Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

854 Groudon Arrives

"Yah dong"

Dazed: "I'll be back tonight"

After 8 o'clock in the morning, Daidai was ready to go out. Today it will give a class to the Xiangjiang Chefs Association, but it prepared a lot of things last night.


Jiang Qing, Celebi, and Jirachi all nodded.

After watching Daidai leave, Jiang Qing immediately closed the door, then opened the door again, poked his head out, and made sure that Daidai did not return to his carbine.

Immediately, he slapped Yawn heavily and said, "Go away blankly, I'm going back to catch up on sleep."

Celebi nodded listlessly: "I'm going to sleep too"

Jirachi raised his little hand: "~add me"

Last night, there were three rows of Pokémon Glory, the three of them played until four o'clock in the morning, and then they were forced to wake up for breakfast at eight o'clock.

Now I'm leaving in a daze, so I don't have to go to bed to catch up on sleep.

Jiang Qing and Celebi threw their heads on the bed, and the next second came the sound of gentle breathing.

Jirachi was also about to fall asleep, when suddenly his whole body trembled, and the sleepy look disappeared in an instant

Immediately flew to Jiang Qing and shouted: "Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing, Groudon is here, it is here"

Within its range of perception, it has already sensed that Groudon is coming towards Xiangjiang. Obviously, although the Red Orb has been closed, Groudon is still coming.

Shaking Jiang Qing, but this guy slept so deadly that he had no intention of waking up at all.

"Jiang Qing, Duda is back," Jirachi shouted out of inspiration.



Jiang Qing suddenly jumped up from the bed, not only him, but also Celebi who was sleeping soundly sat up in fright.

"Daddy, why are you-daddy"

When Jiang Qing opened his mouth, he didn't notice Daidai. Could it be that he had an auditory hallucination just now, as if he heard someone say that Daidai had returned.

"Jiang Qing, Groudon is here," Jirachi said eagerly.

The three words Groudon made Jiang Qing tremble instantly.

Jirachi's perception range is one thousand kilometers, which means that Groudon is already within a thousand kilometers.

"Damn is still here"

Jiang Qing cursed secretly in her heart, she was really afraid of something.

"Jiang Qing's speed has accelerated, and it will arrive in Xiangjiang in less than an hour."

In Jirachi's perception, Groudon, who was originally slow, suddenly accelerated.

"Where is the specific direction?" Jiang Qing asked hastily.

"East Side"


Jumping off the bed, Jiang Qing made a phone call to Dongbo.

Groudon is here, as planned"

"Okay, Mr. President"

From this moment on, the people of the entire Xiangjiang began to evacuate urgently, and the piercing siren sounded throughout the whole Soaring in the sky.

The people in Xiangjiang didn't know why they had to evacuate suddenly.

However, most people still obey the government's arrangements, and a small number of troublemakers are directly suppressed.

In Xiangjiang Sky, a fiery red figure flew towards the east quickly.

Jiang Qing was sitting on the back of Moltres, holding the Red Orb in her hand, the orb was flickering slightly at the moment, this was not activated, but the orb sensed Groudon.

"Groudon stopped" Jirachi said in Jiang Qing's arms.

Then he asked puzzledly, "Why did it stop? Is it going to go back?"

Jiang Qing shook her head: "It's waiting for me"

That's fine, if Groudon doesn't move forward, then the front line can be stretched far enough, and even if a battle does break out at that time, the damage to Xiangjiang will be minimized in the aftermath.

On the sea surface 900 kilometers away from the Xiangjiang River, the sea surface bursts with water vapor, and then the sea surface began to boil "Taihuang's bubbles burst out.

In the next second, a stream of red magma erupted from the bottom of the sea, and the magma cooled and turned into a piece of hard land on the sea surface.


A red behemoth is standing quietly on the ground it made temporarily at this moment, hot magma slowly lowers from its body, and its extremely domineering golden pupils are directed towards the direction of Xiangjiang.

Groudon showed up.

With its appearance, the satellites of various countries in space immediately captured a huge wave of energy and magnetic field fluctuations.

The violent energy and magnetic field fluctuations made the instrument continuously emit piercing alarm sounds.

Inspectors from various countries saw the figure standing in the middle of the ocean from the pictures taken by satellites.

Level 1 God Groudon!!

Gaul: Hurry up and inform the President that Groudon has appeared.

The Stars and Stripes: How did Groudon appear in the East.

White Bear Country: Guoyou won't do anything to anger Groudon.

Although it is not clear whether Groudon's target is the Xia Kingdom, but it is now in the waters of the Xia Kingdom, and the place he is looking at is the Xiangjiang River of the Xia Kingdom.

Reminiscent of the evacuation of people in Xiangjiang at the moment.

0…ask for flowers…………

There is a high probability that Groudon is here to find trouble for the country.

The place where a first-level god appeared last time was also Xia Guo, and this time it is Xia Guo.

Western countries are a little gloating. Your Xia Kingdom is indeed powerful, but it is your fault that you keep provoking first-level gods.

At this time, on the side of the Xia Guo Presbyterian Council, in addition to the six elders, six of Xia Guo's seven champions also came, representing power and strength.

In the meeting room, Groudon's figure is projected on it.

"The Red Orb still brought Groudon here." The elder sighed heavily.

Everyone here knows why the sleeping Groudon suddenly appeared in the Xiaguo sea.

"Where is Jiang Qing now?" Fifth Elder asked.

"He told me that if Groudon really came, he would have a way to deal with it. He probably has to go there now. Judging by Groudon's appearance, he seems to be waiting for someone"

Sixth Elder Jiang Gangjin explained.

"What way is it, the Mewtwo in Haitian City?" The third elder asked eagerly.

Kyogre landed in Haitian City and was repelled by Mewtwo, and this new first-level god has a lot to do with Jiang Wei.

"should be"

"No, you can't put all your hopes on Jiang Qing. Someone needs to go over to the Altar of Heaven. Which one of you will go?"

The Great Elder stood up and set his eyes on the six champions in front of him.

If Jiang Qing could not repel Groudon, then Groudon would definitely enter Xiangjiang, causing huge casualties to Xiangjiang and even the entire Xia Kingdom.

So there must be a backhand, and this backhand is to use the altar of the sky to summon Rayquaza.

But to summon Rayquaza through the Altar of Heaven, the strength must reach the champion, and the price of summoning Rayquaza is lifespan.

In other words, once Rayquaza is summoned, the chance of death of the summoned person will be very high.

"I go" X6

The six champions said together.

No one hesitated, and no one was afraid.

They are the champions of the Xia Kingdom and enjoy huge rights and top-level resources. If the Xia Kingdom is in trouble, they will naturally be promoted.

"You guys, don't compete with me. I believe that my good grandson can solve it. Besides, in terms of life expectancy, I have eaten the Tai Sui given by my good grandson, which is longer than you."

The people present felt that when Jiang Oreburgh said this, he did not have the feeling of being heroic and righteous, but was showing off his grandson's righteousness to them. .

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