Pokemon: Pick up Eevee at the start

Chapter 529 Three Visits to Xerneas

All meetings ended with wrangling and profit distribution, and Xia Chen was too lazy to participate in these matters.

After handing over the rest of the work to the Donghuang Alliance representative stationed in Alola, he prepared to leave for Kalos to find Xerneas.

Naturally, Xia's father and mother will fly there accompanied by the medical team.

After all, Xia Chen really didn't have the confidence to let Xerneas come all the way from Kalos to Alola, so it would be more sincere to take him there.

Before leaving Alola, he visited two people respectively, one was Lusamine who insisted on seeing him, and the other was Lillie.

The place where Lusamine, the former boss, was imprisoned was very secret, on an isolated island between Melemele Island and Aetherland.

However, the environment here is acceptable, and the alliance is not too harsh on her.

When they met again, Lusamine's appearance didn't seem to have changed much except for her mental state.

"Thank you for coming to see me."

In the room where only the two of them existed, Lusamine said calmly: "You are the only one who can come see me now."

Xia Chen was silent, he understood the meaning of this sentence.

Lusamine has been working hard in Alola for many years, and her influence is complicated. There may be someone who "robs the prison" under the guise of visiting.

After all, in an elven world with extraordinary power, this possibility is not zero.

The reason why the Alola Alliance is relieved that Xia Chen comes to visit is also very simple——

If he wanted to rob the prison, would he do it under the guise of visiting?

Bring Gulton and Deoxys, no, even just one of them needs to come in and that's it.

The most dangerous people are the safest people. Sometimes things are so complicated and wonderful.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Xia Chen didn't know what to say, and Lusamine was worried that she wouldn't be able to get the answer she wanted.

Finally, Lusamine spoke first: "Have you heard about my husband?"

Her calm tone could not hide her slightly trembling voice due to nervousness. This woman who was still confident and elegant even though she was a prisoner could not help but feel anxious at this moment.

Xia Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Sorry, I found my parents, but I didn't find Dr. Moen."

He didn't argue that "the ultimate world is too big" or "it's difficult to survive in that environment" or anything like that, he just calmly recounted the news to Lusamine.

The latter's reaction was beyond Xia Chen's imagination.

The expected grief and sadness did not appear. After taking a breath, the expression on Lusamine's face was even more indifferent than Xia Chen.

She just nodded calmly and said, "Is that so? Thank you."

Xia Chen heard that there is a saying in psychology that people go through five stages when they are sad.

At first there was unbelievable denial, hysterical anger, overwhelmed confusion, gradually sinking despair, and finally, helpless acceptance.

Maybe this is not an applicable rule, at least women like Lusamine are unlikely to be immersed in the first three stages for too long.

But now, she should be more helpless than desperate.

Thinking like this, Xia Chen felt a little soft-hearted. He couldn't help but said softly: "Next time, I will help you look for it when you go over there."

Lusamine nodded noncommittally and said, "Oh, please."

Xia Chen looked at this indifferent woman, sighed in his heart, and then stood up to leave.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Xia Chen."

Lusamine suddenly stopped him, and Xia Chen stood still without looking back.

"I heard Lillie is now your student."

The voice behind him paused, and then said: "If possible, can you take her to Donghuang?"

Xia Chen replied: "I will ask her, as long as she is willing."

After a pause, he added: "And your children are very good. They can live well even without me."

"That's good"

After a sigh of relief, silence returned to the room.

Xia Chen closed the door and left.


Unexpectedly and reasonably, Lillie did not agree to leave Alola.

Xia Chen didn't try to persuade her. He knew that although this girl looked weak, she was actually very independent and it would be difficult for others to change her mind about what she believed.

In her own words, "My teacher started living alone when she was younger than me, and I also have an older brother and a teacher."

Xia Chen smiled and replied: "I believe you can live well, but if something happens, you must tell the teacher, okay?"

After explaining Lillie, Xia Chen left Alola and took the plane provided by the Alola Alliance to go to Kalos.

This is the third time he has set foot on this land.

Once it was new, it was familiar again, and three times it was like returning to my hometown.

Although this is a joke, the Carlos region has a very special meaning to Xia Chen.

