Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Belated million word testimonial

I am ashamed to say that I have written three books, and it is the first one to reach 100w words, which is a small milestone.

I want to say something, but I have to have a head, let's start with a plot of about a million words.

In fact, I haven’t dared to open the comment area for a long time, because I am a glass-hearted author, and seeing bad reviews will make me sad, and it will also affect my writing mentality.

But two days ago, I had already written very uncomfortable, and I thought that no matter how uncomfortable it was, it would be nothing more than that, and then clicked on the comment area, as expected, there were many bad reviews.

It's all about the emotional scenes.

In fact, I had a hunch before I finished writing and posting, what a mess, if there is a leave note, I will ask for a leave to rewrite it, but unfortunately I don't have it.

I don't want to say more, let's play it down later, just reduce the number of words, return the focus to the elves, and finish the book earlier.

If there are readers who have been poisoned by the emotional drama after seeing this, you can come back and read it.


Then there is a preview. It is recommended on the Internet in the past few days, and it may explode. I hope everyone will support it and try to subscribe to it in the past few days. (It may not explode, if the state is not good)

After that weakening, fan fiction recommendations have become more and more difficult to get. After waiting for more than a month, I got the worst one. I hope it’s not the last recommendation for this book.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month. I have paid off all the rewards this month. Can you give me some motivation?

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