Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 319 Do you think Miss Junsha will believe your lies?

Although when it comes to "flightless", the first thing that everyone thinks of is the spicy elves, but in fact, there are many flightless elves in the world.

Nian Mei'er, including her eighteen generations of ancestors before and after her evolution, Nian Nian Bao and Nian Mei Long, all belong to this category.

So how did such an elf suddenly fly?

Xia Chen was a little confused.

He has known for a long time that every elf has its own secret, and Nian Mei'er has shown her specialness as early as when she was Nian Nian Bao.

Such as extraordinary growth speed, learning ability, special characteristics, and so on.

But no matter what, she didn't show any ability to fly before!

So Xia Chen on the other end of the video call asked in surprise: "Nian Mei'er, how can you fly?"

Upon hearing Xia Chen's question, Nian Mei'er poked her head out of the dark hole and said happily: "Nian——"

Xia Chen, who lost the ability to communicate, hurriedly looked for a translator, "Rotom, translator."

"Okay Lotto! It was the Blue Flame Blade Demon who taught me Lotto!"

Blue flame blade ghost?

Xia Chen and the others' attention immediately shifted to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost, who was stared at heavily, was obviously flustered, and then nodded, "Kakalu."

"That's right, it's Lotto who taught Nian Meier."

Rotom very thoughtfully imitated the voice of the Blue Flame Blade Demon.

Xia Chen frowned slightly. Why did he feel that something was wrong with the Cangyan Blade Ghost today?

His posture, tone, and temperament, none of them matched the previous ones.

If it weren't for the fact that the flame on his body was still a very special cold white bone fire, Xia Chen would have suspected that his Cang Yan Blade Ghost had been replaced by someone.

Although the Blue Flame Blade Ghost seemed a little strange, that was not the focus at the moment. Xia Chen continued to ask: "How did it fly? Can you tell us?"

There is an old saying that goes like this: "It's like Groudon has wings", which means that it's as if Groudon has wings. It's a metaphor that a strong man becomes more powerful after gaining amplification.

No matter what, being able to fly is a good thing. If possible, Xia Chen would like to give one to all his elves.

However, what made him a little disappointed was that Cangyan Blade Ghost shook his head in embarrassment and replied: "Kalu."

"I can't teach it because I'm still practicing. I can't fly yet and I need to wait until I fully master it myself before I can teach Lotto!"

Although it is strange to say it, the person who taught this fighting skill called [Tian Luo Jue] was the old me, and it has nothing to do with the current me.

Now, I am just a Cang Yan Blade Demon who has inherited the consciousness named "Yao Chen" and his "legacy".

The Cangyan Blade Ghost thought with some melancholy.

Without the consciousness of [Yao Chen], he was as inexplicably empty as if he was missing an important piece, and he is still searching for himself until now.


On the other end of the phone, Xia Chen was stunned when he heard Rotom's translation.

What's the meaning? Will the disciples of the church starve to death? Is the Blue Flame Blade Ghost so selfless?

No, it might be because Nian Meier’s super learning ability comes into play

He turned to Nian Mei'er and asked, "What about you, Nian Mei'er, can you teach me?"

Nian Meier also shook her head in embarrassment, "Nian"

Rotom translated: "I'm sorry, Xia Chen, I can only learn, but I can't teach Luo Tuo!"

Is this so?

Xia Chen sighed with regret.

Although this situation is somewhat unscientific, why can’t you teach if you can learn?

But since it was unscientific that Nian Meier could fly, Xia Chen also accepted this reason.

The plan tentatively titled [Everyone Takes Off and Laughs at Groudon] has been shelved before it was implemented.

Because it was an accident, Xia Chen had no regrets.

After talking about this thing that surprised and delighted him, Xia Chen became concerned about the two elves' left-behind life——

How did you eat, did you sleep well, how did you get along, etc.

Nian Mei'er and Cangyan Blade Ghost answered one by one, and both expressed their feelings of missing their trainers and partners.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

Not talking about Nian Mei'er, but Cangyan Blade Ghost.

Why did he suddenly have such feelings?

Where has the Cang Yan Blade Ghost gone, who is calm, independent, emotionally restrained, and decisive in doing things?

Xia Chen hung up the phone in confusion.

It's not easy to ask him about this kind of thing on the phone, so he has to wait until he goes back to make observations later.

After making the phone call and walking to the beach until the sun completely disappeared under the horizon, Xia Chen returned to the villa.

