Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 315 What did that bastard call Xia? (53k)

Chapter 315 What is that bastard called Xia? (5.3k)

(As for the extra story, let me first state that I am not a pervert. Personally, I really wanted to write about Sirona or Mingyi, but Senbu was far ahead in the voting in the group. I don’t know if the group members are really that perverted or just for fun. It’s none of my business anyway, I’m not a pervert)

August 31st, the last day of August.

The blazing sunshine baked the earth, and the hot breeze blew gently through the endless forest, but it failed to bring a hint of coolness to Xia Chen and Shijana who passed by here.

This is the southeasternmost part of Chenghua Forest. After passing through here and heading east along Route 117 for more than 100 kilometers, you can reach another very large city in the center of Fengyuan region, known as the City of Joy. City of Purple Corydalis.

But even after arriving in Zijin City, it was still nearly a thousand kilometers away from Xia Chen's destination, Liuli City, located in the eastern part of Fengyuan region.

If we go by the slow pace of the past few days, there is no way we can get there before the opening ceremony on September 9th.

However, Xia Chen is not in a hurry. With Guluton here, he can rush there in a short time. As for now, it doesn't matter where he takes Shijana, and he just enjoys the scenery along the way.

It was nearly noon, the scorching sun was high, and the forest was extremely hot. Xia Chen even began to miss the hot wind that he had just disliked.

In this environment, even the freezing wind of Menas cannot have a long-lasting and effective cooling effect.

Not only Xia Chen, but also Xianbu and Gardevoir were as wilted as Mimikyu.

Although they are elves who can withstand high temperature or cold attacks without any serious problems, this does not mean that they will not suffer from abnormal temperatures.

The hottest month of August is almost over, but the temperature in the Fengyuan area has risen instead of falling in the past few days, which is really strange.

But no matter how high the temperature is, it can't dampen Shijana's passion for travel.

It has been nearly a week since she left the Meteor, and she still looks energetic every day, as if the novelty will never pass.


"Loto! There is a lake ahead Lotto!"

The excessively high temperature made Rotom, the electronic ghost, a little unbearable. When he detected the lake in front of him, he suddenly became excited.

Water has a large specific heat capacity and can absorb a large amount of heat. If there is a lake, it means that it can at least be cooler. This is simple physics knowledge in junior high school.

Although Xia Chen had forgotten this simple knowledge, he still had common sense. He decided to rest there for a while and have lunch.

"Zoroark, go ahead and do some reconnaissance first."

When going out, you must have the most basic anti-reconnaissance awareness.

It didn't matter that Xia Chen had his own reasons and Luton was with him. He was teaching Shijana personally.

Education is about moisturizing things silently.

There was no reply from Zoroark, but a subtle sound of leaves rustling came from a tree next to him.

Then, a proud swallow, the most common domestic bird in the Fengyuan area, shuttled through the forest at an unusual speed and disappeared in an instant.

In terms of reconnaissance ability, no elf can match Zoroark, who can transform all things.

Xia Chen and the other elves continued to move forward, and within two minutes they received a reply from "Proud Swallow".

"Suo——(There is a man resting by the lake. He is very strong. There are several elves whose auras I can't figure out at all. They are much stronger than me.)"

Xia Chen looked solemn. He was much stronger than Zoroark. He was at least the leader of the museum.

If such a trainer had appeared in the original work, he would definitely be impressed, so he asked: "What is the strongest elf you are talking about?"

"Suo——(A leave king.)"

Asking for leave? Xia Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Combined with the many characteristics of Orange Forest, Gym Leader-level trainer, and King of Leave, it is obvious who that trainer is.

Chenghua City, usually the gym leader, Qianli!


Although Qianli is only a small gym leader, his status and role in the original work are higher than most gym leaders.

Not only because he has a strength comparable to that of a king, or even close to a champion, but there is also a more important reason - he is the father of the protagonist in the third generation game.

Chisato is an excellent gym owner, a strict father, and a powerful trainer. He holds high-level titles such as "The Man Born for Pokémon" and "The Next Four Heavenly Kings".

Although he is a general specialization, this does not affect his powerful combat effectiveness.

