When facing the last powerful Nazi, Gengar did not hesitate and directly displayed his special ability - Devouring Darkness.

Summon a ball of black gas to swallow yourself in, thereby enhancing your strength and greatly increasing your speed and strength!

In this room, it was not enough to contain the full picture of Gengar in his dark form, so he could only turn into a huge ball of black energy, floating in front of Nazi.

And it was the first time for Nazi to see such an existence that could threaten her.

The power of the ghost attribute itself is the nemesis of the super power system, and the black object created by Gengar is an ultimate expression of the ghost power, seemingly full of endless power!

Nazi couldn't believe it, this was the strength that Gengar possessed!!

If transformed into superpowers, it would be enough to rival myself!

There are no spectators in the fighting venue of the Golden Gym, but the intensity is no less than that of a peak battle!

Ye Chen watched quietly from the side of the gymnasium, watching the battle between Geng Gui and Nazhi.

He knew that Gengar's move was difficult to deal with, but he used a trick when defeating it.

Now fighting against Nazi, using this kind of power again is a good opportunity to see what the upper limit of Gengar's strength is.

After all, the opponent is Natsu, the incredibly powerful gym leader in the original novel, a super human who is not a Pokémon but is much more powerful than many Pokémon and has super powers all night long.


There was a roar in the huge black gas, and powerful power was released from its body.

"In the confrontation between super power attributes and ghost attributes, I want to see who can win!"Nazi's powerful aura was released, and Ye Chen was startled and realized that she had not used her full strength.

His own super power level was green, and Nazi's super power must have far exceeded the blue level!

For a moment , , the abilities of both parties skyrocketed, and huge air waves were set off, instantly extinguishing the flames on the ground just now!

"Roar!!"The huge black gas surged for a while, and rushed towards Nazi like a black air wave.

The powerful force exploded, directly sweeping Nazi into it.


Nazi looked serious, her whole body was wrapped in red super power, and she was instantly freed from the black energy. However, after she got rid of it, many black sporadic dots appeared on her body.

"Um?"Nazi was stunned. Those black dots were as inconspicuous as threads on clothes, but when they were gathered together, it would be difficult not to notice them.

"Was it just now?"Nazi looked serious.

The black smoke that swept in just now was just a cover, and the point is to stick these things to Nazi's body?

"Fortunately, Pokmon is alive in the human world. This routine is one after another."Ye Chen smiled and watched helplessly as the black dots on Nazi's body gathered together at an unstoppable speed. When the gathering reached a certain level, they exploded!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The explosions exploded on Nazi's body. It was like a smaller version of the shadow ball, directly causing great damage to her!

"hateful!"Nazi looked at her almost torn jacket and frowned.

Although she had super powers, she couldn't do anything about it. She took off the jacket with a flick of her sleeves, revealing her slightly tighter underwear. take

"snort."Ye Chen smiled, looked at the black gas and shook his head.

"Damn Gengar!"Nazi looked serious, and the super power in her eyes condensed into blood-like red.

"Since you are a gas, I will prevent you from forming gas!"Nazi looked serious.


Like a huge pressing machine falling from the sky, the black-purple gas suddenly fell down

"It's the same pressure as before."Ye Chen recognized it immediately.

When he first fought with Nazi, Nazi used this move to give him a blow.

But now this move directly suppressed Geng Gui again!

And the effect was stronger than before!!

"Although the effect is strong and can even turn gas into liquid, the range is not large."In the black air, Geng Gui's voice came

"That's enough."Nazi stretched out one hand and placed it on the other hand. The palms of the two palms faced each other and pressed slowly.

At the same time, in the battle field, the black air seemed to be invisibly suppressed by a square thing. down, shrinking quickly

"It seems that he does have some ability."Ye Chen touched his chin and looked at it lightly

"Huh, what's the point?"On the field, Geng Gui was still chatting with Ye Chen.


Before Geng Gui finished speaking, Nazi quickly put her hands together, and the powerful super power instantly completely suppressed Geng Gui!

In an instant, the huge invisible cube directly suppressed the black gas and disappeared!

"snort."Nazi sneered, the super power in her eyes disappeared, and the powerful power wrapped around her body again.

"Do you think you can eliminate me this way?~~"

An eerie voice came, and then a black gas condensed behind Nazi

"What!"Nazi was stunned, then turned around and threw a super power ball of light, but the ball of light passed directly through the black gas and hit the wall in the distance.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!"

A sinister laughter came from in front of Nazi. When she looked back, it was still the same ball of gas, the same black ball of gas that had reassembled.

"What! How can it be!"Nazi looked in front of her and couldn't believe her eyes.

She had indeed destroyed all the gas just now. Didn't she just destroy the gas?���Bian, but directly destroys the gas!

But now, why has it reappeared?

"Because I can disperse my body into billions of particles and spread these particles into the air. As long as there is air here, I can survive here. In other words, unless it is a powerful and large-scale devastating damage, such as... an extremely powerful explosion, I will not die."

Gengar's head appeared in the black air, and he looked at Ye Chen specifically.

Ye Chen smiled, and it seemed that he still remembered that thing.

Now that he thinks about it, he is really lucky, otherwise he would still be there. I really don’t know how to deal with Gengar.

"impossible! You can't do this!"Nazi looked at Geng Gui with an incredible look that seemed to subvert her world view.

"That's right. I've been in ghost form for too long and know gas too well. Geng Gui laughed ferociously and said,"But this takes a lot of energy, so now, I don't plan to fight you anymore.""

As he said that, pieces of black gas appeared around Nazi, wrapping her up in an instant!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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