Qianli had come back by this time, and this time he didn't smell of alcohol, but he still wasn't in a very high mood.

Xia Chen guessed that this time he was attracted by Adam and Mikri's crazy Amway Contest, and that layer of cognitive barriers was severely eroded.

But emo is emo, so he still gave Xia Chen a message as promised.

"By the way, Mi Keli heard that I came here with you and said he wanted to meet you."

Xia Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I know. Ma Xiu also told me just now that I will go there tomorrow."

Qianli followed this topic and said: "I heard that you guys had some kind of gorgeous battle. It was a bit of a competitive match, but Mikri is very strong, so you have to be careful."

How could Xia Chen not know this? He nodded with some distress, "Let's talk to him tomorrow."

A night of silence.


The next morning, the sound of pattering rain woke everything up.

It rained again on Liuli Island.

Most of the rainfall in summer is astonishing, but today's rain is as gentle and soft as spring rain, as if it falls just for the sake of falling.

The strange thing is that although the water line formed by raindrops has not been broken, the sky is still clear.

This is a rare solar rain.

So Leden lay in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking up at the sky worriedly.

Xia Chen walked to it and sat down next to it, "Are you also worried about those two legendary elves?"

Therefore, Luton nodded quite seriously, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

Xia Chen pondered slightly and asked, "Can you sense their location or when they might wake up?"

Therefore, Luton was a little speechless, "The location is under this sea area. As for the time, I am not their alarm clock. How would I know?"

"Alarm clock."

Therefore, Luton's unintentional words gave Xia Chen some inspiration. He rubbed his chin and thought: "What do you think we take the initiative and wake them up?"

It felt uncomfortable to have two time bombs lying under me. It would have been fine to evacuate directly, but Xia Chen had decided to intervene.

So he planned to think of ways to make humans less passive.

Therefore, Luton yawned, and his pink tongue trembled slightly in the air, which was quite cute.

"So are you going to join Team Lava or Team Ocean?"

Xia Chen: "."

From a certain perspective, it seems right to say so.

After careful analysis, Xia Chen said: "No, our goals are completely opposite, but the means are the same, and whether Team Lava does it or not, Groudon will wake up. I just make this process more controllable."

So Luton turned around, basking in the sun evenly, and casually replied: "Do you think Miss Junsha will believe your lies?"

Xia Chen: "."

Bad thing, I was rendered speechless by a lizard.

Therefore, Lutton's meaning is obvious, it is not important what you think, but what you do is important.

Trying to awaken Groudon and Kyogre to cause a war, isn't that just a full-fledged terrorist?

What? You said they must wake up.

Where is the evidence? Just because of this damn weather?

Xia Chen bet that the Fengyuan Alliance would immediately collect weather data from recent decades from the Weather Research Institute and slap it on his face.

"I'd rather do nothing than make a mistake."

Thinking of that wise saying, Xia Chen decided to start messing around.

"Forget it, let's wait for the Lava team to take action, and then notify Mikri and the others of the news. In a sense, the awakening time is controllable."

To save the world, start by letting the dark organization run wild!

Gulludon on the side thought for a while, but still didn't say the sentence "What if Groudon woke up before them?"


After breakfast, Xia Chen went to Liuli Gym for an appointment.

Qianli went out for a walk without knowing why, while Serena stayed at home to prepare for the war and take care of the baby.

Although it was raining lightly, it did not affect Guluton and Xia Chen on it. Once the barrier was opened, an independent space was formed that was isolated from the outside world. The principle was probably similar to the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast in Journey to the West.

Because I had already visited the Liuli Ancient City once yesterday, I was even more familiar with Guluton this time. A flash of orange-red lightning flashed through the air, and within two minutes Xia Chen arrived in front of the Liuli Gym.

From the perspective of learning from fellow travelers, Xia Chen visited the Liuli Gym starting from the outside.

The building material of the gymnasium is similar to that of the Glazed Star. They are both made of a metal that looks very expensive. Compared with the two, the Glazed Gym is less grand but more refined.

As the gymnasium of the artist Mikri, the overall design of the building is very strong. The streamlined lines reminded Xia Chen of Menas, with the elegance of a noble in the water.

Xia Chen took a few photos from various angles and sent them to his assistant Yan Shu, with the text - "My gym is better-looking than this one."