In the special chapter, Chisato even had a highlight moment when he subdued Rayquaza and fought against both Hoenn and Fools alone.

Overall, he is a powerful trainer who is more of a true protagonist than his son Ruby.

As for the protagonists in the original work, if we have to distinguish between good and bad, Qianli will definitely be a proper partner of justice.

So after Xia Chen learned that Qianli was next to the lake, he put down most of his wariness and walked straight forward.

The lake was not far away. After following Rotom for less than ten minutes, Xia Chen caught a glimpse of the clear blue of the lake, as well as a tall and thin man on the shore of the lake and several elves with powerful auras around him.

The leave-seeking king was lying on his side as lazily as an uncle, and in sharp contrast was the model worker Happy Egg, who was busy busy and busy, the marsupial who was enjoying himself with his son in the surrounding trees picking fruits, and another The Bug Swallow that just hovers in mid-air and is responsible for sentry duty. No, it's the King Swallow.

There is one thing to say, although they are all general elves that have been criticized by many people as being too mediocre, their individual strength is still as strong as the others.

If we had to judge the best six-man lineup in general, these guys would be in the first and second tiers.

As for the T0 elves who are undoubtedly selected. Naturally, they are the eternal eldest brother of the general system, the two legendary elves with the highest level, Arceus, the God of Creation, and Regichkas, the Holy Pillar King.

At this moment, they and Qianli were setting up a pot to boil water, and seemed to be preparing for lunch.

The lake in the forest cannot be that big. There are also wild elves in other places drinking water and living there. Xia Chen thought about it and chose to stay in the shade not far away from the lake.

Qianli just glanced at Xia Chen and Shijana for a few times, then looked away.

This is the depths of the Orange Forest. Very few trainers can reach here. These two little guys don't look too old, but they are quite courageous.


Because of the hot weather, Xia Chen did not release all the elves and let them suffer with him. Only the old employees Senbu, Gardevoir and Menas were outside to help cook.

Shijana was very sensible and wanted to help, but Xia Chen, who had experienced her culinary talent that was completely inversely proportional to her trainer's talent, declined and casually gave her a task to fetch water from the lake.

Shijana, who felt that she had helped, ran towards the lake with the bucket, while the little buzz bat she had conquered during the trip a few days ago followed behind her, guarding the safety of the trainer.

Qianli glanced at Xia Chen and Shijana again, this time with dissatisfaction and a little worry in his eyes.

Let a little girl and an amateur buzz bat come to the lake alone, without any experience in survival in the wild.

The surface of the lake may seem calm and ordinary, but there may not necessarily be any danger hidden underneath.

Qianli didn't make a sound to remind him, he just raised his head and glanced at Wang Yan.

The most handsome house bird nodded knowingly, its streamlined and graceful body tilted slightly downward, and lowered its flying height as it approached Shijana. Its sharp eyes were fixed on the deep lake in front of her, ready to rescue at any time.

Just as Qianli had worried, a dark figure seemed to smell a strange smell under the water, and it was quickly approaching Shijana, who was splashing in the lake on the shore, completely unaware of the danger that was about to come.

King Yan snorted softly, folded his wings, adjusted his flying posture, and was ready to appear as a hero at any time.

The black shadow moved very quickly under the water, and soon it approached the shore, and then jumped up high.


On the lake, a pair of huge red pincers suddenly broke through the water flow and headed straight for Shijana on the lake shore.

In the sky, a pair of scissor-like indigo wings spread out at the speed of light and dived straight towards the clawed lobster with its head exposed.

On the shore of the lake, a rather old-looking elf ball shone white in the sunlight.

Amidst the deafening roar, a Tyrannosaurus appeared and stood in front of Xijana. It closed its mouth and the giant claws that the Iron Claw was proud of were separated from its body.

Xia Chen and Qianli, who noticed this scene, looked at each other subconsciously, their eyes full of surprise.


After a near-miss episode.

Gardevoir and Senbu were left watching the fire. Xia Chen came over with Shijana and thanked her, "Thank you very much for saving my sister."

Qianri shook his head calmly, "It's just me meddling in other people's business."

