Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

993 What Unlucky Guys Are There In The West?

"To the west, let me see what unlucky countries there are in the west."

Jiang Qing took out her mobile phone, found the map, and followed Regigigas's walking route. If the other party didn't make any turns, she could simply draw a straight line heading west.

“There are quite a few unlucky countries”

Looking at this straight line, which directly ran through more than a dozen countries, Jiang Qing watched happily, wondering which unlucky country Regigigas would be in.

"If you go to the west of Jiang Qing, if you go there, it won't be our country anymore."

Jirachi pointed to the straight line drawn by Jiang Qing. In fact, this straight line has not been drawn to the end. If it is drawn to the end, it can indeed reach Xia Kingdom.

"Are you kidding me? There is a Western Ocean between us. With its speed, if its destination is the Xia Kingdom, it will not lose its legs."

"By then I will probably have no strength left and sink to the bottom of the sea."

After speaking, Jiang Qing knocked on Jirachi's little head and said angrily: "You don't want to have a crow's mouth. If you really come, you won't have pocket money for a week."

Jirachi stuck out his tongue when he heard the words, indicating that he just said something wrong.


While talking, the little Xingyun who woke up floated out of the room, floated all the way from the second floor to Jiang Qing's arms, found the most comfortable position, and turned around a few times.


Little Nebula: "Hungry"

Jiang Qing took out a few of Little Nebula's exclusive energy cubes and said, "Eat quickly."

Anyway, Little Nebula's food is now paid for by the system. Jiang Qing is eager for it to eat more. This kind of thing may only happen once in this life.

Jiang Qing also let Black and White Opelucid eat Little Nebula's exclusive energy cube, but the two guys vomited immediately after eating it.

They are obviously both first-level gods, but why is there such a big gap in taste?

Or is it that the system has manipulated things to prevent Jiang Qing from taking advantage of the loopholes.

After eating two boxes of energy cubes, Xiao Xingyun expressed that she was full. Jiang Qing saw this and said, "Why do you only eat so much? Come and eat another box. Only by eating more can you grow taller and stronger. You can also help me fight in the future." More powerful”

Listening to Jiang Qing's deception, Xiao Xingyun thought it made sense, so she reluctantly ate another box. Seeing that it seemed like it really couldn't eat anymore, "Shan then gave up on letting it eat the fourth box."


Little Nebula: "Sleepy"

"Then take a nap first," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

Whatever life a pig lives, Little Nebula lives it. Every day he eats and sleeps, and his daily rest time is basically twenty hours.

The remaining four hours were either spent on cooking or on the way to cooking.

Occasionally, I will be taken out to eat junk food by Jirachi and Celebi.

Even though little Nebula is full from eating energy cubes now, if you take it out to eat junk food, it can eat a lot more.

This is not to say that Little Nebula likes to eat junk food more, but that this kind of food cannot provide any energy to Little Nebula.

So when eating food like fried chicken, Xiao Xingyun only tastes it, and it doesn't fill her stomach at all.

"Ding dong"

Doorbell rang.

Jirachi immediately flew over and opened the door.

The person who came was a small manager of Jiang Group's Renewable Resources, and there were many people following behind him.

"Ginger Champion"


Jiang Qing nodded, handed the little Nebula in his arms to Celebi, and then said: "Let's go, follow me to the backyard."

The group of people immediately followed Jiang Qing without looking blindly. After all, this was not their first time here, they would come every once in a while.

Most of Jiang Qing's Pokémon were in the backyard. When Arcanine saw her Trainer suddenly come out, she ran over with her tongue sticking out, her face full of grievance.


Arcanine: "Master, when can I become the champion? That's just an idiot trying to piss me off again."

Patting the dog's big head, Jiang Fu said: "Come on, come on."

After dealing with Arcanine, he led these people to the backyard near the back mountain, pointed at the unknown object with a metallic luster in the black pile, and said: "Leave it to you."

“Good ginger champion”

The little supervisor nodded.

Immediately, he sent out Pokémon and the people he brought with him to start loading these Black unknown objects away.

In fact, this unknown object is Aggron's excrement.

Because Aggron likes to eat metal minerals, and the ginger-green Aggron eats the best metal minerals. After digestion in its intestines and stomach, there is an extremely rare metal in its excrement.

These metals can be used in the production of high-end precision instruments, chips, etc.

There are also wastes excreted by mineral-eating Pokémon such as Aggron and Benjilas that can be purchased on the market in order to refine the metals inside.

…Please give me flowers…

The price is also based on the strength of the Pokémon and the content of rare metals in its excrement.

Like Jiang Qing's Aggron, which is still Totem level, the more you eat, the more you will poop.

In the past, these excrements were naturally degraded. After all, the Jiang family was not short of money, until Aggron broke through and became the champion.

There were very, very rare metal elements in its excrement, and the Jiang Group's Renewable Resources Department approached Jiang Qing.

It was regarded as a contribution to the group, so Jiang Qing naturally agreed.


Melumeta walked over and pointed to the pile next to Black's excrement, that was his.

Compared with Aggron who eats metal ores, Melumeta eats various refined rare metals. Because they are refined, their absorption capacity is strong, so their excrement has no value at all.


This made Mei Lumeita, who was feeling the comparison, a little unhappy. Why, you look down on me for being beautiful.

Jiang Qing was also speechless. Why do you have to compete on such things? Why don't you compare your strength?

"Let's go, let's leave this place to you."

Although the excrement didn't stink, Jiang Qing didn't have any special hobbies, so he dragged Melumeta away and even patted Arcanine's head, who was looking at it with gusto.

Returning to the backyard where the Pokémon were, Steelix suddenly appeared in the next second as the Ground surged under his feet. Jiang Qing's position happened to be on Steelix's head.

Steelix: "Are you afraid?"

Jiang Qing: "-a little bit-"

Cooperate with this simple guy.

Gengar covered his mouth and smiled.

Looking at Gengar, Jiang Qing knew why Steelix didn't want Rest to scare him, and his feelings were instigated by it.

Use a slide to get off Steelix's back, covering his body with a layer of Psychic. After all, Steelix's back is uneven.

"If God had not given birth to me, Kartana, the art of swordsmanship would be as long as the night"

"Whenever you defeat me, vertical shield sword monster, this sentence will be yours, and the same goes for you Pawniard."

Kartana looked at the vertical shield sword monster and Pawniard with a proud face.

"But if you want to catch up with me, it's still 10,000 years early. Work hard and chase my back."

Jiang Qing: This saucy talk is getting more and more powerful the more I say it. .

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