As for Party A, it’s normal to have high requirements for your own projects, right?

Fengyuan area is not far from Donghuang area, and the time difference is not big. Within a few seconds, the other side replied: "Understood."

Putting away his phone with satisfaction, Xia Chen stepped into Liuli Gym.

Early in the morning, there were quite a few people queuing up in the gym to challenge, but most of them were guys who couldn't even challenge the gym apprentices.

There are many battles going on at the same time on the battle field in the hall, and the elf with the highest appearance rate is Menas, which is probably four or five of the seventeen or eight elves in total.

After excluding half of the elves who are still challengers, and rounding up, almost every apprentice in the Liuli Gym has a Menas.

Walking in the hall, Xia Chen's steps became brisk unconsciously. This was part of his change in the world.

Without the beautiful energy cube, elves like Menas would still be exclusive to elite trainers.


"Hello sir, please make an appointment to register for the Gym Challenge on the Liuli Gym app."

A girl who looked like a gym apprentice came towards me and reminded me.

Xia Chen replied: "I'm not here to challenge you at the gym. My name is Xia Chen and I'm here to see your gym leader."

"Ah, you are Xia Chen!"

After a brief moment of silence, the girl suddenly became excited. She tried her best to suppress her excited voice and said with a flushed face: "I am your fan!"

But you didn’t even recognize me just now, you fake fan!

Xia Chen complained silently in his heart, but had a polite smile on his face.

The girl added: "I have all the dolls of Menus, Fairy Eevee, Gardevoir, and Zoroark!"

Co-author I am just a dispensable trainer accessory.

Xia Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, let's talk about it later. Can you help introduce your museum owner? He should be waiting for me too."

The apprentice girl returned to normal, nodded and said: "No problem, come with me."

Following her footsteps, Xia Chen passed through the outer apprentice challenge area, the battle field in the middle, and finally came to the owner's living area.

The decoration here is extremely gorgeous, with crystals, gems, and various artworks cleverly embellished everywhere. It doesn't give people the feeling of overexertion, but it is quite comfortable to be in it.

The apprentice girl finally stopped in front of a door with a sign called [Water World].

"The owner is inside now, please come in."

"Thank you."

After thanking him, Xia Chen pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing the vast expanse of azure, Xia Chen understood why this room was called this name. It was clearly a huge living hall for water elves!

The arched glass passage winds forward, separating this spectacular indoor world from the sidewalk below. Xia Chen feels as if he is under the sea.

In the boundless blue man-made ocean, countless aquatic elves live in it, including the most despised carp king or horned goldfish, as well as rare elves such as the Menas Thorn Dragon King that countless trainers flock to.

Here, there is no distinction between rare and rare, they all live equally in a body of water.

Deep in the depths, a man in a diving suit was playing and swimming with several popper dolphins. His long light green hair was floating in the water with the current, and his movements were stretched like the aquatic elves next to him.

Art, so art!

Such an elegant man is naturally the Liuli People, Liuli Gym Leader, Water Artist, and Mi Keli. Xia Chen walked over there while admiring the surrounding scenery.

Mi Keli also spotted Xia Chen. After waving hello, he pointed in the direction of the end of the passage and then swam upward.

Xia Chen nodded knowingly and walked in the direction he pointed.


There is a rest area at the end of the glass passage, which is equipped with bookshelves, tea bars, game consoles and other entertainment facilities. There is a water Eevee that looks like a waiter behind the water bar.

There is a staircase next to the rest area leading to the top, which should be the place where Mikri came out of the water world.

Xia Chen walked to the chair in front of the bar and sat down. Shuiyibu dressed as a maid stopped washing the cups and jumped in front of Xia Chen.

"Buyi? (Sir, would you like something?)"

Xia Chen glanced at the fresh fruits on the shelf behind the bar and said, "Bring me a glass of iced melon juice."

"Bu'er~ (I understand, I'll make it for you right away~)"

Water Eevee jumped back waving its big wet tail and started making tree juice.

He took out a melon fruit from the refrigerator that was almost half the size of Eevee's body. Then a sharp water blade condensed slightly on his hand. He lifted the knife and cut the melon fruit into two parts.

It is said that Aqua Eevee can be completely transformed into liquid and dissolved in water, so it is not surprising that some parts can change shapes at will.

No wonder so many perverts like water Eevee

Well, it’s better to make your own fairy cloth.

