, is not here, which is still very rare.

As for where Metagross is going, of course it is to copy all the high-tech materials of this technological relic, and Jiang Qing also let it take the Dowsing Machine, and look for treasures along the way, the small red dot is fine, if the big red dot can be taken away, Just take it away, if you can't take it away, Jiang Qing will go to get it the next day.

In this way, Jiang Qing felt comfortable, but Metagross became very busy.

A Metagross monster is acting outside, Jiang Qing is very relieved, not to mention that its strength is comparable to the early stage of the champion, if it can't be defeated, it can also use Teleport to escape.

And Jiang Qing asked Metagross not to stay too far away from him, if something happened, he could quickly support Metagross.

"Yah dong"

While thinking about it, the door of the room was opened, and Daidai used Confusion to control the six dishes and walked in.

Celebi immediately put down the handheld, and happily flew over, looking at the chicken rice flower with bright eyes.

Celebi seldom cooks these fried foods, so most of the time Celebi can only order wailou by himself.

But once Daidai makes fried food, the deliciousness is definitely better than all takeaway shops.

Celebi: Daidai is so nice of you, I love you to death.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: I can only eat half of it.

Celebi: ok

I agreed with one bite, and I didn't eat if I didn't agree.

As for who will eat the other half, it must be Jiang Qing.

Since being in Modu Manor, Daidai's culinary skills have broken through a new peak, and the deliciousness of the food made Jiang Qing once wondered if Daidai was the reincarnation of the Chinese master

It's fucking unscientific to make fried rice with eggs glow.

After eating the food prepared by Daidai, Jiang Qing and Celebi directly turned into gluttonous food, and even started to grab it. Daidai saw that this scene did not stop him, but was very happy.

Arcanine was almost salivating when she smelled the aroma, so Jiang Qing gave it a few pieces of chicken popcorn to satisfy her hunger.

As for Lucario blocking Captivate with firm willpower, the waveguide emitted is a little confused.

Celebi: Where are we going tomorrow.

"Continue to explore, where else can you go, how do you have a place to go"

Celebi eats and plays, and basically doesn't care about other things. Listening to what he said now, it seems that he wants to go somewhere.

Celebi: There is a forest in this ruins, I want to go in and have a look.

Although this is a technological relic, there is still a large forest and lake around Lalu City, and the combined area of ​​the two is about the same as Lalu City.

Jiang Qing originally planned to explore the city of Lalu first, and then the forests and lakes.

It is estimated that most of the Pokémon in the ruins should be in the forest and the lake. After all, there are still relatively few Pokémon that can live in the city.

First of all, food is restricted.

"What attracts you in the forest?" Jiang Qing said with a slightly excited expression on his face.

Based on his understanding of Celebi, after following him, this guy was corrupted by the fancy world outside, fried chicken and chips, and he had long forgotten his duty as a natural Pokémon to protect nature.

As for the potted plants in the villa of the Imperial University, it is lazy to take care of it, which shows how useless this guy has become.

Now I want to go to the forest, it's no wonder there are no ghosts in it.

Celebi: I feel that the natural ability over there is particularly strong.

Although it has become a waste, it still has a keen sense of nature.

"Okay, let's go and see tomorrow."

Jiang Qing nodded, thinking that there would not be any grass-type treasures in that forest. After all, most of the natural energy is related to the grass-type.

……… Ask for flowers…


Early the next morning, Jiang Qing had just finished his breakfast when Metagross suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Thanks for your hard work"

Looking at Metagross who had been busy all night, Jiang Qing took out the energy cube and a small steel hammer to beat some of Metagross' joints to give it a massage.

Arcanine looked hot and said that she also wanted to be massaged, and combing was also possible.

But just as the big face was about to come closer, Metagross gave him a glare, and quickly retracted his head.

Metagross: I haven't enjoyed it yet, you guy who slept all night, what qualifications do you have.

"How about it, what's the harvest?" Jiang Qing said expectantly.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Found magnetic levitation technology, metallurgy technology, chip technology, third-generation space backpack technology


In one night, Metagross gained a lot, and found more than a dozen techniques.

And it also includes magnetic levitation and the third-generation space backpack.

The space backpack technology they found in the library before is the most basic, not even the first generation, otherwise it would not be in the library.

"Are there any other treasures?"


Gengar appeared and pulled out a bunch of stuff from his stomach.

This guy went with Metagross, because Jiang Qing thought that if Metagross with the Dowsing Machine found the treasure, there would be no place to put it, so he asked Gengar to go with it.

There are nearly a hundred items in this pile, and most of them are high-tech synthetic treasures.

For example, this red flame crystal requires a large amount of Fire Stone to be purified and then reassembled. It takes thousands of Fire Stone to produce one gram of flame crystal.

The piece in front of me is about the size of a fist, and there is still a burning flame inside. The appearance of this kind of flame means that it is extracted from the top-grade Fire Stone.

With this size, no less than 10,000 top-quality Fire Stones are needed.

Flame Crystal: After using it, Pokémon can master fire moves, and Pokémon that destroys it can increase the power of fire moves.

Simply put, it increases the affinity of the fire system. Even if the water system Pokémon uses it, it can also learn some fire system moves.

And if the fire element Pokémon is used, it will increase its fire element power.

Jiang Qing threw it at Arcanine, who swallowed the flame crystals into the center of her abdomen in one gulp.

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