Shijana quickly waved her hands to deny it, "How could it be possible? It would have been terrible if I hadn't reacted and without your help!"

The cute girl's thank you seemed to poke a bit more into Qianli who was already a father. It was a similar thank you, but this resolute man showed a tough and tender smile.

He praised: "You're welcome, you did a great job, you will definitely be an outstanding, top trainer in the future."

Xia Chen, who was treated differently, raised his head and looked at Da Wang Yan, "There is also you, Da Wang Yan, please help me more."

The King Yan was arranging its feathers that were a little messy due to high-speed flight. After hearing Xia Chen's thanks, it also shook its head humbly.

"Sba——(That Tyrannosaurus is very powerful.)"

Looking at the cold-hearted and kind-hearted people in front of him, Xia Chen smiled slightly and said, "If you don't mind, come and eat with us. I don't want to boast, but my cooking skills are quite outstanding."

As if in response to the cow that Xia Chen blew, a delicious and rich aroma floated over the stove.

Qianli lowered his head and glanced at his "carefully prepared" broth, and suddenly felt that it was bland and tasteless.

He was not a hypocritical person to begin with, so he nodded calmly and Qianli said, "Then I won't bother you, little brother."

Qianli didn't have anything to clean up. After putting out the fire, he and the elves came to Xia Chen's camp as guests.

At this time, Xia Chen had taken over from the cook, Gardevoir, and continued to take charge.

While continuing to cook delicious food that made the King on leave drool, he chatted with Qianli.


"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the Qianli Curator of Chenghua City, right?"

Qianli nodded without any surprise. This was the Orange Flower Forest after all, and it was not unusual for him, the owner of the Orange Flower Hall, to be recognized.

He asked back: "I haven't asked my brother and your sister yet."

"Oh, my name is Xia Chen, and this is my sister Xijana. We are coming from Kanaz City, and our temporary destination is Liuli City."

Xia Chen said as he took the nutritious eggs that Happy Egg took out from his pocket and put them into the pot.

Xia Chen?

This name sounds so familiar.

Although this idea came to his mind, Qianli did not delve into it. Instead, he paid attention to the second half of Xia Chen's words with a complicated expression.

"Are you going to Liuli City to participate in the gorgeous contest?"

This word is also very subtle. Xia Chen looked up and down and felt that his image was really not related to the gorgeous contest, so there was only one possibility——

Someone very important to him also participated in the glamor contest.

Is he his son Ruby from the comics? Or the daughter Xiaoyao in the animation?

Seeing the frown on his face, Xia Chen thought it was more likely to be Ruby.

Because in the plot, he has always disliked his son participating in gorgeous competitions that he considered "not doing his job properly."

After retracting his thoughts, Xia Chen nodded and said: "Barely, what, are you going the same way as us?"

Although he was not participating in the competition but attending as a special guest, it could still be regarded as participating in the gorgeous contest, so Xia Chen did not deny it.

Qianli raised his head with some melancholy, as if talking to himself, or saying to Xia Chen: "Why do you young people like this kind of flashy and flashy things so much? A gorgeous contest can also be a performance type thing. Is it a lifelong endeavor for a trainer?"

Xia Chen was silent. This non-question was beyond his ability to answer.

The root of the problem lies in the generation gap. This generation gap is like the parents in that world who think that playing e-sports is just a plaything.

Only when they eliminate their prejudices and recognize the essence of things can contradictions be eliminated.


But obviously, the contradiction is far from being eliminated at this moment.

After doubts, Qianli pointed his finger at the initiator of the gorgeous competition.

"In the final analysis, the person who thinks of using this form to entertain and industrialize elves is the most disgusting. I heard that guy is also a trainer with unlimited prospects. Why does he lead so many people astray? What is his name? Xia.What?"

"My name is Xia Chen." Xia Chen reminded kindly.

"Oh, yes, that bastard's name is Xia Chen!"

Having finally found his target, Qianli finally vented his anger, "Thank you for the reminder, little brother Xia Chen."

The air was silent at this moment. Judging from Qianli's final pause and the awkward look on his face that he didn't dare to look at Xia Chen again, he should have finally thought that the person he was scolding as a bastard was the one in front of him who was chatting and laughing just a second ago. little friend.

