"Then let's go and have a look, Metal Monster, let's be careful to go around!"


Seeing that there was no need to watch the battle, Metal Monster immediately moved.

Under the cover of the sea of ​​flowers, it bypassed the battlefield and flew straight to the back of the three bee tribe.

The battle between the two tribes was so fierce that Metal Monster and his group were not discovered at all.

Because of their great fighting momentum, all the insect elves around ran away.

Mingzheng rarely saw such an empty and deserted sea of ​​flowers, but he was also more cautious.

"Fa Fa!"

Along the way, Shuttlecock Flower kept sniffing and pointing the way for Metal Monster.

Mingzheng watched silently and thought of the iron dumbbells running around in the deserted path.

Could it be that behind the three bee tribe, there are still good things that Shuttlecock Flower desperately wants?

A few minutes later, a three bee appeared in Mingzheng and his group's sight.

Metal Monster subconsciously stopped and did not dare to act rashly.

Shuttlecock Flower said nothing and directly dispersed a large amount of sleeping powder.

Perhaps they had never seen the shiny blue powder before, and thought it was a different kind of nectar, so the three bees even took the initiative to greet it.

Then, they fell into a deep sleep.

This three bees obviously suffered from lack of knowledge.

Then, Mingzheng found that these three bees had never seen the world!

After seeing the shiny sleeping powder, they all couldn't help but pounce on it, without exception.

"Fa Fa~"

The shuttlecock flower didn't care at all, but its little eyes became more and more shining, as if the good stuff was not far away.

Gradually, the number of three bees began to increase.

Finally, a three bee in the distance saw with his own eyes that his companion fell into the sea of ​​flowers after touching the sleeping powder, and immediately made a unique insect sound that alerted the entire three bee group.

"Fa Fa!"

The shuttlecock flower was also obviously anxious, and couldn't help but pull Mingzheng's sleeve.

"Don't worry, tell us where the metal monster is, and we'll rush over as fast as we can. If we can't take the good stuff, we'll take it. If we can't take it, we'll leave immediately.

Once the queen bee comes back, we'll definitely not be able to escape!"

Jianzihua and the metal monster nodded. Now is not the time to be irritated.

Then, Jianzihua sniffed carefully again, took the initiative to sit back in Mingzheng's arms, and pointed to the right front.

"Fa Fa!"


The metal monster accelerated instantly, and regardless of the surrounding sea of ​​flowers, it rushed over!

From a distance, a silver light slid past the sea of ​​flowers at a high speed.

The surrounding three bees were alert and flew towards the metal monster frantically in a siege.

Although the three bees were flying elves, their speed was not very fast. It was not easy to start and accelerate to catch up with the metal monster.

In less than half a minute, the momentum of the pursuit had become extremely huge, and there were no less than a hundred three bees following behind.

"Fa Fa!"

Just as Jianzihua suddenly shouted, the metal monster suddenly stopped and slowed down.

The next moment, they suddenly entered an open space.

In the middle of the open space, two normal-sized queen bees seemed to be guarding something.


Jianzihua pointed with her little hand, and Mingzheng immediately looked at the so-called good stuff.

I saw a dead tree root like a banyan tree lying on the ground, and in the middle and lower part of the dead tree root, a green crystal was flashing a faint light.

Flying energy crystal!

Mingzheng, who had been cramming for a while at the Yamanashi Research Institute, immediately recognized what the good stuff was.

When he looked at the dead tree root again, Mingzheng suddenly felt that it looked like an elf.

Tropical dragon!

And it was a tropical dragon that turned into a dead tree after death!

No wonder the gentleman moth and the queen bee would go to war.

No wonder Jianzihua was also attracted.

Because they and the tropical dragon have the same flying system!

"Metal monster!"

There is no doubt that Mingzheng would not miss such a good thing.

Grab it!

The metal monster understood, and didn't care about the two queen bees blocking the front and the three bees surrounding behind.

The trainer said to grab it, would the quasi-god metal monster retreat?

Damn it!

The metal monster's eyes lit up with pink and purple light, and its own telekinesis burst out, and it forcibly controlled the two queen bees!

Mingzheng lowered his body, and when the metal monster flew above the energy crystal, he grabbed the energy crystal in his hand with his right hand.


The metal monster's telekinesis dissipated, and the engine transformed by his arms roared, taking Mingzheng and Jianzihua out of the open space and fleeing at full speed.

Suddenly, the two queen bees made angry hissing sounds, and the giant queen bee far away on the battlefield immediately received the news and rushed back like crazy!

At this time, Mingzheng was sitting on the back of the metal monster, but his face was a little ugly.

The flying energy crystal that he forcibly snatched was actually broken!

No wonder the queen bee, the gentleman moth, and the shuttlecock flower could feel this energy crystal from a distance.

All because the energy crystal has been emitting pure flying energy!

"Can you take it back to the Poké Ball to absorb it?"

Jianzihua held the broken energy crystal and shook her head.

The Poké Ball is completely closed, and the escaping flying energy can easily affect the stability of the Poké Ball.

At that time, it will be Jianzihua who gets hurt.

"Then absorb it, absorb as much as you can, and leave the rest to us!"

Mingzheng held Jianzihua and whispered, and then patted the metal monster again.


The metal monster also nodded, and its speed was unexpectedly increased to a higher level!


Jianzihua was moved and didn't say much.

It put the flying energy crystal into its corolla, then closed its eyes and began to absorb it.

Suddenly, a series of green lights lit up from the shuttlecock flower and disappeared.

The shuttlecock flower's brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes frowned. It was obvious that it was not easy to absorb it by force.

Mingzheng hugged the shuttlecock flower tightly, and took out two cans of insect repellent spray from his backpack, ready to go.

Behind him, the three bee swarms chasing Mingzheng were getting more and more powerful.

Two of the queen bees, with the help of many three bees, also fell tightly behind.

Mingzheng didn't pay much attention to them behind him, and was more alert to the wild elves flying in front to intercept.

Even though the shuttlecock flower was trying hard to absorb, the flying energy crystals were still slowly dissipating outwards.

And all elves with flying attributes would be attracted.

Fortunately, the current chasing army is very huge, and most of the elves will be scared away by the three bee swarms.

But as long as they are not scared away, they are probably difficult to deal with!

Sure enough, a wild Pokémon soon appeared in front of them to intercept them.

An ancient dragonfly rushed straight over from the front, its wings as thin as cicada wings glowing white, and its target was the shuttlecock flower in Mingzheng's arms.

"Aim, move right!"

In an instant, the metal monster turned sideways and cleverly avoided the air slash of the ancient dragonfly!

Then, Mingzheng raised his left hand and pressed the insect repellent spray.

A large amount of insect repellent spray was sprayed on the ancient dragonfly that was about to chase.

Suddenly, the ancient dragonfly screamed, flew up and down, and was then swallowed directly by the three bee swarms behind it.

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