906 closing game

The competition has ended, but the audience did not leave because there was still a closing match.

The two protagonists of the closing match are not the contestants this time, but Jiang Qing from the Xia Kingdom and Williams from the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

A 22-year-old champion and a 35-year-old champion are the two youngest champions.

The closing act was performed by the two champions.

[Championship battle, just think about it and get excited]

[It’s just an exhibition match, don’t take it seriously, I’m sure they won’t even send out champion-level Pokémon.

[In a championship-level battle, the field protective cover cannot withstand it for long]

[It’s already good if the two of them can field a quasi-champion]

【This Williams is not as handsome as I am】

【Really Normal】

【My husband is number one in the world】

As some have said, this is an exhibition match, and Love and Williams simply won't be fielding championship-level Pokémon.

After all, no matter how much champion-level Pokémon suppress their strength, this protective shield probably won't be able to withstand a few blows.

The conference staff had already been angry with Jiang Qing beforehand and asked him to send out late-stage or peak Elite Pokémon. The same was true for Williams.

As for why the quasi-champion was not sent. 31 Now who doesn’t know that Jiang Qing was a champion when he was a quasi-champion?

Jiang Qing's main Pokémon are already quasi-champions. For Elite-level Pokémon, they can only find those from the second team.

The Poké Ball on his waist was shaking, and a Pokémon had already taken the initiative. Seeing this, Jiang Qing threw the Poké Ball out without hesitation.

With a flash of white light, the ferocious yet handsome Garchomp appeared on the field.

He gracefully took the Poké Ball that bounced back.

Pokémon: Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)

Grade: 77

Qualification: blue

Ability: Rough Skin

Props: Dragon Tooth

Gender: male

Moves: Sand Tomb, Tackle, Dragon Breath, Bulldoze, Bite, Slash, Dragon Claw

Skill Disc: Take Down, Scary Face, Protection, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Dragon Tail, Sandstorm, Dig, Shadow Claw, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake

Genetic Abilities: Dragon Stars, Twister, Dig, Claw

Note: With the use of diamond cores, the power of Rock and Ground moves increases by 10%.

Note: Using dragon scale fruit, the defense power will be doubled.

[Garchomp is my favorite Pokémon, Jiang Champion. This Garchomp has only appeared so few times]

[For Champion Ginger, Garchomp is too weak]

[Why is it not a steel type? Champion Jiang is not a steel type Trainer?

[You fake fan, you don’t know that Champion Jiang’s second attribute is a dragon]

【My husband's dragon is number one in the world】

Jiang Qing's Rival Williams comes from a wealthy family in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. To become the champion at such a young age is because the Stars and Stripes Kingdom used a certain amount of national heritage.

Of course, this does not affect his foundation. Stars and Stripes will not create a champion with an unstable foundation because of its eagerness for success.

The opponent is a fire-type trainer. I don’t know if it’s because Jiang Qing is a steel-type trainer, so the Stars and Stripes Kingdom got a fire-type trainer.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is a coincidence.

After all, Fire-type Trainers are the third most popular Trainer besides Bug Type and Grass-type Trainers, and the fourth is Water-type Trainer.

However, with the rise of Jiang Qing with the steel type, the number of steel type Trainers has now increased.

After Williams nodded to Jiang Qing, he sent out his Pokémon Ten Song Level 79 male Pyroar.

Feeling that Williams had no hostility towards him, Jiang Qing also nodded slightly.

Putting aside the relationship between countries, I think most trainers have a very high degree of recognition for Jiang Qing, the young champion.

In terms of record, it would be difficult for them to surpass Jiang Qing's record.

The quasi-Elite defeated the Elite, the quasi-champion defeated the champion, and commanded the first-level god Kyogre to defeat the first-level god Groudon. There must be people who can do the first one, but the second one is difficult. As for the third one, just take a look. up.

Pyroar will have some differences in appearance due to different genders. Williams' Pyroar is female. The female Pyroar has no mane on its neck and looks smaller overall than the male Pyroar.


Garchomp was extremely excited. It had not fought for a while, and a strong fighting spirit emanated from it, and it surged towards Pyroar.

Pyroar looked at the other party without showing any signs of weakness, and was not affected by his aura.

In the Pyroar group, the female Pyroar plays the role of hunting, while the male protects the group from strong external enemies.

So in terms of combat ability alone, the female Pyroar is actually better, but the male is stronger in terms of explosive power.

Although it was just an exhibition match, Garchomp had a high fighting spirit, and Jiang Qing didn't want to spoil the game by telling it to take it easy. She looked at the opponent's Pyroar, hoping that this Pokémon would be strong enough and not be suppressed by Garchomp too quickly.

"Pyroar Flamethrower"

The classic Flamethrower opening, this is what many fire trainers say the most at the beginning.

Long-range attacks can not only increase the distance between you and the opponent, but also test the opponent's strength and learn something from it.

Facing the incoming flames, the scorching heat caused the moisture in the air to disappear instantly, and Garchomp made no move to dodge.

"Slash" Jiang Qing said lightly.


With his left hand like a knife, Normal swung his fin forward forcefully, and a milky white crescent-shaped air blade formed to meet the Flamethrower.

There was no stalemate in the moves between the two sides. At the moment of collision 027, Flamethrower was cut in half by the air blade formed by Slash.

However, the power of the air blade at the back was much weakened, and Pyroar easily dodged it.

Garchomp kicked off his feet and charged in the direction of Pyroar.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Pyroar, raising his claws full of dragon energy.

Dragon Claw!

Pyroar looked extremely calm, and with its slender figure, as its body continued to twist and move, it even managed to dodge Garchomp's consecutive Dragon Claw attacks.

"Pyroar Take Down"

After grabbing Garchomp, Pyroar hit Garchomp hard in the abdomen, expecting to be able to knock him away.

But Garchomp only took a few steps back and found that he couldn't figure it out.

The Garchomp that has taken the Dragon Scale Fruit has very strong defense. If the one using Take Down is a large-tonnage Pokémon like Snorlax or Aggron, it may be able to knock it away.

And Pyroar obviously won't work.

Williams realized something was wrong and immediately said: "Hyper Voice"

He tried to use sound attacks to damage Garchomp, but his movements were still a bit slow. Before he could open his mouth, Garchomp's Dragon Claw was already pressed on its head.


There was a loud noise, and Pyroar's body suddenly retreated dozens of meters.

After stabilizing his body, Pyroar shook his head. Although Garchomp was strong, it was not capable of killing it instantly.

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