"Jiang Qing, your mistress is going to have a concert."

After breakfast, Jiang Qing was lounging on the sofa when he saw Jirachi flying over excitedly with his mobile phone and handed it to him.

Jiang Qing just wanted to ask which mistress, after all, according to the two little guys, he should have quite a lot of mistresses, and some of them he didn't even know about.

"Han Bingqing"

I took the phone and looked at the content on it. It said that in a week, the national goddess Han Bingqing will hold her first concert at the Kricketune Music Venue in the magical city.

Because of Jiang Qing, the Qin family carried out all-round packaging and invested the best resources in Han Bingqing. In addition, Han Bingqing's voice and external conditions are very good, so in less than a year, she has become a national goddess.

This concert invited three guests, two of whom are superstars, and the first one is Fairy Elite Hua Xiangxiang.

Even Hua Xiangxiang was invited, which shows how much effort the Qin family has put in, and with these three heavyweight guests present, Han Bingqing 29's concert has already reached the point where it is hard to get a ticket.

"Jiang Qing, I want to go to the concert"

Jirachi pulled Jiang Qing's clothes and looked at him with a covet look. He hadn't been to the concert yet, so he was curious about what it was like.

"Anyway, nothing happened recently, so let's go take a look."

Under Jirachi's cheerful eyes, Jiang Qing agreed.

However, the tickets must have been sold out long ago. He was about to call Qin Wu, who must have tickets, but as soon as he took out his mobile phone, the phone rang.

Seeing that the name on the caller ID was Han Bingqing, Jiang Qing was slightly startled, seemed to have thought of something, and answered the call with a smile.

"Hey, big Celebrity"

On the other end of the phone, Han Bingqing's hand holding the phone was slightly sweaty, and his expression was slightly nervous. Listening to the familiar voice on the phone, the teasing tone made Han Bingqing's nervousness disappear immediately.

"Jiang Qing, I'm going to have a concert, can you come over and cheer me on?"

Jiang Qing could hear the expectation in his tone even through the phone.

"The national goddess has personally invited me. If you refuse, you will not be sprayed to death by your admirers."

"That's settled"

Han Bingqing's joyful voice came from the phone.

"Well, it's a deal."

After speaking, both parties hung up the phone.

Jiang Qing shook her phone at Jirachi. The protagonist invited us personally, saving us money on tickets.

On the other side of the studio where Han Bingqing was, his agent Qian Feifei looked at Han Bingqing nervously and asked: "How about it, Jiang Guanjun agreed?"

After listening to Han Bingqing's words and the expression on her face when she finally hung up the phone, she more or less knew the answer.

"Well, Jiang Qing agreed."

Han Bingqing smiled and nodded.

Looking at her heartfelt smile, Qian Feifei sighed: "In the past half year, this smile today is the most beautiful I have ever seen."

"Didn't I smile well before?"

Qian Feifei nodded and then shook her head: "Laughing used to look good, but not as good as this time."

"If Sister Qian has nothing else to do, I will go to rehearsal first."

"Go ahead, I'll stop you if you have something to do. The most important thing now is the concert in a week. Hua Xiangxiang Elite will help you out, and Champion Jiang is coming, so no accidents can happen.

Han Bingqing nodded and left the studio immediately.

At this moment, Qian Feifei was the only one left in the studio. She murmured in a low voice: "I didn't expect this aunt to really invite Jiang Guanjun here. Isn't she really related to Jiang Guanjun?"

Han Bingqing landed at Qinhuang Entertainment, and as Rookie, she received a lot of resources from Qinhuang Entertainment. At the same time, she was also the person who the eldest daughter of the Qin family personally ordered to take care of.

As a gold medal manager, she had stopped taking Rookie with her a long time ago, but because of Han Bingqing, she put aside her long-established artist to take care of Rookie Han Bingqing.

I was still somewhat reluctant, but with Qinhuang Entertainment’s unwavering support and Han Bingqing’s success, I was indeed very suitable for this bowl of rice.

After several songs were tailor-made for her by professional songwriters, even Hua Xiangxiang wrote a song for her, which became popular all over the Internet in less than half a year.

Before, she was still thinking about who Han Bingqing was and why she was so taken care of by the Qin family, but now she knows, "She actually has a relationship with Jiang Guanjun.

With such a big boss standing behind her, it was difficult for Han Bingqing not to get angry.

As long as there are no accidents in the future, the other party is very likely to become an international superstar.

When he thought that he would become the agent of an international superstar, Qian's heart was filled with excitement.

"No, I have to keep an eye on the venue to make sure nothing happens."

This time alone, 150,000 chapters were sold, and many important figures in the entertainment industry were coming. Of course, none of them could compare with Jiang Qing.

The venue has actually been decorated for a long time, and the finishing work has now begun.

"Ai Guanshi, I'm going to the Magic City tomorrow. I'll be back in about a week. Please help me pack my luggage," Jiang Qing said.

Although the concert is still a week away, it will be held in Shanghai, where Jiang Qing's grandmother lives.

So in the past few days, Jiang Qing was thinking about going to grandma Cao Ying's house to stay until the concert started, or else he would go to the Magic City to watch the concert without even going to grandma's house [he couldn't do such a thing.


Love to control the waiter: "Why are you going to the devil's capital?"

"Look at grandma," Jiang Qing said.

"Good boy"

The stewardess nodded, checked the recent weather in Magic City, and then went upstairs to pack Jiang Qing's luggage.

The distance between Magic City and Lancang City is not very far. Both cities belong to the south, and the straight-line distance is less than 500 kilometers.

"Where's Celebi? Where did this guy go?"

Jiang Qing saw that there was only Jirachi at home, but not Celebi. The two little guys usually stayed together, and it was rare to see them alone.

"Is it secretly eating alone again?"

Thinking of a certain possibility, Jiang Qing half-squinted his eyes. After all, this guy had a criminal record, more than once.

Jirachi shook his head and said: "It's angry and is staying in the house."

"Angry? Why is it angry? Who made it angry? Meiqing was immediately confused.

"Of course I made it angry."

When he said this, Jirachi still had a look on his face. He said, "I'm pretty awesome. Please compliment me on my expression."

"What did you do?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

"I ate the fried chicken leg that he hid in Gengar's belly"


Jiang Qing called out Gengar.

"Jie Jie"

"Celebi, what else is hiding in your belly?"

Gengar dug into his stomach and took out two boxes of French fries, three cans of Coke, some coupons, and three hundred dollars.

"Celebi actually hid so much, even money. Last time I lent him a hundred yuan, he didn't even pay me back."

Jirachi said quite angrily.

"Isn't this what I'm paying you back? I'll give you another hundred more as interest."

Jiang Qing gave three hundred yuan to Jirachi, two hundred yuan, took one hundred yuan for himself, and gave the rest of the food to Jirachi.

I left the coupon for Celebi, otherwise she would cry.

Celebi: Already fainted from crying in the toilet. .

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