The left hand turns into a water blade to cut the melon, and the right hand turns into a drill-like juicer for stirring. Finally, the ice energy is used to condense a few ice cubes and put them in. A glass of ice-cold melon juice is completed.

Shui Yibu turned his left hand into a water dish, picked up a glass filled with bright red liquid, and placed it in front of Xia Chen, "Buyi~ (Please use it slowly~)"

"Thank you!"

Xia Chen didn't drink any water all the way. He was very thirsty. He took the cup and took two big gulps.

The cool and smooth liquid rolls into the throat, bringing a dual pleasure of sweetness and coolness.

In one word, cool!

Perhaps because of excessive thirst, Xia Chen somehow felt that the glass of juice given by Shuiyibu was extremely delicious.

"The tree juice prepared by Water Eevee will be blended with its own body fluids during the production process, so it will be cooler and sweeter. Water elf, is it magical?"

A gentle and jade-like voice behind him answered Xia Chen's doubts, and then walked over to him and sat down.

Xia Chen looked a little weird, it was mixed with Shuiyibu's bodily fluids. It sounded a little bad.

"Don't worry, Aqua Eevee's bodily fluids are as pure as distilled water."

Mikri, whose hair was still a little wet, snapped his fingers and said, "Water Eevee, make me a glass of [Sea Breeze]."

Mi Keli said so, so Xia Chen naturally chose to trust him.


After finishing the Guasi juice in a subtle mood, Xia Chen said hello to Mi Keli, who had elegance engraved in his bones.

"Teacher Mikri, long time no see."

Mi Keli preferred his identity as an artist to his identity as a museum owner, so Xia Chen followed the trend and called him that.

"It's been a long time, but I've heard your name in the news a lot, Teacher Xia Chen."

Teacher Xia Chen

Xia Chen, who received this title for the first time, was a little uncomfortable. He smiled bitterly and said, "Don't call me that. I really can't afford it. Let's just call each other by our first names."

Mikri smiled slightly and nodded obediently.

After some insignificant pleasantries, the two got down to business.

"It's really thanks to your help that this gorgeous celebration can be held in such a great place as Liuli City."

Xia Chen still has the title of Honorary Chairman of the Gorgeous Competition Committee hanging on his head, so he deserves to express his gratitude.

Mi Keli shook his head slightly and replied: "No, this is also an honor for Liuli City. I always thought that the Gorgeous Contest was the second greatest invention in this century."

The first one is of course the Poke Ball that everyone recognizes.

He suddenly shook his head regretfully, "I originally wanted to sign up for this competition, but unfortunately I was rejected."

Xia Chen twitched the corner of his mouth. It was really wise to refuse your vicious fish fry request.

He said comfortingly: "If you compete in a competition at your level, there should be no suspense about winning the championship."

Mi Keli smiled, took a sip of the crystal clear light red cocktail in the glass, and changed the topic: "However, Miss Ma Xiu later made a proposal, inviting me to play a gorgeous exhibition match at the opening ceremony. This So funny."

Xia Chen responded with a wry smile, "Of course you are interesting, because your interest is based on my pain."

"Frankly speaking, for an excellent exhibition match, even if it is a gorgeous battle, being evenly matched is a very important factor. My strength is still far behind yours."

He has nothing to be embarrassed about. Weakness is weakness and strength is strength. Being afraid to admit being weak is a shame.

But Mi Keli smiled softly, "Which one is strong and which one is weak will be known after a fight, right?"

Xia Chen was slightly stunned and asked: "You mean we should practice the gorgeous battle first?"


Mikri shook his head and said: "I mean, let's have an elegant and charming elf battle first!"


The layout of the battlefield for Liuli Gym Leader is different from other places.

There is no rocky surface, just a vast body of water that is the size of more than half a football field, and several unfixed plastic platforms attached to the water.

Water gymnasiums naturally use water venues.

There were a lot of people in the audience at the side of the battlefield. They were the audience who came here because they received the message "Mikri Gym Master Open is about to begin" pushed on their mobile phones by the [Liu Li Gym App].

Because in every gym open competition, those who compete with Mikri are all well-known trainers.

And this time, Mikri’s opponent gave the audience who came to open the blind box a big surprise.

"It's actually Xia Chen!"

"Speaking of which, he hasn't appeared in public since the final against Darkrai, right?"

"The gorgeous celebration is about to begin. It would be unreasonable if the father and previous champion of the gorgeous contest doesn't come."

