Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

818 Trampled To Death

Machamp, who was at the peak of the quasi-champion, was instantly controlled by Metagross' Psychic, even though it was powerful enough to overturn a mountain.

But at this moment, the huge sense of restraint on his body made Machamp feel desperate from the bottom of his heart. This kind of despair, even his own Teacher Martial Arts Bear Master, was not so strong.

Wang Kui couldn't believe everything in front of him. He wandered between life and death for thirty years, insisting that his only belief was to find Li Chongshan to retaliate.

As a result, he went through thousands of relatives and hardships. After he came out, he wanted to kill his enemy Li Chongshan, but was stopped by a junior.

The key point is that this junior is still a champion.

Champions, how desirable, but also how desperate.

As if falling into an endless abyss, Normal could only watch himself keep falling, but he couldn't stop it all. The string in Wang Kui's heart broke with a snort.

"Impossible, Absolutely Impossible"

With disheveled hair, he looked like a madman, striding forward, like a normal brown bear, and rushed towards Jiang Qing, as if he wanted to fight hand-to-hand with Jiang Qing.

Lucario behind Jiang Qing was about to stop him, but was stopped by Jiang.

This scene made Wang Kui's desperate heart suddenly arouse hope. If he can catch Jiang Qing, he can definitely change the current situation.

Most Fighting trainers, the 050 itself has a certain degree of skill.

And he, Wang Kui, is a master of Bajiquan. A superb Bajiquan can be used for a few rounds with elite fighting Pokémon.

After a few seconds.

Wang Kui, whose head was stepped on by Jiang Qing, said in disbelief: "How is that possible?"

Becoming a champion at such a young age may be due to his ambitious opportunity or the Jiang family's unimaginable resources.

But at such a young age, why is his force value so perverted?

His hands and feet were interrupted for a few seconds, and his Bajiquan all over his body didn't have any effect.

"You are too weak"

Jiang Qing pretended to say something, then exerted a little force on his feet, and with a click, Wang Kui's head was crushed by Jiang Qing.

The dignified quasi-champion, Trainer, died just like that, and the way of death was so miserable that not even a whole body was left behind.

And his Machamp has been broken by Metagross.

At the pinnacle of the quasi-championship, against Normal's champion-level Pokémon, you won't be instantly killed. You can definitely Struggle Struggle, but it's a pity that you meet Metagross.

Wang Kui died.

Come very fast, die very quickly.

As for the grievances between him and Li Chongshan, if you really want to say right or wrong, then Li Chongshan must be wrong.

After all, Li Chongshan killed people to seize treasures and betrayed friendship.

But Jiang Qing helped Li Chongshan kill Wang Kui who was on the right side.

what reason?

Of course, it is to help relatives and not to help.

Li Chongshan has helped him, and the Li family has actually become a subsidiary family of the Jiang family. From these two points of view, of course Jiang Qing will help the Li family.

As for Wang Kui, who is this.

Even if his Retaliate behavior is not wrong, the object of his Retaliate is wrong.

What kind of assistant does not help relatives? In Meiqing's eyes, this is bullshit.

If you don't help your close relatives, then what are you doing with your strength? Jiang Qing will never be kidnapped by the so-called morality.


Gengar burped, the soul of a quasi-champion peak is a great tonic for it, after eating it, it is estimated that it can be promoted to two main levels in a few days.

Floating in front of his own Trainer, Gengar stuck out his tongue to express his gratitude, but this time, Jiang Qing nimbly avoided it.

"Hehe, the same move cannot be used N times for a saint fighter"

Gengar: See what you can do.

I will lick again.

Jiang Qing: "Damn"

He was still licked, because this time Gengar stuck out his tongue faster than Jiang Qing's reaction speed.

Before Jiang Qing didn't resist, Gengar just stuck out his tongue slowly, but this time Jiang Qing resisted and even mocked it.

Gengar took it a little seriously.

The guests looked at Jiang Qing, Wang Kui who had just aggressively killed the peak quasi-champion, but was licked by his own Pokémon and became paralyzed in a blink of an eye.

Is this change (bhca) a bit too big.

Especially Li Chongshan, who was about to get someone to give Jiang Qing the medicine to relieve the paralysis, but Jiang Qing, who was paralyzed Contest Condition tremblingly, took out the cherry fruit from his pocket and ate it, and relieved the paralysis himself.

Then he watched as Jiang Qing stomped Gengar into his shadow.

Looking around as if nothing had happened, Jiang Qing said lightly: "The farce is over, everyone continue to eat"

The corpse of Wang Kui was dragged into the body by Gengar, but there was still a puddle of blood on the ground.

"Jiang Guanjun said so, everyone continue to eat, the waiter will clean up here." Li Chongshan is also someone who has seen big storms.

Although today's matter is big, it has been resolved.

Li Chongshan picked up a glass of wine and said, "Jiang Guanjun, this time is thanks to you. If there is any wealth in the future, our Li family will definitely go all out."

Li Gan here is also holding a wine glass.

"Mr. Li is being polite, this is what should be done"

Jiang Qing smiled and took a sip of the wine.

Li Chongshan and Li Gan drank it all in one gulp.

"Here are a few Poké Balls on Wang Kui, and I'll give them to Mr. Li."

Jiang Qing took out Wang Kui's Poké Ball, there were only three of them.

Counting the dead Machamp, that means Wang Kui only has four Pokémon.

The strength of these three Pokémon is also very good, and they are all in the early stage of the quasi-champion.

Jiang Qing doesn't like it, but for the Li family, this is a very important resource.

Of course Wang Kui's Pokémon would not listen to them, but these Pokémon themselves are very good and can be used as reproductive machines.

With Li Chongshan's strength, it is still possible to suppress these three quasi-champion Pokémon in the early stage.

"Okay." Li Chongshan nodded and accepted the present.

Of course, he will not be able to monopolize the descendants of these three Pokémon in the future. He must give the best descendants to the Jiang family, unless the Jiang family does not want them.

Jiang Qing killed a quasi-champion peak, this matter was soon known by the elders, and the first elder could only shake his head.

Every quasi-champion peak has the potential to become the next champion.

Therefore, in any country, it is absolutely forbidden for quasi-champion peak trainers to fight each other, unless there is a blood feud that is difficult to resolve.

Jiang Qing killed a pinnacle quasi-champion, and to some extent was weakening Xia Guo's own strength.

But the Great Elder couldn't say anything. Although Wang Kui was responsible for this matter, it was a pity that he was unlucky to meet Jiang Qing.

A 22-year-old champion, and a dead quasi-champion peak, which is more important, because of course the elders know very well.

However, he still asked Jiang Gangjin to tell Jiang Qing that in the future, Xia Guo's quasi-champion peak Trainer, as long as it is not unreasonable, don't kill him if you can.

Jiang Gangjin directly refused.

Jiang Gangjin: The qilinzi who offended our Jiang family "is committing an unreasonable thing.

Great Elder: -.

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