After bidding farewell to Chisato and Mitsuko, Dai Yue continued to set off for Chenghua City.

As night fell, Dai Yue took out the camping equipment from the small world. As for why Dai Yue did not live in the small world directly.

If someone happened to see him coming out of the small world, he would have to be caught and sliced ​​for research.

Blue Blade Ghost also switched shifts with Metagross.

The moment Metagross came out, he noticed the Padong Monkey following in the distance.

Psychic Pokémon have strong perception, and coupled with the level difference, Padong Monkey was discovered directly.

Dai Yue, who was in tune with Metagross, also saw Padong Monkey.

Pokémon: Padong Monkey

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Green Grass Maker

Qualification: Master

Level: Elite Early Stage

Dai Yue's eyes lit up when he saw the attribute panel of Padong Monkey.

Metagross also felt it, and the master's thoughts directly activated the super power and moved Padong Monkey in front of Dai Yue.

The suddenly controlled Padong Monkey fluttered in the air in panic.

Da Yue took out a Poké Ball and threatened Padong Monkey.

"I give you two choices. The first choice is that you take the initiative to be captured by me; the other is that we beat you up and then capture you."

When Padong Monkey's eyes met Metagross, he chose to follow his heart and chose to be captured directly.

Pokémon: Padong Monkey

Gender: Male

Owner: Da Yue

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Grass Maker

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Elite

Carrying Items: Assault Vest

Skills: Double Attack, Mallet, Branch Thrust, Provocation, Leaf Blade, Shoot Down, Acrobatics, Rapid Turn, Grass Knot, Sword Dance, Grass Field, Grass Oath, Sunny Day, Sun Beam

Another Pokémon with its own equipment.

After Padong Monkey was captured, it was released by Da Yue again.


Padong pointed to the distance, signaling Dai Yue to go in that direction.

Dai Yue climbed onto Metagross's head with Padong.

Metagross used electromagnetic levitation and flew in the direction pointed by Padong.

Soon Metagross noticed four figures.


"You mean there are four Pokémon in front, and a champion-level Pokémon."


Metagross nodded and flew over with a serious face.

After flying for a while, Dai Yue finally saw four figures, one big and three small.

Pokémon: Rumble

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Lush

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Champion (Peak Champion)

Pokémon: Knock

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Lush

Qualification: Champion

Level: Mid-Novice

Pokémon: Knock

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Lush

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Novice

Pokémon: Knock

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Lush

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Novice

Pokémon: Knock

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Grass Maker

Qualification: Champion

Level: Early Novice

Looking at the aging Rumble, Dai Yue realized that Pokémon are also ordinary lives and will also grow old.

Rumble, whose strength has declined, also looked at Metagross with a serious face. After all, this guy is not much weaker than his peak period.

After the negotiation of Padong Monkey, both sides also let go of the tense posture.

"I can give you a comfortable living environment, and you can also spend your old age in peace!"

The living conditions in the wild are very difficult. In addition to the food problem, there are unknown threats everywhere.

This is why Dai Yue always releases a Pokémon to take with him every time he goes to the wild.


The Booming Kong thought for a while, nodded, and called to Dai Yue a few times.

The Metagross "translator" quickly translated for Dai Yue.

"Do you have other partners?"


The Booming Kong roared, and then a group of Pokémon swarmed in.

Mushroom, Parasaurolophus, Longnose Leaf, Cunning Tengu, Poison Rose, Lotus Leaf Boy.

All are grass-type Pokémon, and Dai Yue puts them in the small world.

The small world wins again!

Small World: Zubat x 30, Geodude x 18, Kokoro x 113, Booming Pokémon x 1, Knocking Monkey x 3, Mushroom x 33, Parasaurolophus x 3, Longnose Leaf x 21, Cunning Tengu x 2, Poison Rose x 9, Lotus Leaf Boy x 26

As soon as the grass-type Pokémon entered the small world, they all went to the forest of the small world. There are many fruit trees in the forest, and each tree is full of fruits, which makes them very happy.

The Padong family lived with Gardevoir and the others, and they also ate nutritious grass-type energy cubes.

Padong, who was originally threatened by Dai Yue to be subdued, was a little resistant, but after eating the energy cubes, he was directly "really delicious".

The next morning, Dai Yue, who was still washing up, received a call fromI received a call from researcher Odajuan.

"Where are you, Da Yue? Have you arrived in Chenghua City?"

The voice of Da Yue came from the communicator.

"Gulu~ It's Senior Brother Odajuan. I'm still in Chenghua Forest. What can I do for you?"

Da Yue, who was still rinsing his mouth, spit out the water in his mouth.

"It's like this. There is a group of poaching organizations that have been committing crimes near Chenghua Forest recently. The Alliance sent the Fire King Mura to go there, but the teacher recommended you to King Mura."

Da Yue held his forehead directly.

"Teacher, how can you pit your own students! Poaching organizations are so dangerous."

At this time, the person on the other side of the communicator rolled his eyes. I don't know how strong you are, Da Yue!

"It's not dangerous. It's just a little troublesome. The teacher is doing this for your own good. Don't complain."

"Okay, okay. Where is King Mura?"

"You will know when you arrive in Chenghua City."

"Okay, bye, senior brother."

After hanging up the communicator, Da Yue took out a sandwich and started to eat it.

After breakfast, Dai Yue released Blade of the Blue Flame, Swampert, and Padong.

"I will guide your training today."





"Megalodon, your task isto continuously compress the steel energy."

"Blade of the Blue Flame, train the Sunlight Blade until it doesn't need to be charged."

"Swampert and Padong practice, I'll see how proficient you are in your skills."

Countless grass and water energies collided together, the air was blown up, and the Pokémon around fled.

Dai Yue, who was watching the game on the sidelines, had a serious face.

Swampert had a very good foundation, because he was strictly taught by Metagross as soon as he joined the team, and both the power of his moves and the release speed were close to the perfect state of the same realm.

But the connection of his moves was very poor, which was reflected in the gym match, and his skills were interrupted by his opponent many times.

In addition, due to the short training time, his on-the-spot reaction ability was not enough.

Just now, he was almost taken away by a mallet from Padmeat.

As for Padmeat, his situation is completely opposite to Swampert. He reacts very quickly and his skills are connected very quickly.

But the power and release time of his skills are different.

It is far inferior to the Metagross he taught himself.

Blade of the Blue Flame was originally taught by Metagross and Dai Yue together. But perhaps because of his talent, Blade of the Blue Flame did not have the "loophole" of Swampert.

Although compared with other Pokémon with champion talents, Swampert and Padmeat's progress speed is too fast.

But compared with Metagross, they arefar behind. There is no harm without comparison.

Especially Metagross has the Slate of Arceus, and its strength changes every day.

Just when Dai Yue was thinking about how to improve the training plan for Padmeat and Swampert, an electronic synthesized sound came to his mind.

"Zizizizi... Long time no see, host!"

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