Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

814 Jiang Lan On Eye Drops

At the dinner table, the family was having dinner happily, and Jiang Lan was talking to Jiang Qing and Tian Rou about how she caught this Magikarp Overlord.

He fought with him for ninety-nine and eighty-one rounds, and finally pulled him out of the water with all his strength.

Magikarp is the largest number of Pokémon in the world, and there are their shadows in rivers, lakes and seas. On such a huge basis, many large bodies and different colors will naturally be born.

When Jiang Lan fished Magikarp, it was 3.8 meters tall, which is really a godsend.

Jiang Qing also took a look with her probing eyes, and found that Magikarp was still qualified as cyan.

It's a pity that it's useless. So far, scholars haven't figured out the key to Magikarp's evolution to Gyarados, so let alone the cyan aptitude, even the purple aptitude Magikarp, if it doesn't evolve, it can't even beat Catterpie.

The same goes for Feebas.

Speaking of this, Jiang Qing remembered that he had subdued a quasi-champion peak Milotic in the secret realm of Baguo, and he subdued it only because the opponent was beautiful enough.

Right now in the pool in my backyard~.

My mother also likes Milotic very much. After all, many women cannot refuse beautiful things.

"Son, why did you take out that stone again?"

When Jiang Lan came back, he went to the backyard by the way, and happened to see Jiang Qing's Pokémon, knowing that his son had returned, and these Pokémon were all surrounded by a stone.

He also knew about this stone, it was brought back from the Kimchi Kingdom at that time, and it was extremely precious. Afterwards, Zhenqing put it in Jiang Jin's laboratory.

"The Pokémon inside is about to come out"

Jiang Qing snatched the fastest piece of braised pork from Celebi's hand with swift hands.

"It's no wonder you come back, you bastard. It turns out that the Pokémon inside is about to be born. If it doesn't, you won't come back."

"It doesn't matter to me, but you have to come back to see your mother and Ai Guanshi, they miss you very much"

The corners of Jiang Qing's eyes twitched slightly, this bastard is giving himself eye drops.

And he noticed that the way Ai Guanshi and his mother Tianrou looked at him had changed.


Love Guanshi: The cub has grown up and started to stay away from home.

"I'll be at home all this time," Jiang Qing said quickly.

Ai Guanshi's complexion improved a lot.

During this period of time, it is a good time to deal with the affairs of the gymnasium.

Although he is already the champion of the Xia Kingdom, but he is still the owner of the steel-type gymnasium, and the number of people who make an appointment to challenge has not decreased because he became the champion, but more seconds.

Most of the challengers were sent away by Jiang Lan, the temporary owner.

However, during this period of time, several challengers came to the door, and Jiang Qing planned to fight in person, just to give Lucario, Arcanine, Gengar and other Pokémon who were in the late Elite stage to gain some experience.

"By the way, Mr. Li from the Li family will have his 70th birthday the day after tomorrow. You represent me and your grandfather." Jiang Lan took a sip of the tea he brought over in a daze.

Jiang Qing was taken aback: "Li family, which Li family?"

Li is a common surname in Xiaguo, and Jiang Qing alone knows six or seven members of the Li family, so I really don't know which Li family Jiang Lan is talking about.

"Li Chongshan," Jiang Lan said.

"Oh, it's him"

Jiang Qing looked stunned: "Understood, I will go when the time comes"

Chongshan is the owner of the national Fighting Gym. When Jiang Qing completed the system task before, he naturally challenged the Gym he was in.

He told Jiang Qing about it at the time, but Jiang Qing forgot later.

His Lucario and Melmetta were obtained from the Li family, so to a certain extent, Jiang Qing did inherit the favor of the Li family.

Even though the Li family didn't know that the Pokémon egg that could not be hatched was Meltan, they knew that this Pokémon egg was very precious, but they finally gave it to Yangqing.

The Li family did this in order to befriend the Jiang family. Grandpa hadn't even become the champion at that time.

And now Jiang Oreburgh is the champion, and Jiang Qing is also the champion.

The Li family's deal was really worth it, a Pokémon egg they couldn't hatch, in exchange for the kindness of two champions.

It can be described as a model in the investment world.

Is it too late to win?

"Okay, then I'll tell Mr. Li later, don't you forget it, kid"

Jiang Qing said helplessly: "How is it possible, the day after tomorrow, I remember"

He didn't know when he left his father with an unreliable impression.

"However, what should I give as a present?"

Jiang Qing was really inexperienced in this kind of thing.

"I'll prepare this for you." Jiang Lan waved his hand: "At that time, you only need to go to someone. I will send someone to present in advance."

...asking for flowers......

Jiang Qing nodded, watching the charcoal-grilled beef tongue on TV, the sizzling feeling made Jiang Qing a little greedy.

"Love the waiter, dumbfounded, I want to eat beef tongue tomorrow"

Jiang Qing said to the two butlers.


Ai Guan waiter nodded, and he tried his best to satisfy Jiang Qing's food requirements.

But for some unhealthy or smelly things, such as stinky tofu and snail noodles, Jiang Qing would have to grind it for a long time before it would agree.

"Then we might as well have a barbecue party in the backyard tomorrow night," Jiang Lan suggested.

"Agreed" Jiang Qing immediately agreed.

Celebi immediately reached out to agree.


Tian Rou nodded: "I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time."

Jiang Qing said that he had just eaten some time ago, but he never gets tired of eating barbecue.

Although eating too much barbecue is not good for your health, but everyone in the family wants to eat it, and the caring waiter can only reluctantly agree.


Aiguan waiter: We will choose the ingredients tomorrow morning, and we will check them ourselves.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: Yes, buy a sheep and make a whole roasted sheep

The two chefs began to discuss the barbecue menu for tomorrow night, and they also drew up a few Pokémon to help carry the dishes.

Two Lucarios are the first choice.

Jiang Lan's and Jiang Qing's.

The little follower, Magearna, is debating whether to go shopping at the vegetable market tomorrow with Master Dudai and sister Aiguanwai.

It is rare for two big brothers to travel together, which is a good learning opportunity.

But thinking of so many people in the vegetable market, Magearna panicked.


Ai Guanshi: It's okay, sister, I will protect you.

Ai Guan patted Magearna on the shoulder, saying don't panic, just follow them tomorrow.

"Daidai, I want to eat raw fried stuffed meat for breakfast tomorrow"

"Love, waiter, where did you put my bag?"


Ai Guanshi: I think it's a little dirty, so I washed it for you, and put all the things in it in the house for you.

You can't stuff socks in your bag in the future, it's so unhygienic.


The good boy Jiang Qing nodded. .

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