Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

955 Jiang Qing: Defeat Your Father

As the most powerful champion-level Pokémon in this secret realm, General Putter is also the leader of a group. It has several children.

This Pawniard is one of them.

But compared with its brothers and sisters, it is inferior in terms of strength and qualifications. The only thing it can use is perseverance.

The Pawniard family are all militants, and they are all strong-willed at heart.

This means that a stronger Pawniard or Bisharp can often obtain more food and resources.

As the child of General Pu Dao, his father is the strongest in the entire tribe, but he does not receive much care because of his status.

On the contrary, because of its identity, more Pawniards regard it as a challenge. Defeating it can gain more honor than defeating other swordsmen.

And it faces continuous challenges, but rarely wins "087".

But its brothers and sisters defeated each challenger.

It is too weak, so weak that even its father despises it.

But it did not give up, and still worshiped its father, the invincible father who protected the entire tribe.

But just a few days ago, its father, who was like the God of War, was easily defeated, not once, not twice, but three times.

Metagross, Moltres, ghost.

The demon-like human used three Pokémon to defeat his father with an absolute advantage.

At this moment, it realized that its father was so weak in front of a real strong man, just like himself.

My father did not accept the invitation sent by that human being.

It came to Jiang Qing. It just wanted to defeat Jiang Qing's Pokémon and prove to its father that as its child, it had not embarrassed it.

It's a pity that he died before he left the army. He was seriously injured by a tail as soon as he arrived.

Finally, relying on perseverance, he came to Jiang Qing and was kicked unconscious by the latter.

The extreme weakness of the body made it feel like it was about to die.

That's fine, after all, it was too tired to live, but it was a pity that it didn't prove itself to its father in the end.

After a period of darkness, Sui Xiaobing slowly opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is a huge dog face.

It seems that I was given this dog face by Bite and almost bit it to death.

When Pawniard came to his senses, he stabbed Arcanine in the face. Unfortunately, the dog hair was not even shaved off, and the knife was directly pressed to the ground by Arcanine's paw.

No matter how hard it Struggles, the claws on its body are as heavy as mountains. Even because of its Struggle, its claws are a little harder, making its body sink into the ground a little bit.

There was an overwhelming sound coming from the bones, and the severe pain made its eyes black, but even so, it didn't scream at all.

"You are not mute, are you?"

Jiang Qing walked over and signaled Arcanine to let go.

As a result, as soon as Arcanine let go, Pawniard rushed towards Jiang Qing.

But its body was quickly controlled by Metagross.

Metagross looked at Jiang Qing: "Kill him"

Pawniard has shown murderous intent towards Jiang Qing twice, which Jiang Qing's Pokémon cannot tolerate, so Metagross's proposal was recognized by all Pokémon.

Aggron has already opened his mouth, signaling Metagross to throw Pawniard in, and eat it himself as a tooth sacrifice.

"You want to kill me to prove to your father that you are not a weakling"

Jiang Qing came to Pawniard, and Jiang Qing, who owned the Seven Aperture Stone, understood its thoughts clearly.

In the outside world, this plot is about a rebellious son going out to prove to his parents that he is capable, imagining that one day he will become a powerful person and return to his hometown in glory. However, as soon as he left the train station, he was defrauded of all his money by a scammer. money.

That's the case with Pawniard right now.

Pawniard looked at Jiang Qing in shock at this moment, as if asking how it knew what he was thinking.

"If yes, just nod."

Pawniard was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Jiang Qing looked at it and continued: "Beating me won't prove anything, even if you defeat my Pokémon, it won't prove anything."

Pawniard is confused, why defeating you and your Pokémon doesn't prove anything to his father.

"You need to prove to your father, then you only need to do one thing. As long as you do this, your father will definitely recognize you."

Jiang Qing's expression was serious and serious.

As a human who had defeated his father three times, Pawniard still believed his words and felt that such a strong man would never bother to lie...

So it couldn't wait to ask: "Who is it?"

"Of course it's your father"

"You defeated me or Metagross proved to your father that you have not defeated your father. This kind of proof is more shocking and more useful."

"When a child defeats his father, it means he has truly grown up."

"Do you think it's Pawniard?"

Jiang Qing's words were so inspiring that he felt in a daze.

Why didn't I think of defeating my own father before?

What Jiang Qing said made sense, but it thought that its father was too powerful.

Even though its father has been defeated by Jiang Qing three times, it still wants to defeat Jiang Qing, a man more powerful than its father.

But he didn't think about defeating his father.

The main reason is that its father's power has been deeply ingrained in its heart. Even if it is defeated by Jiang Qing, this power cannot disappear after one or two defeats.

Now Jiang Qing's words were like a bolt of lightning, penetrating its heart.

"But I can't beat it"

Pawniard's eyes that burst out suddenly dimmed.

It knows very well that even if it works hard, it will be difficult to defeat even its own brothers and sisters, not to mention its father.

This wish is just a fantasy.

"I can help you"

Jiang Qing looked at it.

Metagross: The fox's tail is finally revealed.


Pawniard looked at Jiang Qing doubtfully.

"Black and White Opelucid"

Jiang Qing did not speak, but released the black and white Opelucid.

The pressure unique to a first-level god made Pawniard's soul seem to freeze to Normal.

But this pressure came and went away just as quickly.

Just when Pawniard thought he was going to die, the pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Who are they"

Pawniard's pupils were dilated. He was not even afraid of death, but at that moment, he actually felt scared.

That kind of fear is not something that can be overcome by the will. It is the body's instinct to feel fear. It is the body's instinct. This kind of fear cannot be overcome by strong willpower.

A first-level god has a natural suppressive power against Pokémon whose rank is lower than his own. Even Metagross can't stop this suppressive power, let alone Komata Koraku. .

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