Is there anything more embarrassing in the world than being right in front of the person you are criticizing?

If so, it must be that he is about to have dinner with this person.

How about leaving first?

Even though he was as calm as a thousand miles away, he had the idea of ​​running away at this moment.

If it was a battle between elves, no matter how powerful his opponent was, he would not frown.

But if it’s such a social death scene, Qianli really can’t stand it!

It's like letting a Boscodora with full physical defense but low special defense take a shot of the special attack move Qi Bomb with four times the restraint, how can he withstand it?

Qianli felt that he was the Boscodora that was on the verge of losing its fighting ability at this moment, and he was just waiting for Xia Chen's simple yin and yang strange energy to hit.

However, Xia Chen obviously didn't mean this, and just smiled and replied: "It's okay, Mr. Qianli, it's perfectly normal to have something you don't like, right Xiao Xi?"

Shijana, who was playing carelessly with the small marsupial, replied without thinking: "Yes, for example, I hate fairies the most."



This example aroused the anger of Senbu and Gardevoir. Shijana, who knew she had made a mistake, stuck out her tongue and quickly apologized to them.

"Sorry, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about this attribute, yes, that's it!"


The little episode eased the awkward atmosphere a lot, and just in time Xia Chen also prepared the last dish, shrimps and eggs.

The eggs are the nutritious eggs of Happy Eggs, and the shrimps are the meat from the two large claws left by the iron-clawed lobster that just caused trouble. Xia Chen is quite looking forward to this dish with special ingredients.

Gardevoir and Xianbu brought the dishes to the table, and the King who asked for leave took a rare moment of diligence and prepared to step forward to help, but Happy Egg, who had discovered his stealing trick, carried his ears back to his seat.

Xia Chen also took advantage of this moment to release his other elves, "Everyone, get ready to wash your hands and eat!"

Qianli looked at the other elves released by Xia Chen in surprise. They were undoubtedly not at the gym level, and there was even one that he couldn't sense at all.

That should be the only legendary spirit known to have been subdued so far, so I'm surprised.

Qianli suddenly felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that he would meet such a legendary figure on the road when he accidentally traveled far.

Without recognizing him, she scolded him in front of him.

Thinking of this, even if his psychological quality is as strong as a thousand miles away, his toes begin to pinch the three rooms and one living room unconsciously.

Fortunately, food can heal everything, and naturally it can also heal this trivial relationship rift.

After the meal, the awkward atmosphere basically disappeared.

One or two o'clock in the afternoon was the hottest time of the day, so they were not in a hurry to continue on their way, but stopped for a while.

The water in front of us was beautiful, but the weather was very hot. Under the leadership of Menas, all the elves chose to take a dip in the lake to eat and escape the heat. Even the King of Leaves floated on the lake with his backstroke skills, enjoying the coolness comfortably. Lake water.

Not to mention Xiao Xi who is the most playful. She would lie on Menas and swim and dive with him, and then she would grab the "wing" on Duolongqi's head and surf on the lake.

The pure joyful laughter infected every spirit in the water. Even Xia Chen and Qianli, who didn't want to go into the water under the shade of the trees on the shore, laughed heartily.

"I want to apologize to you for what I just said."

Qianli is not a stubborn old stubborn, he is just a somewhat traditional trainer who devotes himself wholeheartedly to the elf battle career that he loves.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what he said was a bit excessive, so he chose to apologize.

Although he still doesn't like the gorgeous contest, and he doesn't want his only son to pursue it and goal.

Xia Chen smiled softly, "I don't need your apology, I need your approval, if possible."

Qianli's prejudice is just a microcosm of the fact that the glamor contest is still not accepted by some mainstream voices in society.

As the creator of the gorgeous contest, Xia Chen wanted to take her to a higher level and leave a lasting mark in this world.

He wanted the recognition of more people, including Qianli in front of him.

Qianli was silent for a while, then shook his head, "Sorry, I can't do it."

Of course Xia Chen didn't expect that just saying these two words would change Qianli's view.

He shrugged and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. After watching this gorgeous competition, maybe you will change your mind?"

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