Here, he pioneered the battle form of gorgeous performance, and he encountered the first legendary elf awakening event.

It was here that Ibrahimovic evolved into fairy cloth as he wished, and received a gift from Xerneas by accident.

After returning for the third time, the land was no longer threatened by the Flare Team, and Xia Chen felt much more relaxed.

After settling his parents in the place provided by the Kalos Alliance, Xia Chen thought about ways to find Xerneas.

The first time he saw the God of Life was with the appearance of Yveltal, and the second time was with the help of Huayedi.

This time neither method was useful, so Xia Chen could only ask for help from Karuni and Dr. Bratano.

Although they don't know where the mysterious Xerneas is, they have provided some clues.

It is said that a group of traveling trainers encountered a "ghost hitting the wall" incident in a mountain a few years ago. No matter how they walked, they could only go back to the original road.

They thought it was a prank by some ghost-type elf, but it turned out not to be the case.

Because the accompanying team had the [Courage] attribute, the elite King Yan, who could see through the illusion, did not react at all.

Thanks to the spread of the Internet, this matter has become quite a big deal, and many relatively powerful trainers have come to admire it, including even gym-level trainers.

Without exception, they failed to discover the truth of the incident.

This clue sounds like it has nothing to do with Xerneas, but if you think about it carefully, maybe it is an illusion set up by Xerneas in the form of a sacred tree and dormant, not wanting to be disturbed?

Okay, it was indeed a bit far-fetched, but with no other clues left or right, Xia Chen decided to try his luck.

That mountain is deep in the Alps Mountains, the most magnificent mountain range in the Carlos region, and is more than 300 kilometers away from the city of Miare.

Therefore, Luton's speed was as fast as ever. In less than half an hour, he arrived at the nameless mountain peak.


"What, is that it?"

Xia Chen, who was sitting on Gulton's back, asked him. Legend has it that elves are much more sensitive to breath.

Guluton and Xerneas met once. If it was really hidden here, Guluton should be able to distinguish it.

Therefore, Luton sensed it for a while and said thoughtfully: "It's hard to say, maybe he took the initiative to hide his aura."

Xia Chen nodded noncommittally, something that an otaku like Xerneas, who had slept for thousands of years, could do.

"Let's go down and have a look."

So Ludun responded and took Xia Chen to land in the mountains.

The climate in the Carlos region is warm. Although it is only early March, the vegetation on the mountains is still lush.

After coming down, Xia Chen threw Zeraora and Dragon Baruto from the elf ball. They were the fastest and strong enough, so they were more suitable for this kind of search work.

After assigning an area to one dragon and one cat, Xia Chen told them that if they were not found, they would meet at the top of the mountain in two hours.

Watching the silver-white and blue-gray figures disappear into the dense mountain forest, Xia Chen also set out to search with Gardevoir.

Encountering many wild elves along the way, Xia Chen keenly discovered that their bodies were stained with scattered familiar breaths of life. This was undoubtedly another strong evidence that Xerneas was hiding here.

It seems to be only one step away from the real hammer.

"Tsk, Xerneas is such a proud guy. I only need to make a phone call to Rayquaza. Can't this guy just stay in one place?"

Walking to the mountainside, Xia Chen half-jokingly complained to Gulton.

"I'm just worried that if someone like you has something to do, just go and bother it."

So Luton responded casually, and the feathers on his head dangled like a cat's wand, attracting several pink butterflies to dance around it.

Xia Chen was speechless. It was really possible.

Xerneas is one of the few legendary elves that is relatively close to humans. For people, separation between life and death is the most difficult thing to do. There must be many people like me asking it to help with things.

If it were any other bad-tempered legendary elf, normal people would not dare to touch it.

Just like other than Team Lava and Team Ocean, who else would want to take the initiative to awaken the Hoenn Twins?

"Forget it, after this time, I won't bother it again!"

Xia Chen said.

Therefore, Luton glanced at him sideways and complained: "He really looks like the old general on the stage."

Having lived in the human world for two and a half years, Gullerton is now able to skillfully use old memes on the Internet.

