When his own energy was about to run out, the aftermath of the big Self Destruct finally disappeared.

The Three God Pillars also fell to the ground at this moment, and now they don't even have the strength to move a finger, and their level has dropped from level 98 to level 95.

As for the ancient giant tree, it can be said that it has been preserved. Although many trunks have been destroyed, almost one-third of the entire canopy has been destroyed.

But the trunk is fine, as long as the trunk is fine, the lost branches and leafage can grow back in a few decades.

The three god pillars blocked the power of the big Self Destruct from hitting the trunk.

However, the aftermath of the Great Self Destruct is all-round, so there is no place blocked by the three divine pillars, and everything becomes nothingness. The entire forest is only preserved by the forest behind the ancient giant tree.

The aftermath also destroyed most of the tech city.

Fortunately, here is a relic, and there are very few living Pokémon. If it is in a secret place, the dead Pokémon can be described as billions.

From Sanshenzhu's point of view, as long as the ancient giant tree is safe, everything else will be destroyed.

There was such a big commotion, why didn't Lord Mew show up? Could it be that he was so sleepy?

Sanshenzhu thought suspiciously.

In fact, Mew was no longer in this ancient giant tree at 06. It returned to the world tree with the exclusive energy cube Jiang Qing gave it, eating happily.

Otherwise, it would have blocked the big Self Destruct long ago.

"I didn't expect to be blocked by you." A playful voice sounded in Sanshenzhu's ears.

The Sanshenzhu lying on the ground raised his head with difficulty, and saw a strange human being tens of meters away from him, with a Chandelure beside him.

Xu Fu stared at the Three God Pillars with bright eyes. He thought that the big wave of Self Destruct just now would be enough to destroy the three Three God Pillars, but he didn't expect to be blocked by them.

But it's okay, the current three divine pillars have no extra power, they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Swallow the souls of the three of you, my Chandelure can complete the final transformation and become a true champion Pokémon"

Xu Fu walked towards the Three Gods Pillar step by step.

He has no intention of subduing them. All Eudemons and legendary Pokémon, as long as they don't really follow you, even if subdued, the power of rules on them will destroy the Poké Ball.

So Xu Fu didn't have the idea of ​​subduing them, he just wanted to kill the three gods and use their souls to become the nourishment for Chandelure's breakthrough champion.

The three champions are in the middle stage, and they are also legendary Pokémon, whose soul quality is definitely higher than that of Pokémon of the same level.

At that time, after Chandelure uses this breakthrough, his strength will definitely be stronger.

"Kill them," Xu Fu said coldly.

Chandelure couldn't bear it for a long time. In order to be able to break through the championship, both himself and Trainer have done too many things.

It has absorbed as many as one million souls, but it just can't break through to become the champion.

The main reason is not that the number of souls is not enough, but the quality is not enough, unless tens of millions of human souls are used.

But the plan failed.

"Grandpa, am I right?"

Just when Chandelure was about to kill the three divine pillars who had lost their resistance, a strange voice came.


Xu Fu's body immediately retreated, and the Poké Ball was opened, and five super power Pokémon stood in front of him.

Jiang Qing and Jiang Oreburgh were riding in Dragonite and Skarmory respectively, looking at Xu Fu coldly.

When Xu Fu saw that Jiang Hu who had left the ruins came back and brought Jiang Oreburgh, his expression changed slightly, but he returned to normal in an instant.

"Jiang Guanjun, Jiang Qing, why are you here?" Xu Fu asked suspiciously.

Jiang Qing crossed her arms and sneered, "What are you pretending to be?"

Xu Fu was puzzled and said: "Jiang Qing, what do you mean by that? If it's because I didn't listen to your advice and entered the ancient giant tree, causing casualties in the exploration team, these ten points are my fault."

Suddenly, Xu Fu thought of an excuse, and I have to say that this excuse is really good.

Jiang Qing doesn't intend to continue arguing with him: "The mysterious person in Haitian City is you. You captured Manaphy and attracted Kyogre, and you want to use Kyogre to massacre tens of millions of people in Haitian City in one fell swoop."

"You want to use tens of millions of human souls to make the Chandelure next to you break through to become the champion?"

Speaking of which, Jiang Qing set her sights on Chandelure.

Pokémon: Chandelure (Ghost/Fire)

Grade: 90

Qualification: blue

Ability: Flash Fire

props: dark stone

Gender: male

Moves: Smog, Astonish, Ember, Minimize, Confuse Ray, Hex, Phosphorus, Flame Vortex, Night Shade, Curse, Shadow Ball, Flame Abyss, Imprison, Pain Split, Overheat, Memento

Skill discs: Hyper Beam, Ultimate Impact, Protection, Sunny Day, Trick Room, Mystical Fire, Flamethrower II

Genetic Abilities: Acid Armor, Haze, Clearing Mist, Power Split

Note: Devouring a large number of Pokémon's souls, Ghost moves will increase by 30%

Among the blue aptitudes, four-fifths have already turned into purple. If Chandelure really devours the three high-quality and flexible Pokémon of the three gods, the aptitude can definitely break through to purple.

And based on its accumulation, once its aptitude breaks through to purple, it will skip the early stage of the championship and directly become a Pokémon in the middle and late stages of the championship.

If Jiang Qing hadn't summoned Mewtwo at that time, he would have died on Kyogre's Orgin Pulse in 1460, and this Orgin Pulse would instantly destroy the entire Haitian City.

At that time, tens of millions of people in Haitian City will naturally die directly.

This person is really ruthless. In order to improve his own strength, he even planned a plan to destroy a city, and he almost succeeded.

Damn it, if it was included in a novel, this guy would be a proper demon cultivator, the kind of person who would sacrifice blood to a city at every turn to practice demon kung fu.

"Jiang Qing, I don't know what you're talking about. What does the incident in Haitian City have to do with me?"

Xu Fu stared at Jiang Qing, he didn't believe that Jiang Qing could recognize him at that time.

At that time, I had covered both my own breath and the waveguide in my body, and even the mask I was wearing could isolate most of the detection skills.

Jiang Qing was only a quasi-Elite at the time, and it was impossible to know that the mysterious person was herself.

This guy probably saw something somewhere, so he intentionally blew himself up.

Xu Fu didn't know where he showed his flaws, and Jiang Qing saw it, but as long as he didn't admit it, Jiang Qing would have nothing to do with him.

"It's still my fault, Jiang Qing, even if it's like this, I can make amends to you, and there's no need to call Jiang Guanjun here."

Jiang Qing hadn't been taken seriously by him yet, and it was Jiang Oreburgh who really made Xu Fu wary. This guy is a champion. .

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