Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

957 Tragic Life Experience

General Servant Sword gave Jiang Qing a momentum of momentum. Looking at General Servant Sword's departure, Jiang Qing said: "There will be other humans coming in here in the future. If possible, don't kill them."

General Pu Dao paused slightly and said without looking back: "Weak people have no need to survive."

Jiang Qing's request was obviously rejected.

Damn, you are quite pretentious, how can you have the same virtue as Kartana, and there is no need for the weak to survive? Then you have been defeated by me several times, do you want to commit suicide?

Forget it, Jiang Qing said nothing.

If the person who enters the secret realm really dies in its hands, it will only mean that he is unlucky.

Went back to the camp with momentum.

Looking at the overfed Pawniard, lying on the ground with a bulging belly.

For the first time, Pawniard felt the feeling of eating treasure. The energy in the treasure was constantly nourishing his depleted body. The warm feeling made him very addicted.

With half-closed eyes, Jiang Wei didn't even know he was walking in front of it.

As it discovered Jiang Qing's arrival, the next second it focused on the red aura band on Jiang Qing's hand, and stood up subconsciously, looking excited.

"This headband-"

"Your father asked me to give it to you," Jiang Qing said.

Seeing the other person's expression being so excited, Jiang Qing said curiously: "Why, this head has special meaning."

Pawniard was silent, with a recalling expression on his face, and after a while he slowly said: "This is my mother's headband."

"At that time, Steelix invaded our territory, and my mother blocked the blow for my father, causing it to have incurable injuries."

"After giving birth to me, my mother died."

"My father told me about this. He said he would give me this headband when I evolve into Bisharp."

Turns out that's why you become a premature baby.

Looking at the depressed Pawniard, Jiang Qing tied the momentum belt on its forehead and said lightly: "Then you should work hard and take your mother's share~.

Among all Jiang Qing's Pokémon, the one with the most stories is probably Magearna, but this guy has long lost his previous memory.

So now Pawniard's tragic life experience ranks first, and it also has the meaning of being a template for the protagonist of the novel.

After birth and death, my mother had weak talents but strong willpower. She was not valued by her father and was looked down upon by her brothers and sisters. Later, she discovered that the relic given by her mother turned out to be a heaven-defying treasure.

Okay, this aura belt is just an ordinary prop, not a valuable treasure at all.

And the Contest Condition is still damaged, which has almost no effect on Pawniard.

The sentimental value of this thing is greater than the actual value.

"Father has been here?"

Only then did Pawniard realize that this thing had always been in the hands of General Pu Dao, and why it was in Jiang Qingli.

"You left the tribe, and your father has been following you. You have been able to chase you all the way here without any danger, and it was your father who solved the trouble for you."

"So your father still cares about you, but his personality is cold."

"In other words, if it pays too much attention to you, it will make your situation more difficult," Jiang said.

A Pokémon race has no less love and hatred than a human family. After all, Pokémon are also intelligent creatures. They also have the same emotions as humans, and sometimes their emotions are even richer than humans.

Jiang Qing's words left Pawniard stunned on the spot, silent for a long time.

It turns out that his father doesn't care about him, he has always cared about himself and protected himself.

His shoulders twitched slightly and tears fell down.


The emotional Magearna had already burst into tears, and these tears were even more shed than Dao Xiaobing, the client.

Gengar took out a white handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of his eyes. Although there were no tears at all, he felt that the atmosphere was here and he couldn't show off.

As for the other Pokémon, well, I don’t have any feelings. The only feeling I have is that I sympathize with Pawniard’s experience.

Some of Jiang Qing's Pokémon have been bred from Pokémon eggs, and some have never seen their parents since childhood, except for Garchomp, who has both parents and is the only son in the family, so he is very loved.

"Huh, crying and crying, you are really weak."

Kartana looked at Pawniard with disdain. This guy was going to take away her job of chopping vegetables for Daidai. Damn it, he was so angry.

"I won't cry anymore"

Wiping away his tears, Pawniard looked at Jiang Qing and said firmly: "I will fight for you in the future."

That expression made Jiang Qing happy. She knelt down and said with a smile: "You should grow up first. Now you can't even hit Aggron's knee when you jump."


Speaking of this, Jiang Qing made a cheerful voice.

"Sweat sweat sweat"

Le Sixteen Chicken Level 10




All the Pokémon laughed in varying degrees.

This made Pawniard's face turn red. He had just said such pretentious words, and then he was ridiculed like this. The contrast must have been too great.


Look at the huge Aggron, its hard armor, it seems that even my father can't cut it, and look at its knees.

It seems that if you jump up, you can really only hit its knees.

~Eat well Rest and take good care of your body. If you don’t have a good body, you can’t

"And do you think that with them here, you have more chances to fight for me?"

Jiang Qing pointed at his Pokémon, including champions, quasi-champions, peak Elites, all from Elite to middle school and junior high school, but none below Elite.

Fighting chance, these Pokémon of his are not enough.

Vertical Shield Sword Monster: I remember the last time we fought.

Salamence: I remember from the last battle that I hadn't evolved yet.

Jiang Qing's words did not hit Pawniard. Looking at its partners who were all strong, it ignited its fighting spirit.

Both eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

This expression is what makes Jiang Qing appreciate it. (To Li Zhao)

Jiang Qing can easily break the limitations of qualifications and talents that limit the improvement of Pokémon, but Jiang Qing cannot change the character of Pokémon.

Everyone in my team basically has a salty mentality. Only Lucario and Kartana have a very positive mentality.

Now that Pawniard has joined, the positive energy has increased again.

I hope that one day the light of positive energy can make these salted fish stand up.

Hey, I don’t know why the Pokémon I conquered were fine at first, but then they turned into salty fish.

Lying on the chair, he was stroking Arcanine's big dog head with his left hand, while his right hand was holding the juice handed over by Magearna.

He said to Daidai who was making dinner: "Dadai, let's make some stir-fried pork with chili pepper tonight. This will go with rice. It has more soup. I want to mix it with rice."

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "I know"

The reason why they turned into salted fish, Jiang didn't seem to realize the key yet. .

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