Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

849 Jirachi Wants Your Life


Seeing that Slaking was knocked into the air by Metagross' Meteor Mash, Du Cheng was extremely surprised, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation. Looking at Jiang Qing, the previous contempt finally disappeared.

How strong his Slaking is, he knows it well.

Even though Jiang Qing's Metagross is rumored to be very strong in the outside world, in Du Cheng's view, no matter how strong Jiang Qing's Metagross is, he is definitely not as motivated as he is to ask for leave.

The Slaking with the hot-blooded seed, the side effect of laziness temporarily disappears, and the strength that erupts is definitely far beyond its current level.

But now he was punched away by Metagross, and he was still using the strength that Slaking is best at, which really made Du Cheng- a little unacceptable.

Falling from the protective cover, the strong Slaking didn't suffer much injuries. Even though it was not as powerful as Metagross, it still blocked the opponent's Meteor Mash at least.

Slaking's body stood upright, his thick thighs kicked fiercely, and a big hole appeared in the ground, and his body leaped violently, leaping nearly a thousand meters, and landed heavily more than two hundred meters away from Metagross.

The aura on his body was extremely violent, as Bulldoze hit the ground with his left foot, a piece of Rock protruded from the ground, Slaking picked up the Rock and threw it towards Metagross.

In just over two hundred meters, the thrown Rock rubbed against the air violently, and was actually covered in a layer of flames, turning directly into a Meteorite.

Metagross smashed the attacking Meteorite with one punch, and with the flying of gravel, Slaking's huge body had already arrived in front of Metagross.

Using the cover of Meteorite, this guy approached Metagross in an instant.

The left fist exploded with extremely hot flames, and hit Metagross's face viciously, Metagross sneered, this trick has been detected by him long ago.

Because Fire Punch is already very close to it at this moment, if it uses Physical Move to counterattack, it will be too late.



The powerful Psychic erupted from his body, and the surrounding space suddenly became extremely heavy. Slaking felt that every time his Fire Punch advanced, its strength would be weakened by two or three levels.

When Fire Punch was less than a finger away from Metagross, its fist stopped and the flames on it disappeared.

The sense of restraint from his body made Slaking feel like he was carrying a thousand-meter mountain on his back, and his body could still move, but it was very limited.

Metagross was a little surprised to see Slaking, who could barely move his arm, one of the very few Pokémon that could still move under his own Psychic.

"Metagross Arm Hammer"

Jiang Qing's voice came.

In the next second, Metagross' powerful arm slammed into Slaking's body with a mighty momentum. Under the burst of power, the opponent's body directly smashed into the ground.

The ground seemed to be buried with explosives Normal, and it exploded inch by inch, and countless cracks filled Zhengdu's manor in an instant.

once, twice, down,

"Boom boom boom"

The arm hammer kept hitting, and every time it hit, the whole ground would shake, and countless rocks flew up in the vibration, and then turned into smaller rocks, and the smaller rocks turned into powder in the vibration.

Metagross has four arms, so the arm hammer can be hit four times, and each one is heavier than the other.

And when Metagross slammed down the fourth time, a pair of thick arms suddenly rose up in the ground and pressed against Metagross' arm.

Immediately afterwards, a huge repulsion erupted from Slaking.

It's Counter.

This guy has withstood the Metagross three lower arm hammer, and it is the kind of increasing power. In this case, he can still use the Counter.

Counter directly multiplied the power of Metagross's three lower arm hammers and returned it to itself.

Under the huge shock wave formed by the repulsive force, Metagross' body disappeared directly in place.


There was a huge tackle sound, and cracks appeared in the entire protective cover, but fortunately, the protective cover was not broken.


Slaking, covered in blood, slapped his chest with both hands, and suffered the Metagross triple lower arm hammer, and his ribs were broken several times.

But it's not over yet.

Ultimate Shock!!

The effect of the hot-blooded seed can only last for ten minutes, after ten minutes, the lazy ability will return, and it will take another ten days.

And now four minutes had passed since the battle, it had to deal with Metagross in the remaining six minutes, and then kill the human.

Only in this way can I and Trainer leave alive.

"Jiang Qing, do you want to repair the protective cover?" Jirachi asked.

"If it is repaired, how long will it take to spend?"

"ten years"

0 looking for flowers……………

The corner of Jiang Qing's mouth twitched, then nodded.

20+10, it's better now, and I directly lost 30 years of life.

"There is an opening above the Jirachi protective cover, which can slow down the impact of the aftermath," Jiang Qing said.

At that time, the aftermath and air waves formed by the battle can be vented directly towards Soaring in the sky through the opening above the protective cover.

Anyway, there is no one in the sky, so it can also reduce the pressure on the protective cover.

If the protective cover is cracking, Jiang Qing will have to spend his life to repair it. If he repairs it a few times, although he can't die, but his life is not so useless.

"one year"

Jiang Qing took a deep breath and tried not to throw Jirachi out of her arms.


Damn, even Jiang Qing regretted for a moment that she didn't directly make a wish for a 2,000-year lifespan.



lifespan -1

Jiang Qing seemed to hear this voice.

You need money to buy everything outside, but let Jirachi do something, it doesn't want your money, it wants your life.

This level of god really can't command.

And Jiang Qing has not let Jirachi directly participate in the battle. If he participates in the battle, it is estimated that one second will deduct one year or even several years of your life.

This is still just the bottom of the first-level gods like Jirachi.

If you were replaced by a top level god like Rayquaza, it would cost you a hundred years of life in just a few minutes

"What else is Jiang Qing doing?"

Jirachi looked up at Jiang Qing, with a little excitement on his face, because he felt that he was able to help Jiang Qing was very happy, and seemed to have forgotten what the side effects were.

Jiang Qing: This is wishing that I die quickly, I inherit the limited skin in my Pokémon Glory.

"Need not"

Shaking his head firmly.

Suddenly Jiang Qing was taken aback, and said that he had deducted thirty-one years of life, so his age can be said to be in his fifties.

I'll go and call my dad directly as brother and brother.

If he deducted a few more years, would his father call him a brother?

Jiang Qing made up the picture, um - very happy.

Fortunately, you will not grow old after deducting your lifespan. If your lifespan is really deducted, then you will die in place, not the kind of old age.

This can be dead decent. .

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