Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

947 Excadrill: Boss, Spare Your Life

Metagross left, and Jiang Qing released all the Pokémon.

"Daidu, rest here today"

The area of ​​the top-level secret realm is very large. It will take at least two or three days for Metagross to scan the entire top-level secret realm and find the door to the secret realm.

So Jiang Qing has been waiting for Metagross for the past few days.

"Kartana comes out clearing a clearing"

Kartana waved his arms and cut down all the trees within a radius of 500 in a few strokes. These trees were then collected and could be used as firewood.

Jiang Qing doubted whether these metalized trees could be burned.

"Kacha kacha"

Look at Aggron and the aluminum steel dragon holding the tree, cutting it in half in one bite, it looks like a person eating French fries.

The sound sounded quite crisp.

Then Banjilas also joined in, but this guy didn't want to eat it after one bite. It probably didn't suit his taste.

After all, it prefers rock to metal.

Jiang Qing carefully looked at Pokémon such as Arcanine and Dragonite that did not have Steel type. This secret realm was rich in steel type energy. It is not that non-steel type Pokémon cannot survive, but it will more or less have a certain impact on steel type Pokémon.

For example, leveling up is not as fast as for Steel-type Pokémon.


Arcanine: Master, I don't like it here.

Sure enough, the strong steel energy made Arcanine feel a little uncomfortable.

The higher the level of Pokémon, the clearer it can sense the energy around it. If you switch to an elite level Arcanine, it won't feel this way.

"Then you go back to the Poké Ball"

Jiang Qing took out the Poké Ball.

"never mind"

Arcanine shook her head hastily.

Then it still likes to stay outside.

Although it is a little uncomfortable, it is completely bearable. The uncomfortable feeling is just like the increase in humidity on a heavy rainy day. People will feel that the environment is a bit humid. It is almost like this.

As long as you don't care, it won't have any impact.


Moltres on the side curled his lips.

"Silly bird, shut up

Arcanine bared his teeth and looked at Moltres unkindly. Even though the opponent was a champion, Arcanine didn't panic at all because Moltres didn't dare to kill him.

Moltres: If you weren't a partner, I'd have roasted you long ago.

"Are you qualified to shut me up, silly dog?"

"silly bird"

"silly dog"

Seeing a bird and a dog quarreling again, Jiang Qing was not surprised. They didn't quarrel for a day, but it made him strange.

"You should be quiet"

Steelix lay down directly in front of him after taking the photo. In terms of lying flat, Steelix is ​​definitely a model.

Steelix, who had just finished clapping his hands and had his head lying on the ground, suddenly stood up.

Steelix: "There's something down there"

The next second, other Pokémon also sensed something and looked around.

Immediately afterwards, the ground around Jiang Qing and the others began to shake slightly, and earth bags appeared one after another, and then one Excadrill emerged from the ground.

Tens, dozens, hundreds.

More than a minute later, an estimated three to four hundred Excadrills appeared around Jiang Qing, surrounding Love.

"Everyone, I'm new to Guibao. Please forgive me if I offend you."

Jiang Qing stood up and made a slight fist gesture to the surrounding Excadrill.

"Dang Dang Dang"

Gengar took out a gong from his stomach, struck it a few times, and made a gesture asking for money.

Gengar really knows how to do it.

By the way, why does it even have a gong in its belly?

The Excadrills were a little confused. They originally came here with the intention of driving away Jiang Qing and the others, but they had never seen this one coming now.

"Come on, I'll give you a show and show off a can of Coke in one gulp."

As he spoke, Jiang Qing took out a can of Coke and made a splash.


Still unable to resist the irritation of the carbon dioxide on his tongue and throat, he spit it out directly.

The performance failed.

"Papa pa pa"

Gengar immediately clapped his hands.

He said that the Coke sprayed so well that even the rainbow came Spit Up.

"Jie Jie"

Gengar: "Come on, come on, give me money"

Excadrills don't know the concept of money, but one thing is that when Jiang Qing just sprayed coke, part of it hit an Excadrill's face.

The other party is still the leader of this group.

So now this Excadrill is angry.

I am the well-deserved boss in this area, and you actually squirted so well------

As the pinnacle Elite, it was about to get angry and teach Jiang Qing a lesson, but suddenly the Gengar in front of it looked at it with a smile, and at the same time, it was locked on by more than a dozen qi machines.

More than half of the qi machines gave it a feeling of despair, and some of them almost made it faint from fright.

Sorry, boss.

The leader of Excadrill knelt on the ground without saying a word.

The younger brothers around were all stunned, brother, what are you doing?

But as the black dragon Zekrom looked at them, they soon knew why their boss was kneeling on the ground.

So they all knelt on the ground.

Hundreds of Excadrill are kneeling on the ground. This scene is quite joyful.

Really worthless”

Kartana crossed her arms and looked down upon these guys who were timid before fighting.

I don’t know that this man has gold at his knees.

Excadrill: The man's got gold, so now's the time to cash it in.

Facing Kartana's taunt, and the murderous intent exuded by this guy is the heaviest among all the Pokémon here.

"Boss, you are right, I have no future"

Excadrill said that the reason why he can reach the top of Elite is that in addition to his own talent, the most important thing is that he knows the current situation and knows how to advance and retreat.

In the past, there were people in my own tribe who were more talented and powerful than me, but now they are all dead, but I am alive and well, have more than a dozen wives, and have become the leader.

Kartana was also made to lose her temper by this guy.

"It's a talent"

Jiang Qing (Wang Hao) nodded.

In most cases, Pokémon in the wild or in secret areas, except for Pokémon with a relatively mild temperament.

Many Pokémon have a bad temper when faced with intruders. Regardless of whether the intruder is strong or not, the battle will be fought again and again.

Excadrill now has a lot of strength, so it gave in immediately.

"Boss, can we go?"

Excadrill said that he just wants to leave this place quickly. The secret realm is so big, so he can just find another piece of land.

As a result, Jiang Qing shook his head directly, which made his heart sink.

If this guy dares to take action against his own people, then I will definitely fight with him.

Sensing the inner thoughts of the leader of Excadrill [this made Jiang Wen look at it with a high gaze.

Be cowardly when it's time to be cowardly, and risk your life when it's time to risk your life. The other party still grasps this standard very well.

It's a pity that the length doesn't suit my aesthetics, otherwise I might have an extra partner. .

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