Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 506 The Legendary Evil Eater King

The starry sky tonight is not dim and vast. The light from the Ultimate Cave makes the entire airspace fairly bright, probably like the dawn of dawn.

Xia Chen rode a Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird. The soft touch brought by its broad back and cloud-like soft feathers gave this elf the reputation of "the best riding elf".

It was temporarily lent to Xia Chen by Lusamine, not because the Qixi Blue Bird is faster than Doron Baruto or even Gullton, but because the current critical situation makes Xia Chen not want to waste even a little bit of combat power of his own elf——

You can't let Menas carry you while fighting the ultimate beast, right?

Deoxys was no longer around at the moment.

Because it had a special clone ability, Xia Chen let it go alone to the most densely populated city of Hau'ole for rescue.

Therefore, Luton had already gone to the Ultimate Cave first to see if he could intercept a few troublesome guys with his own powerful strength.

Lusamine followed behind her on another Tanabata Bluebird. From time to time, she seemed to be communicating with someone on her cell phone Rotom, perhaps paying attention to matters on several main islands.

After ending the call, she rode the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird to Xia Chen's side with a rather serious look on her face.

"An ultimate alien beast that is not recorded appears on Melemele Island. The destructive power of that alien beast is very powerful!"

Xia Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is that elf very big, spherical, with a big mouth, and likes to eat?"

Lusamine asked in surprise: "Do you know that ultimate beast?"

Xia Chen nodded, "Evil Food King, an elf with dual attributes of evil dragon."

"Dragon? Look at it."

Lusamine murmured halfway and realized that this sentence seemed a bit redundant.

Are there not many elves who are not like dragons but have dragon attributes?

Not to mention, Alola Coconut Tree, a dragon-type elf, has no dragon-like characteristics.

Xia Chen continued: "The destructive power of this elf should be the most powerful among all the ultimate beasts. It can quickly convert the food it eats into energy, destroy it wantonly, and then continue to eat and destroy. It is an emotionless machine." Destroy the machine."

Lusamine's face became more solemn, "Okay, that guy has already occupied a large building. Fortunately, there is no one in that office building during off hours."

Xia Chen thought to himself that you Alola people are really lazy. There was no one in the office building before eight o'clock.

If it were our Donghuang, it would still be brightly lit at nine o'clock.


After complaining, Xia Chen still said: "Let's deal with this guy first. Let's deal with the difficult guy on Melemele Island first."

Melemele Island is the most populous among the four major islands in Alola, and there is such a troublesome guy as the Evil Eater King. It is logical and logical to go there first.

Lusamine nodded in agreement and picked up her phone to communicate with the other end.

After some thought, Xia Chen threw three elf balls.

They are Senbu, Menas, and Gardevoir.

The three of them are the elves with the strongest individual combat capabilities in Xia Chen's lineup and the ability to fly.

"The three of you go to the Ultimate Cave and help Gu Ledun."

Xia Chen arranged: "Although your old predecessor Ludun is powerful, there are inevitably things that cannot be taken into account. Please give me more help."

Gardevoir was a little worried and asked: "Sanai? (We are leaving, so the two seniors, Soluton and Deoxys, are not around, so where are you?)"

Xia Chen smiled and replied: "Duolong and the others will definitely not be happy if they hear what you say. Are you looking down on them?"

Menas was not at ease and said: "Fuwu? (But didn't you say there is a powerful evil food king over there?)"

Xia Chen comforted them, "Don't worry, don't forget that Zeraora has almost recovered."

Gardevoir wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Xian Bu. She shook her head and said: "Bu Yi - (Let's go, Xia Chen believes in us, and we must also believe in him.)"

Xia Chen smiled slightly, rubbed her head that she never tired of touching, and said with a smile: "You still understand me best."

After saying this, Gardevoir stopped talking completely. Besides, it meant that he didn't understand Xia Chen.

Before Xia Chen separated from the three elves, he used the Key Stone and the Tai Jing Stone to help them complete the super evolution and Tai Jing Shi respectively.

Then, the Tanabata Bluebird carried Xia Chen and flew to Melemele Island, while Xianbu and the others flew towards the ultimate hole in the sky.

Over there, after making the phone call, Lusamine summoned a dragon from the poke ball and jumped from the Tanabata Blue Bird to its back.

Kuailong flapped its small dark green wings and came to Xia Chen. Lusamine shouted: "Xia Chen, come here too. Get there early."

Using the power of the waveguide to detect the induction, he was surprised to find that this fast dragon actually had championship-level strength.

Among all the fast dragons he has seen, he can also be ranked among the top three.

The first and second are Dragon Island's Kuailong King and Dr. Omu's ace Kuailong respectively.

Considering that this was indeed the fastest traffic elf after Guluton and Deoxys left, Xia Chen did not show any pretense and jumped onto the back of Kuailong and behind Lusamine.

With an extra hundred pounds on his body, Kuailong speeded up as if he didn't feel anything at all.

After a while, Xia Chen saw the outline of Melemele Island in the distance.


The location where the Evil Eater King appears is in Mahalo City, north of Melemele Island.

Deoxys was guarding Haolo City, so Xia Chen was not worried and directly asked Lusamine to take him to Mahalo City.

Under Kuailong's rapid advance, Yilong and the two quickly arrived at Maharo City.

There was no need to deliberately look for the location of the Evil Eater King. The guy who looked like a small hill stood out in the city.

When Xia Chen arrived, this ultimate beast, which looked like a monster in a special photo film, was walking through a city park.

While frantically destroying and devouring everything it saw around it, it strode towards what looked like a residential area.

Every time he took a step, the ground beneath his feet shook as if it had experienced an earthquake.

Looking at this intimidating and terrifying monster, Lusamine's delicate face, which did not look old at all, could not help but reveal shock and fear.

It’s one thing to hear it on the phone and another thing to see it in person.

For the first time, she had the pessimistic thought of "Is this really something that can be defeated?"

Turning to look at Xia Chen, the backbone of the situation, Lusamine found that this young man who was steady and befitting of his age also frowned deeply.

"What's wrong? Is it difficult?"

She asked softly, with a hint of embarrassment in her tone. After all, this was the monster that escaped from the Pandora cartridge she opened with her own hands.

Xia Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and replied: "This guy's strength is almost the same as that of Lightning Bird."

Lusamine was stunned.

Almost the same as Lightning Bird

In other words, this evil eating king has legendary strength? !

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