Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

774 Exhibition Game

The Imperial Capital National Stadium is the largest sports venue in the entire Xia Kingdom, and the largest venue can accommodate 500,000 people.

July 2.

An ordinary, and it can be said to be an extraordinary day.

At 3 o'clock this afternoon, an exhibition match between the new champion Jiang Qing and the old champion, the strongest ram army on the surface, will be held at the Imperial City National Stadium.

When it was released and disappeared, the 500,000 on-site tickets were sold out in an instant, and the price was not very expensive. The most expensive infield ticket was only 8,000 yuan.

But now the tickets have been fired to more than 100,000 yuan, and there are still very few people selling them.

After all, compared to watching the exhibition match of the new champion, the 100,000 yuan is really small.

This exhibition game will be broadcast live on the Internet, and it is still open to the world.

Therefore, it is conservatively estimated that there will be nearly five or six billion people watching the commendation match between Meiqing and Ram~Jun.

There are two billion people in the Guangxia Kingdom, and all of them who are fat will watch it.

The time is now 2:30 in the afternoon, the venue is already full of audience, and the live broadcast screen is full of bullet screens flying by.

Lengtouqing: Why didn't Jiang Oreburgh be invited to the exhibition game, and have a grandfather and grandson game, which is even more interesting.

Qing Emperor's Family Bucket: Jiang Guanjun is a well-known spoiled grandson.

Love to eat Charmander: In the exhibition match, Qingdi doesn't know if he can win the Rams championship.

I'm dog licking: Upstairs, you are dreaming, what is an exhibition match, and if it is a real fight, Jiang Qing is definitely not the Rival of the Rams champion.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, looking forward to the beginning of the show.

There are also ten boxes in the venue, and these boxes have the best view in the audience, and they are also the most comfortable, not only have sofas, but also have air conditioners.

In box one, Jiang Qing's parents, grandparents, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, and caretaker are all inside.

Because there were a lot of people, the box that could have accommodated four people seemed a bit too big.

These people are also unwilling to go to other boxes. After all, this kind of joyful thing, of course, is the happiest when staying with family members.

"Brother, sister-in-law, after your child is born, just ask me if you don't understand anything. I have experience in this area. Look at Jiang Qing, and you will know how good my education is."

Jiang Lan's face was full of pride, his own breed was so damn good, he became the champion in the next day.

Originally, Jiang Lan wanted to become the champion ahead of Jiang Qing. After all, he was an old man, so he couldn't be beaten by his son so quickly, and he was already at the peak of a quasi-champion.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qing directly came to a rocket-like promotion, from the middle stage of the quasi-championship to the early stage of the championship.

This time Jiang Lan gave up completely and went directly to Shangping.

There is a champion father on the top, and a champion son on the bottom, so this old man is still working hard, so it is not good to fish.

Sister-in-law Yuwei caressed her stomach lightly. Although her stomach was flat, a new life was already conceived inside.

Listening to Jiang Lan's words, Yu smiled and said, "From now on, the little niece will be taught by you."

With the current technological means, even if the baby has not yet formed, it can know whether it is a boy or a girl.

Here Jiang Feng hurriedly said: "This kid farts, Xiaoqing's achievements today are all due to his own hard work. This guy has not helped Xiaoqing as much as I have given Xiaoqing."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Lan quit, her sons are all champions, so why does she have no credit at all.

"Then tell me what credit you have," Jiang Feng said.


Jiang Lan got stuck in the middle of her sentence, and when she thought about it carefully, she didn't seem to have any credit for it.

Because of Jiang Oreburgh's pampered grandson, all Jiang Qing's early resources were arranged for him by Jiang Oreburgh, and even Metagross evolved from Beldum, which was split from Jiang Oreburgh's Metagross.

"His Aggron is what I found him"

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Lan finally thought of something, then hugged Tian Rou beside her, and said proudly: "Also, without my wife and me, there would be no Jiang Qing. We are the biggest contributors."


Ai Guan waiter looked at Jiang Lan with a smile: I am not a hero.

Jiang Lan shook her body, and hurriedly said: "Of course there is Ai Guan Shi, if it hadn't been for taking care of Jiang Qing since she was a child, Jiang Qing would not have such a good body."

To put it bluntly, it was because of my good genes that I gave birth to such a monster as Jiang Qing.

"My name is really good, this Nizi has surpassed me so quickly." Jiang Lan sighed a little.

Lan Tonglan.

Green out of blue is better than blue, this is the origin of Jiang Qing's name.

Jiang Oreburgh slapped Jiang Lan on the head, and Leer said, "You were born by Lao Tzu, my grandson has achieved what he is today."

...ask for flowers‥

"I account for Khoury, the rest is the result of my good grandson's own efforts, you are nothing when you are an old man, maybe you will have to rely on your son to become a champion in the future."

"It doesn't matter if I become a champion or not, I will just count on this bad guy to take care of me in the future." Jiang Lan waved his hand, he was completely flattened.

Anyway, his quasi-champion peak strength is definitely enough.

And now he still bears the name of Steel Elite.

Originally, he was still thinking about letting Jiang Qing participate in the Elite Challenge in two years, and then giving the title of steel elite to Ai Ai.

As a result, Jiang Qing took one step and became the champion directly.

"You take Khoury, what about me"

Jiang Qing's grandma, Cao Ying, glared at Jiang Oreburgh rather dissatisfied.


Jiang Oreburgh said directly: "What credit do you have? My grandson divorced me not long after he was born. If you remarry me, I will give you the Khoury credit."

Originally, after hearing the first half of the sentence, Cao Ying wanted to slap Jiang Oreburgh directly, but after the second half of the sentence, Cao Ying felt that the bastard said that on purpose.

"Mom, why don't you just remarry Dad, you see Wei Wei is pregnant, I'm usually so busy, you can help take care of my little granddaughter when you come back"

Yu Wei also said on the side: "Yes, Mom, if I really give birth, I probably won't be able to carry it. If I ask someone to help carry it, I always feel uneasy."

Ai Guanshi said that he can take care of him. The cub has grown up, and he has nothing to do at home now, and he has experience. Jiang Qing was brought up by him.

But without saying anything, Tian Rou covered her mouth.

"Jiang Qing is also going to have a baby, you can just take his baby," Tian Rou said in a low voice.

When Ai Guan waiter heard it, his eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, my cubs are so big, it's time to get married and have children, and I still prefer to take care of my cubs.

Cao Ying was moved by Jiang Feng and Yuwei's words.

Because of Jiang Qing's divorce, she didn't take care of her, and she felt guilty all the time, but now she can take care of the eldest son's children by herself.

"Boom boom"

There was a knock on the compartment door.

Then a staff member came in, and he said to Jiang Oreburgh: "Champion Jiang, Huaxiangxiang Elite wants you to go there"

Everyone in the Jiang family: 00Z0.

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