Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

973 Loujia Follow-Up

Many people from the Cao family are already at the gate of the indoor trainer field, and Jiang Qing's grandmother Cao Ying is also among them. It would be strange for the Cao family not to come and take a look at Jiang Qing's making such a big noise.

But because the door was closed, they did not dare to open it without authorization.

Until the breath inside slowly disappeared, the Cao family estimated that Jiang Qing was about to come out.

They felt a little excited. After all, they guessed that the news just now should be that a certain Pokémon from Jiang had broken through to the championship.

The Jiang family is the biggest backer of the Cao family. Although it is futile to say so, it is the fact.

In the past, the Cao family might have been secretly jealous of the Jiang family while relying on the Jiang family, but now as the Jiang family has become more powerful, this kind of jealousy has long been gone, and they dare not have it.

Since there is no longer any jealousy, the Cao family certainly hopes that the Jiang family, as a big backer, will become stronger and stronger. They have experienced the feeling of being hugged.

Moreover, the Jiang family is not the kind of family with huge ambitions, and they are very kind to people who depend on their family, so the Cao family is also very convinced of the Jiang family.

Jiang Qing inside also sensed that grandma was at the door, and there were many people from the Cao family at the door.

Use Psychic to open the door.

"It's open, it's open"

A certain Cao family elder shouted excitedly. It was obviously just a simple door opened, but to him it seemed like he had seen the door to a new world.

Cao Ying walked in at the lead, followed by the head of the Cao family and several elders of the Cao family.

These people locked their eyes on the Totem-class Aggron at first glance. They had no choice but to say that this guy was so big. It was hard not to see it at first glance.

Feeling Aggron's aura as thick as a mountain, it seemed that no attack could make it take a step back.

"My dear grandson, your Aggron is better than the one your grandpa raised."

Cao Ying showed admiration and surprise. Although she had divorced Jiang Oreburgh, she still knew the Jiang family's methods of Breeder Metagross and Aggron.

His own grandson, whether it is Metagross or Aggron, surpasses Jiang Oreburgh in terms of Breeder, and can even be said to surpass the Pokémon of the ancestors of the Jiang family.

Being praised by his trainer's grandma, Aggron smiled and couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Others also looked at Aggron in amazement, this champion-level Pokémon that had just been released and was still hot.

Then a series of words of praise continued to come out of their mouths.

Praise Jiang Qing, praise Metagross, praise Aggron, and hate Lucario.

Even Celebi praised it for being nutritious and plump.

Celebi was so proud that she straightened her body, her stomach trembled, and she had an expression on her face that said you continue to praise me, I can bear it.

As for Jirachi, he was already embarrassed by the praise. He huddled in Jiang Qing's arms and looked up at these old men from time to time. Although he was old, he spoke nicely.

They are all talents!

Jiang Qing waved her hand to signal them not to talk any more. Again, this guy Celebi will probably use his nostrils to look at people from now on.

Really, just a slight compliment will make you feel so embarrassed that you will go to heaven.

"My dear grandson, are you planning to go back?"

At the dinner table in the evening, dinner had already been eaten, and Jiang Qing was thinking about how to tell her grandma that she was going back to Lancang City.

After all, the Cao family is not their own home. Although the Cao family wishes they could live there permanently, Jiang Zhi is not used to it.

I was still thinking of finding a reason to go back, but grandma had already figured it out.

"Grandma, how did you know?"

Jiang Qing said a little embarrassedly. After all, he had only been here for a few days and wanted to go back. He felt sorry for his grandma.

"The concert is over, how can you still stay here?"

Cao Ying didn't know what her grandson was thinking, so she couldn't help but said angrily.

"Grandma, what are you talking about? I came here to see you, not to watch a concert."

Jiang Qing shook his head. He must fight to death on this point.

Women, it doesn’t matter how old you are, as long as you are a woman, you can just coax her.

"Grandma knows you are not used to living here, so you can go back early tomorrow morning," Cao Ying said.

Jiang Qing originally wanted to leave after dinner, but grandma said so. Of course he nodded in agreement, he would not seek death.


"Grandma, do you have something to tell me?"

Jiang Qing saw her grandma's expression hesitant, so she asked curiously.

Cao Ying sighed and said slowly: "My dear grandson, do you know what the Lou family did to you?"

Jiang Qing nodded. After the last incident was found to be done by the Lou family, Jiang Qing left it alone because Grandpa Tian would handle it for him.

0…Please give me flowers…………

So Jiang Qing didn't know what would happen next.

"Grandma, is the Shou family related?"

Cao Ying nodded and then said: "My mother's sister, your great-grandmother's sister, married the heir of the Lou family at that time. Now the patriarch of the Lou family is my second aunt's child."

The relationship between the aristocratic families is complicated due to the marriage relationship between them.

This relationship is already far away for Jiang Qing, but for grandma, it is still very close. After all, the head of the Lou family wants to call grandma his cousin, so this spring and autumn

Not in.

"That thing was done by the third son of the head of the Lou family, and the head of the Lou family didn't know about it. He hid it from the entire Lou family."

Jiang Qing nodded.


In fact, he didn't know what happened next. After all, he left it to the uncle to handle.

Dong Bo——: Didn’t you read the message I sent you at all? It was mentioned in it.

Jiang Qing: There are several sixty-second voices. Do you think I can listen to them?

"What does grandma mean?" Jiang Qing asked.

"Grandma wants to beg you to let go of the rest of the Lou family. The third son has been killed by your grandfather himself. In addition to killing the relevant people, your grandfather also killed the only quasi-champion of the Lou family."

"The Lou family is having a hard time now"

Jiang Qing's grandfather, Jiang Oreburgh, did not kill everyone. After all, considering that the head of the Lou family did not do this, if he did, the entire direct line of the Lou family would be wiped out.

At the same time, we also took into account the Lou family's status in the field of Pokémon research, and of course Cao Ying's reasons.

So only the relevant people were killed.

But the Lou family had offended the Jiang family after all. There were very few secrets between aristocratic families, and Jiang Oreburgh was so aggressive.

Facing the weak Lou family, many families seemed to be sharks smelling blood and wanted to get a share of the pie.

So even if the Jiang family lets them go, other families may not let the weak Lou family go.

"Grandma, what are you talking about? I know about this."

"Don't talk to me like that in the future. I'm your grandson, the kind of person you love. If you talk like this, I won't be happy. I won't come to see you next time."

Jiang Qing said angrily.

"Okay, dear grandson, it's grandma who's wrong."

Cao Ying said with a smile, and gave Jiang Qing a piece of meat. The worry in his eyes completely disappeared at this moment. .

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