Xia Chen looked at Xianbu walking leisurely and elegantly at his feet, and said thoughtfully: "Xianbu, don't you also have the energy of life? Can you steal some more from Xerneas? Then we can I really don’t need to trouble Xerneas anymore.”

Xianbu twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that Xia Chen really dares to say anything. If Xerneas hears it, see if he can see you.

Presumably, Xerneas did not hear Xia Chen's disrespectful words.

Because soon, Xia Chen and the others encountered the ghost wall-breaking incident mentioned in the clues.

"Is it an illusion created by Xerneas?"

Xia Chen asked.

This time Gulton was able to give a definite answer. He took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

Xia Chen squinted at Gu Ledun and asked: "You are so strong, breaking this illusion should be a piece of cake, right?"

Therefore, Leton looked back with a sideways glance, not liking his weak-minded provocation at all, "It's true, but it's not necessary."

Xia Chen was puzzled, "How do you say that?"

Gu Leton explained: "It's like this is your home and you are sleeping in it. I smash the house and wake you up without the key. What would you do?"

Xia Chen thought about this question seriously and replied: "I will beat you until your mother doesn't recognize you."

Sighing, he asked again: "Then what do you think we should do?"

So Leton replied: "Instead of destroying the house, we can sneak in over the wall."


Before sneaking in, Xia Chen first found Zeraora and Doronbaruto.

Temporarily taking the rest of the elves back into the ball, Xia Chen got on the motorcycle-shaped Gulton and entered Xerneas' [house].

Unexpectedly, Gu Lerton used any special moves, and Xia Chen noticed that the scenery around him began to change, and it no longer looked like it was going in circles before.

It seemed like a long time passed, or maybe it was just a few seconds, so Leden stopped.

Xia Chen raised his head, and in front of his eyes was a gorgeous ancient tree shining with colorful light.

It is hard to imagine that the adjective "gorgeous" can be used on ancient trees, but Xia Chen feels that there is no more appropriate word than this.

The tree was not very tall, far inferior to the towering ancient tree that was transformed into the Horn of Xerneas in Xiangxuan City, but it made Xia Chen feel an urge to worship in his heart.

Undoubtedly, this is the incarnation of Xerneas.

Xia Chen rubbed his chin and thought: "If I wake it up now, it won't be beaten, right?"

Although Xerneas has always had a good temper, it's hard to say how angry he gets out of bed.

Just as he was hesitating, the sacred tree in front of him began to change. In the bright and colorful light, the beautiful and dreamlike Xerneas appeared, walking towards Xia Chen on his long legs.

This scene made Xia Chen feel dazed for a moment. In terms of strength, Xerneas might not even be ranked among the top three among all the legendary elves he had seen.

But in terms of competition, except for Super Rayquaza's superior ability, Xerneas has never been intimidated by anyone.

No way, the appearance condition is too good.

Although Wujitai's strength is unparalleled, the shape of the bone dragon is similar to that of the ancestor giant, so it looks evil.

Another outstanding point compared to other legendary elves is their character - they are indifferent to the world, and they will help Carlos and mankind when they face crises. They are too much like a selfless Mother Goddess of the Earth.

The one who needs to be singled out for whipping here is naturally the two fools of Fengyuan. Their out-of-the-box character and intelligent eyes are like two little naughty kids.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Chen raised his head and looked directly at the divine deer of life, and said sincerely: "Dear Sir Xerneas, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm sorry to bother you again."

Xerneas' ethereal and faint voice echoed in the forest, "It doesn't matter, it won't be long."

For a legendary elf like her who has been dreaming for three thousand years, Xia Chen, whom she only met more than half a year ago, is like two friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. It really can't be called "long time no see".

After confirming Xerneas's attitude, Xia Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said directly: "I came here this time for private matters. My close parents were parasitized by an ultimate alien beast, and their vitality was severely lost. Even the life energy of Senbu cannot completely cure me, so I came to you.”

Xerneas nodded slightly. It was the incarnation of Carlos's will to life. It had no parents, but it understood the importance of the concept of parents to living beings.

It said calmly: "Because of your contribution to the peace of Kalos, I can give it a try. Where are they?"

Xia Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well, we're in Miare City. Can Lord Xerneas come with me?"

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