"Would you consider it again? The Forest Ranger Association is very short of staff now. Poachers are becoming more and more rampant. We can no longer sustain the current staff. We urgently need new blood to join."

"If you can join the Forest Ranger Association, with the credit for fighting the fire in Changpan Forest, your future in the Forest Ranger Association will be smooth sailing."

He appealed to his emotions, explained the reason, and promised him great benefits.

If it weren't for the regulations, Heng Yuan Jingji would have patted Luo Yuan on the shoulder and told him, follow me in the future, I guarantee you will get promoted and make a fortune in the future. His intention to recruit Luo Yuan was very obvious.

"No, I have thought it through very clearly."

Faced with Heng Yuan Keiji's persuasion, Luo Yuan did not waver at all.

If he were a passionate young man, he might join the Forest Ranger Association and dedicate his life to protecting wild Pokémon and fighting poachers.

But as a time traveler, Luo Yuan is mature, how could he tie his life to this?

Luo Yuan even refused to be an assistant to Professor Oak, and being a forest ranger did not appeal to him at all

"Okay, but the door of the Forest Ranger Association is always open to you."Seeing that he couldn't convince Luo Yuan, Minister Heng Yuan looked regretful.

"Thank you. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

After figuring out why the other party invited him, Luo Yuan had no interest in staying here any longer....

After Luo Yuan left with the elf egg, a woman dressed in a professional suit and dressed like a secretary walked into the office.

"Minister, has he agreed to join the Forest Rangers Association?"


Heng Yuan Keiji leaned back on the sofa, and the regretful expression on his face turned back to calm.

"How could it be?"The secretary opened her mouth in surprise.

In her memory, this was the first time that the minister personally invited someone to join the Forest Ranger Association. How could someone refuse?

Heng Yuan Keiji took a sip of tea and said,"I made a mistake in judgment. I thought he chose to become a trainer because he was kicked out of the Siluf Company and had nowhere else to go. With the olive branch extended by us, he should not refuse."

"But now it seems that he is determined to become a Pokémon trainer, and it doesn't seem like a choice made out of helplessness."While speaking, Heng Yuan Keiji smiled and said,"Yes, as a genius researcher, even if he was kicked out of the Siluf Company, he might not be willing to become a forest ranger. I took it for granted."

"Now I am looking forward to how far he can go on the road of Pokémon trainer."

He imagined the scene of Luo Yuan standing in front of Bangila.

"If there is Bangila, I think he will have a place in the league.....".........

The Forest Ranger Association's affairs had nothing to do with Luo Yuan.

After carefully storing the Pokémon eggs in his backpack, he took Kirby away from the bustling Evergreen City.

Walking in the Evergreen Forest, Luo Yuan cast an identification spell on Kirby.


Gender: Male

Characteristics: Thick Fat

Skills: Swing Finger, Instant Amnesia, Sleep, Overwhelming

Features: Overweight

Comment: This is a severely overweight Kirby. The increase in weight has enhanced its thick fat characteristics, greatly improving its defense.】

"overweight....."Seeing the evaluation given by the system, Luo Yuan agreed deeply.

Because his predecessor fed it without restraint, the weight of his little Kirby was about 1.5 times that of other ordinary Kirbys, and its appetite was getting bigger and bigger. It would eat nearly twice its own weight in one meal.

"Little Kirby, from now on I will teach you how to fight."

Luo Yuan now has only three Pokémon, Banjira, Charmander, and Little Kirby, in addition to the unhatched eggs.

Due to economic reasons, Luo Yuan had planned to take the elite route early on and did not plan to capture a large number of Pokémon, so he could only prioritize the cultivation of the Pokémon in his hands.

"Kirby?"Little Kirby looked confused, as if he couldn't understand what Luo Yuan said.

"Wow, you're still pretending to be stupid?"

Luo Yuan always thought that little Kirby was silly and cute, but now it seems that his little Kirby is very smart.

Looking at the little Kirby pretending to be stupid, Luo Yuan just smiled and said:"If you pretend to be stupid again, I will give half of your food to Charmander."

Little Kirby seemed to think about what life would be like after the food became half......Then it shuddered and understood Luo Yuan's meaning within a second.


Patting his chest, little Kirby said that he would definitely complete Professor Luo Yuan's training task.

"Then from now on, walk with me to Nibi City and exercise your physical strength first."

In the face of the desperate expression of the little Kirby, Luo Yuan dragged it towards Nibi City.


Thanks to book friend Cui Enming for the 100-point reward.

Please add it to your collection~~ I will be fine tomorrow, and there will be more updates.

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