"Come on, call me brother"

Jiang Qing hugged Jiang Ai, basked in the sun, and tried to teach Jiang Ai to talk.

Jiang Ai is now four months old. She is white and tender and looks very cute.

"Call me brother, brother, follow me"


Jiang Ai opened her eyes wide and stretched out her little hand with a smile.

"Xiaoqing, it's still early for you to start talking. Normal children don't talk until they are 12 to 18 months old," said the fish beside him with a smile.

Jiang Qing came over to see Jiang Ai every now and then, and naturally became quite familiar with this aunt.

"Those are other children. Our Ai'ai is not a normal child," Jiang Qing said matter-of-factly.

Jiang Ai has Mew's blessing, which not only makes her body healthier, but also makes her development faster.

"Where's the uncle?"

Jiang Qing didn't see Jiang Feng when she came, and she doesn't see him now.

"He has gone to the company. He has not been there for a while because of Ai'ai's birth. Although most of them are left to his subordinates, there are still many things that need to be handled by him personally," Yu Weizhi said.

She was not angry that Jiang Feng did not continue to accompany her mother and daughter. Jiang Feng had done a good enough job. The group dealt with so many things every day, so he could still accompany her during this time.

The Jiang Group is a company 100% controlled by the Jiang family, and Jiang Feng is the sole chairman, and the entire group is run under his management.

Unlike other groups where several families or more than a dozen families have shares, the company implements a rotation-heavy system.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Feng's daily workload is no less than that of the Xia Kingdom Presbyterian Church.

There are still six elders in the Renmin Presbyterian Association, but Jiang Feng only has one person. Fortunately, he doesn't have to do everything himself.

"Give Jiang Qing this to her, it will make her grow faster."

Celebi took out a fried chicken drumstick with a little bit of regret on her face. This was the last fried drumstick.

"I'll give this to her too"

Jirachi was holding a bottle of Kola, and it was still ice cold.

It's already November now, and this kid is somewhat short-sighted.

"Let's play, you two should stay away from my sister, especially you Celebi"

Jiang Qing took the fried chicken legs and ice cream, ate them himself, and warned the two little ones.

He didn't want his sister to be influenced by these two guys and think that fried chicken drumsticks and Kuole were the most beautiful foods in the world.

After saying that, each of them was left with a brain.

"Jingle Bell"

At this time the alarm clock rang.

It's feeding time.

After Jiang Qing handed Jiang Ai to Yu Wei, she took Celebi and Ji La away.

As a result, Celebi still refused to leave.

Celebi: "I want to see how humans feed children"

I am genderless, and I don’t have the brain to have that kind of concept, but I certainly can’t show it to you.

He directly dragged Celebi away, while holding the equally curious Jirachi in his arms.

There is no need for such curiosity.

"Master, are you dining here today?"

Just after returning to the house, Jiang Feng's housekeeper came to Jiang Qing without a trace. If Jiang Qing hadn't had a strong heart, he would have almost screamed out in fright.

"Don't eat"

Jiang Qing shook his head. As a well-behaved boy, he had promised to take care of the waiter. As long as he was in Lancang City, he would eat the main meal at home unless there were special circumstances.

Lesotho enjoys every visit to Jiang Qing's daily life, which makes him feel that Jiang Qing is just like he was when he was in school more than ten years ago.

It takes him to and from school every day and takes care of his food and daily life.

The butler nodded.

Jiang Qing saw that it was almost time, so he was ready to go back to his home. Waiting for it, the caretaker would call to urge him to go home.

"Po-poly wave"

The phone rang, and it was Dong Bo who was calling. Jiang Qing couldn't help but feel bitter, but she still answered the call. Before the other party could speak, Jiang Qing took the lead and said: Give the documents you can't handle to Grandpa, he can. processed"

"Mr. Chief, I didn't ask you to come back to process the documents, and I know you won't come back."

Listening to Dong Bo's straightforward words, Jiang Qing felt slightly embarrassed.

"Mr. President, we have some clues about Masaji's incident."

It refers to the fact that Jiang Qing asked people to collect ancient slates. As a result, not only Dongbo was secretly equipped with a micro camera, but also a strange-colored Kecleon was found in the warehouse where the ancient slates were placed.

It's been almost a month and a half.

"Oh, let me guess, it was a domestic family that did it."


Dong Bo - a little surprised.

……Please give me flowers…………

"How did the president guess it?" Dong Bo asked puzzledly.

If she didn't know the truth, she would be more convinced that it was foreign forces that did it, rather than domestic forces.

After all, Jiang Qing's prestige in the country is too great, and not long after the Baga Kingdom incident ended, someone in the country dared to take advantage of Jiang Qing.

"Because foreign forces don't dare. They know that if I find out, their whole country will be unlucky. Black and white Opelucid will teach them how to behave."

"And it's not like you don't know about the internal strife in our country. Since ancient times, whether in prosperous times or troubled times, it has always been internal strife."

"Tell me, which family it is?"


"Lou's family?"

Jiang Qing thought about all the Trainer families she knew, but was surprised that there was no Lou family.


"The Lou family is a family of scholars. The previous generation of the Lou family, Lou Hong, was an Arceus winner. The current head of the Lou family, Lou Ming, is currently the president of the Trainer Research Society and the dean of the Shuimu University Research School."

"A family of scholars?"

Jiang Qing's voice became louder, and his expression was a little surprised.

He did not expect that it was not the Trainer family who did such a thing. At that time, he thought that it was the Trainer family who did it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a family of scholars.

Among the aristocratic families from all over the world, including the Xia Kingdom’s aristocratic families, the Trainer family is definitely the largest one.

Then there are the Breeding Family, the Pokémon Medicine Family, and the Pokémon Scholar Family, which are very few in number compared to other families.

The Pokémon Scholar Family, as you can tell from its name, is a family that specializes in studying Pokémon. Their knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation [and their understanding of Pokémon is far greater than that of Pokémon Scholars who were not born into Pokémon Scholar families.

Because of this, the Pokémon Scholar family knows enough about Pokémon that they are also extremely good at Breeder Pokémon.

"The Lou family has been researching Kecleon for decades, and that strange-colored Kecleon should be the result of their research."

"You mean, thick-colored Kecleon is man-made?" Jiang Qing's eyes flashed a little.

"The results of our people's secret investigation are as follows"

"It's really an amazing research result, but it's a pity that it's not used in the right place."

It's a pity that Jiang Qing can artificially create strange-colored Kecleon. In this regard, the Lou family is definitely a very, very good family member.

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