Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

803 Temporary Task Released

"If it's a human, as long as it's discovered in time, the chance of interception is still very high, but this time what we need to intercept is not just the human, but the data of the new culture medium." The dean of the research institute looked troubled. .


Jiang Qing nodded.

If you just intercept a person, the target like a person is relatively large, and if the other party wants to leave a certain place, the means of transportation are nothing more than cars, planes, boats and Pokémon.

But what Jiang Qing and the others really want to intercept now is the information of the new culture medium, not Wu Qing.

After the other party leaves the laboratory, they can hand over the information to other people or Pokémon.

If it is handed over to other people, there is no possibility of being intercepted.

But if it is handed over to Pokémon, the possibility of this is very low.

It is impossible for the military department and air traffic control bureau to stop every Pokémon passing through their jurisdiction.

If it is a super-type Pokémon, then don't even try to stop it. Just a Teleport, you don't even know that the other party has passed.

After learning that Wu Qing was a spy, Xia Guo immediately launched an investigation on him, starting from his interpersonal relationship, hoping to find some clues.

Anyone who knew and had contact with Wu Qing was immediately controlled.

Several high-level officers in the military department were even more angry and only patted the table. After all, Wu Qing was sent by their military to the laboratory to protect 100 old Yang. It turned out that the other party had problems.

But these are secondary for now.

At present, the most important thing is to get back the information in Wu Qing's hand.

Otherwise, if this new type of culture material leaves Xia Country and falls into other countries, it will increase the national power of the other country.

As for which country Wu Qing is a spy, in fact, there are only a few countries with this ability.

Of course, the most suspect must be the Stars and Stripes.

Stars and Stripes: Don't talk nonsense without evidence.

About Xia Guo's blockade of the three channels of going abroad by sea, land and air, resulting in a large number of tourists, businessmen, and foreigners staying in Xia Guo.

And the reason Xia Guo gave was a special event, and he didn't elaborate on what it was at all.

This caused those who wanted to go abroad to be extremely dissatisfied. The Xia people were fine, but many foreigners fell in love with them at the airport.

The explanations that the airport can explain, and the foreigners who cannot explain and want to do it, will be subdued directly on the spot.

The Xia Kingdom's unilateral blockade caused many people in the Xia Kingdom to discuss it.

Naturally, there is no shortage of smart people, (ajea) wondered if a spy took away some important information or someone from the Xia Kingdom, so the Xia Kingdom Mission will urgently block the land, sea and air.

The last time Jiang Qing was kidnapped by the Kimchi Kingdom, Xia Guo did just that, but he still failed to intercept him.

Now it is dozens of times more difficult to intercept a piece of information than it was when Jiang Qing was asked.

What happened in the country of Xia is naturally known to all countries.

All countries know that Xia Guo lost an important experimental data.

Baga Kingdom: Did the godfather do it?

Gaul: Fuck, it must be the Stars and Stripes.

Ah Sanguo: I knew the Stars and Stripes would make big moves.

Ba Tieguo: Brother Xia, this matter is definitely done by the Stars and Stripes.

White Bear Country: Friends, do you want to beat Stars and Stripes together?

As for the Black House of the Stars and Stripes, the president received messages from his allies. These messages either intentionally or unintentionally asked if you did this, or asked if the information could be shared.

Stars and Stripes: I really didn't do this.

Recently, he has been busy making a breakthrough for a trainer who is at the peak of a quasi-championship. All his energy is here, so he has no time to do this.

But now no one will believe me when I say it, the whole fucking thinks I did it.

This is yellow mud falling into the crotch, it is either shit or shit.

In order to prevent Xia Guo from misunderstood him, he really sent someone over, Xing Tiao Guo directly stated that he did not do this matter, and his tone was so righteous.

Whether Xia Guo believed it or not was another matter.

Xia Guo: There is no silver three hundred taels here, you didn't do the damn thing, it must have something to do with you.

On the side of the Research Institute, Jiang Qing had already made a phone call anyway, so she said to Gongyang Nan: "Let's go, go back to eat."

Dean of the Institute of Research: Ah, such a big thing happened, how can I still be in the mood to eat.

Jiang Qing said that he has no choice but to control this matter. Now there is no information about Wu Qing at all. After this guy left the laboratory, he definitely changed his face with Ditto.

And the ghost knows whether he has transferred the data.

If the data is really transferred, it depends on how many times it has been transferred, whether it was transferred by a person, or transferred to Pokémon.

All kinds of factors add up, and the difficulty factor is extremely high if you want to retrieve the data.

It's better to wait for a while to see which country has a new type of culture medium, then there is a high probability that the other party did it, don't worry about it, just go to the top ten and it's over.


Gongyang Nan nodded, Jiang Qing didn't care, and she had no reason or ability to care.

"Pidgey Lipo"

The phone rang.

When Jiang Qing saw that it was his grandfather calling, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hey, because of the tower"

"Jiang Qing, we old fellows discussed this matter with you. All the departments of the Xia Kingdom will cooperate with you. It is best if you can retrieve the information. If you can't, then forget it."

Jiang Qing opened her mouth with a wry smile and wanted to reject this extremely difficult task, but suddenly a ding sounded in her mind.


"Temporary task release: retrieve data"

"Task reward: 50,000 points, an invincible card (ten minutes)"

The voice of the system stopped Jiang Qing's words of refusal.

At this time, Jiang Gangjin's voice came again from the phone: "Don't try to refuse, kid, this task is yours."

"Grandpa, you make me so sad. In your eyes, I am such an irresponsible champion. I will accept this task, and no one will take it from me."

Said Jiang Qing hung up the phone.

Jiang Gangjin looked at the phone in his hand with a weird expression.

"Could it be that I misunderstood this kid - no, this kid is as trouble-free as Oreburgh, and he will never use his brain for things that can be reckless."

And this task absolutely needs to use the brain to have such a little hope to be able to complete it.

Jiang Qing didn't know that he was always a reckless man with his grandfather.

As for why it was handed over to Jiang Qing, the reason is also very simple, the elders feel that the possibility of recovering the information is very small.

And Jiang Qing is a miraculous kid, he became the champion at 22, and such miraculous things happened, so it seems possible that he retrieved the information.

Anyway, it's a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and you can't go wrong if you try it. .

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