"What elf will he use today? Is there any reason for this?"

"Don't, haven't you seen what the venue was like in the last final? There were still three layers of protective shields. If you really want to take it out here, I'll turn around and leave immediately."

Discussions like this continued in the audience.

Not to mention 100%, more than 70% of the people in the stands knew Xia Chen, a terrible trainer who had become popular in the past two years.

No, his achievements and identity are so complex that they cannot be summed up simply by the word trainer.

Especially the legendary battle two months ago made his current reputation comparable to top trainers like Sirona.

So the news that Xia Chen appeared again at the Liuli Gym Open Tournament immediately spread across the Internet through the audience on the sidelines.

For a time, the number of downloads of the [Liu Li Gym] app increased by leaps and bounds - because this is the only place where you can watch the live broadcast of this game.

There was an uproar on the sidelines and on the Internet, but in the water on the battlefield, standing on Lapras, a sexy referee in a bikini read the rules online.

"This match is the Liuli Gym Open Challenge. The challenger side is a gym-level trainer, Xia Chen, and the gym owner is a gym-level trainer, Mi Keli. The competition format is the alliance's general 3v3 rules. Both sides may have questions. ?”

The two said in unison: "No."

The referee nodded, rode Lapras to the sidelines, and then blew the whistle.

"Then, let the game begin!"


"Display your most gorgeous dance, Menas!"

Michaeli, wearing a pure white suit with open front, elegantly threw the love ball in his hand.

White light flashed, and a charming and elegant elf jumped into the water. It was Menas.

Xia Chen simultaneously threw the elf ball he had prepared in his hand and released the power of the waveguide to explore.

Gym level two stars!

He felt relieved.

Perhaps in order to test Xia Chen's strength, Mi Keli did not immediately send out his main king-level elf, but gradually threw out a gym-level elf to test the waters.

Although he is still slightly stronger than his current self, he can definitely fight!

Xia Chen thought as the elf ball he threw burst into white light in the air.

The even more beautiful Gardevoir appears, using her superpowers to float about half a meter above the water.

"Gardevoir, prepare to fight!"

In the battle in the water field, there are not many elves to choose from.

Although there are indeed several large floating boards floating on the water, with the strength of that thing, it can easily withstand the AOE moves cast by a gym-level elf, and it will sink immediately.

Therefore, aquatic elves or elves with the ability to fly are the first choice.

Then there are only a few left, Menas, Gardevoir, Duolongqi, and Guledun.

Excluding the last super player, Xia Chen's lineup is actually very transparent.

Therefore, starting Gardevoir was completely within Mikri's expectations.

As the owner of the Liuli Gym and the challenger in this match, he launched the first attack with warm hospitality.

"Menas, please rain!"

Mikoli, who has elegance engraved in his bones, even conducted the performance in a low voice, which made the fans in the audience scream.

As a purely water-based team, there is no doubt that rainy days will improve the overall strength of the lineup.

Therefore, in the absence of an elf with the [Rainfall] attribute, asking for rain is a move that cannot go wrong.

If it were Xia Chen directing, he would make the same choice, but he would never ask for rain at the beginning.

Because this means that the opponent will not get any pressure at the beginning.

Is Mikri giving himself a stage to perform?


With his mind racing, Xia Chen retracted his thoughts and then commanded without hesitation: "Gardevoir, meditate!"

He didn't care if this was a trap to deceive himself into strengthening. It was just a two-star gym-level elf. Unless it could cheat [spray water], there was nothing to guard against.

Two command sounds came to the field, one after the other. Immediately, energy light flowed from the two elves.

As if in response to the water energy released when Menas dances, the breathing fluctuations of the air change instantly.

In the blink of an eye, water vapor filled the air, and dark clouds quickly gathered above the water field. Within a second after Mikri's command sounded, light rain began to fall under the dome of the gym, at an alarming speed.

Xia Chen was not too surprised. The water field is a place with extremely high water vapor content. In addition, this Menas is also a water elf cultivated by Mikri. It can rain in a second.

"Next is the gorgeous water cannon!"

Without giving Xia Chen and Gardevoir a chance to breathe, under the rainy sky that was gradually gaining momentum, a blue water column suddenly spurted out from Menas's mouth, carrying extremely penetrating violent energy through the rain curtain and shooting straight in a certain direction. .

There is Gardevoir who is still meditating!

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