Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 499 The low-profile youth version of Arceus, the Silver Companion Beast

People can't open their eyes to the thick smoke caused by dust explosions on the battlefield.

Gladion covered his mouth and nose to avoid inhaling the smoke. The doubts in his heart were heavier than the smoke.

It's not that he doesn't understand the cause of the explosion. Although the elf world mainly conducts various researches to develop the abilities of elves, the natural science and technology tree has also made some points.

Dust explosions are not a profound thing, and Gragio is certainly aware of this physical and chemical phenomenon.

Rocks made of energy are inherently highly flammable and explosive. It is fine when condensed into a whole rock. After being crushed into powder by insects, it becomes natural explosion-related dust.

What he was confused about was how to use the chirping of insects to smash the boulders, and then let nature take its course to let the Vulcan Moth reveal its flaw in front of the Mane Rock Werewolf, induce him to rush into the rock and get closer, and finally spray flames to detonate the dust.

Are all these interlocking things part of Xia Chen's calculations?

Gladion, who had already got the answer in his heart, sighed silently, what a formidable trainer.

On the battlefield, the billowing smoke gradually dispersed, and the Mane Rock Werewolf tenaciously climbed up from the ground. Not only did his scarlet eyes not flinch, but he showed fearless madness.

Such is the character of the Night Dog, it even looks like an evil elf.

Its super durability allowed it to survive this dust explosion.

Gladion didn't replace it either.

Firstly, his condition is too weak and there is no point in replacing him. Secondly, Mane Rock Werewolf has a somewhat paranoid personality and would rather die standing than escape from the battlefield.

It would be better to let it emit its final light and heat in this battle.


No matter how they fought, it was difficult for the Mane Rock Werewolf to defeat the Vulcan Moth, so Gladion simply let go and charged regardless.

The gray-yellow light flashed away, and the Mane Rock Werewolf jumped up again for an unknown number of times.

Although it was seriously injured, its speed increased instead of decreasing. Its crazy ferocity made people think that its characteristics were like a "violent rock" that gets stronger as it gets worse.

"Insect chirp!"

Facing the already desperate Mane Rock Werewolf, Xia Chen did not use [Defend] conservatively.

Although as the saying goes, bare feet are not afraid of those wearing shoes, but if the shoes wearers lose the courage to fight because of this, they may really be knocked over by the bare feet.

The harsh insect chirping sounded again, and this time the target was not the rock, but the Mane Rock Werewolf itself.


The maned rock werewolf couldn't stop trembling under the attack of the insects, but still relied on that fierce force to rush through the rock to the front of the Vulcan Moth, just hoping for a life and death.

Unfortunately, the fish died but the net did not break.

Under continuous attacks, the Mane Rock Werewolf finally fell to the last buzz of insects.

Before falling, its sharp claws were still pointing unyieldingly at the Vulcan Moth.


"Thank you for your hard work, Mane Rock Werewolf, you did a great job."

Gladion raised the elf ball to take back the defeated Mane Rock Werewolf, and softly comforted him.

At the same time, he threw the elf ball in his other hand with his backhand, "Then, I'll leave it to you!"

White light flashed, and the second elf Gladion chose in this battle suddenly appeared.

It was an elf that looked like a wolf, but had the tail of a fish and the crown of a bird. It looked like a stitch monster.

Xia Chen was startled, and suddenly blurted out the name of this elf——

"Silver Companion Beast?!"

Gladion was a little surprised by Xia Chen's surprise, "You actually know him?"

Xia Chen didn't respond and didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Theoretically, because of the special nature of the Silver Companion War Beast, he really shouldn't know the name of this elf.

This is a rare artificial elf, strictly speaking, it can even be regarded as a legendary elf.

Just like Mewtwo was born out of dreams, the design concept of the Silver Companion Beast or its previous form originated from another legendary elf super boss, Arceus.

However, Mewtwo was cultivated using fantasy genes and cloning technology, while Silver Beast was created using artificially designed biological skeletons as the skeleton prototype and full-attribute cells as the genetic prototype.

As for why I imitate Arceus, one is the appearance, the other is the racial ability value, and the third is similar characteristics——

The appearance is no longer elegant and mysterious, but rather down-to-earth. In total, Arceus' racial value is nearly 200, and the [AR system] corresponding to the [multi-attribute] feature is missing.

But no matter how you look at it, this guy can only be called a super low-profile youth version of Arceus.

Although it bears the name of a legendary elf.

In the game, the Silver Companion Beast was developed by the Aether Foundation to deal with the ultimate alien beast, and finally fell into the hands of Gladion.

So if you think about it carefully, it's perfectly normal for Gladion in this world to have a Silver Companion Beast.

Over there, Gladion had no intention of commanding an attack, and seemed to be still waiting for the answer to this question.

Xia Chen smiled and said, "You'll know later."

Upon seeing this, Gladion no longer hesitated, but took out a light gray disc from the storage ball on his waist and threw it towards the Silver Companion Beast.

Xia Chen knew that this was the storage disk used to activate the [AR system], which could change the attributes of the Silver Beast. This storage disk must be a rock type that can restrain the Vulcan Moth four times.

It's still an inverse attribute battle.

Xia Chen looked at the Vulcan Moth and asked with some worry: "Do you want to continue?"

Although it was the Vulcan Moth who had the last laugh, there was no doubt that the Mane Rock Werewolf's rock attack still put a lot of pressure on it, which was not very durable.

The Silver Companion Beast that transformed into a rock attribute was only stronger than the Mane Rock Werewolf, and Xia Chen didn't want Vulcan Moth to bear too much responsibility.

Vulcan Moth naturally responded with a firm nod.

The unexpected answer made Xia Chen smile slightly. Although the Vulcan Moth is usually a little introverted, on the battlefield, its desire for victory will never be less than that of any other elf.

He shouted loudly: "Okay! Then, use ultimate absorption!"

Since the goal is to defeat the Silver Beast, the first step is to bring both sides to the same starting line.

Then Ultimate Absorption, a special grass-type move that can restore one's own physical strength, is perfect.

As long as it can hit, the damage caused by Butterfly Dance and the ultimate absorption with attribute restraint bonus will never be low.

"Sword Dance!"

Gladion didn't seem to take this ultimate absorption to heart, but boldly chose the sword dance enhancement with higher returns.

Xia Chen frowned slightly. Compared to the first game just now, Gladion's commanding style had almost completely changed.

It was like going from the extremely aggressive Nemo to a somewhat cowardly new trainer.

There is only one reason for this change.

Xia Chen looked at the calm-tempered Silver Beast, and felt a slight movement in his heart.

The strength of this legendary elf is definitely a level higher than the Mane Rock Werewolf just now!

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