After leaving Zhuqing City, Da Yue and the others came to the Black Gold Gate. After passing through the Black Gold Gate, they were not far from Black Gold City.

The Black Gold Gate is a cave. Its structure looks like an inverted T. After Da Yue and the others entered the cave, Sirona released the Round Land Shark, and Da Yue released three newly captured Pokémon, Dratini, Turtle and Sword Scabbard. At the same time, he released the Metagross to prevent unnecessary danger.

Not long after entering the cave, two Pokémon were seen.

Pokémon: Geodude

Attribute: Rock/Ground

Features: Strong

Qualification: Elite

Level: Late Novice

Geodude is like a gray round stone. It has raised stone eyebrows, trapezoidal eyes and brown irises, and a pair of muscular arms with five fingers on its hands.

Pokémon: Rumble

Attribute: Rock/Ground

Feature: Sand Hide

Qualification: Elite

Level: Late Skilled

Rumble is a spherical Pokémon with a stone appearance. Its skin is gray, harder and more uneven than before evolution. Rumble has four arms, three fingers on each hand and foot, and mainly uses the longer two to lift things and the shorter two to defend against attacks. In addition, it has two very short legs. However, instead of walking on its feet, Rumble often curls up its six limbs and moves by rolling like a ball.

Dai Yue gave the three Pokémon a look, and the three Pokémon of Du Jianshao rushed towards Geodude and Rumble, and the Roundland followed. Four against two, Du Jianshao and his team soon won, and Dai Yue took out the rock energy cube from his pocket and came to Geodude and Rumble.

"I'm sorry to hurt you. My Pokémon needs special training. This is to apologize."

Da Yue squatted down and handed the energy cube to the two Pokémon. The two Pokémon smelled the energy cube, then their eyes lit up and they ate the energy cube in big mouthfuls, not caring about being beaten just now.

"You can gather your companions to fight with my Pokémon. I will give them such energy cubes."

Da Yue proposed conditions to the two Pokémon. The two Pokémon who were still eating energy cubes were stunned for a moment, then nodded, and took the remaining energy cubes to the depths of the cave.

Soon a group of Geodude and Rumble gathered and walked towards Dai Yue.

The next step was the training in full swing. Shirona commanded the Shark to fight the Shark, while Dai Yue's three Pokémon fought independently. Dai Yue sat on the head of Metagross and continued to type on the keyboard. Metagross was responsible for giving energy cubes to Geodude and Rumble after they were beaten.

Although Da Yue left Dewen Company, there are still some fossil resurrection technologies that need to be improved, otherwise they cannot be popularized.

An hour later, when the single sword scabbard defeated a strong rumble stone, the body began to emit the light of evolution. Da Yue also stopped his work and watched the single sword scabbard begin to evolve. He saw his body began to stretch to both sides. The white light dissipated and the flashing double sword scabbard appeared in front of Da Yue.

"Double Sword~"

Pokemon: Double Sword Scabbard (Flash)

Attribute: Steel/Ghost

Features: No Defense

Qualification: Master

Level: Skilled Peak

After the single sword scabbard evolved, it became a twin, split into two swords in an X-shaped cross. The color of the eyes and ribbons changed to magenta. There is a shield behind it, and the two scabbards and the shield seem to be fixed together. During the battle, the two swords will fly out, and one hand will protect the shield behind it until the shield becomes complete after the next evolution, and then the shield can be used to withstand attacks.

However, Da Yue's double sword scabbard has golden eyes, black ribbons, and golden sword tassels.

"Well done, Dual Scabbards!"

Da Yue nodded to the Shining Dual Scabbards.

The Shining Dual Scabbards flew directly to Dai Yue's side and spun happily.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Dai Yue looked at the excited Dual Scabbards.

At this moment, the cave began to vibrate, and countless huge stone balls rushed towards this side.


The Metagross's forelimbs shook, and a telekinetic barrier blocked them.

The boulders stopped, and hands and feet grew on the boulders. This group of boulders turned out to be a group of Rhydon.

Seeing Rhydon, Geodude and the Rhydons ran towards Rhydon.

The training was forced to stop directly, and the Rhydons took Geodude back to thedepths of the cave, while Sirona and other Pokémon sat on the ground to rest.

After a while of rest, Dai Yue continued to walk towards the cave with Sirona.

Dai Yue walked to the depths of the cave, and a mural appeared on the wall.

"Brother Dayue, what on earth is on this?"

Shirona looked at the mural for a while, full of doubts.

"Your grandmotherDidn't I tell you about mega evolution?"

Da Yue asked in confusion.

"I have paid attention to it, but I don't know much about it."

Shirona said honestly.

"Mega evolution is beyond the limit of Pokémon evolution so far, and it belongs to a higher level of evolution. Pokémon that undergoes mega evolution will temporarily release hidden power and exert abilities that cannot be obtained through normal evolution. This kind of evolution currently only appears in certain Pokémon. Mega evolution is a temporary state and cannot be maintained permanently. There are currently 45 Pokémon that can undergo mega evolution. After mega evolution, all attributes of Pokémon will increase, and attributes and characteristics may change. "

(Mewtwo has not been born yet, so don't remember the road in it.)

The content on the mural is the experience and changes of a trainer using mega.

"Some trainers may not be able to control mega evolution. The most important thing about mega is that Pokémon and trainers can communicate with each other, which is the so-called bond. The stronger the bond, the stronger the power. As long as you firmly believe in your Pokémon, they will respond to you. "

Then Dai Yue came to the center of the mural, where there was a mega evolution stone and key stone pattern. Dai Yue knocked hard, and cracks appeared on the pattern, revealing two colorful stones inside. Dai Yue took them down and observed them carefully.

"This should be the mega evolution stone and key stone of the trainer on the mural. This is actually a mega stone of Garchomp."

Dai Yue handed Garchomp mega stone and key stone to Shirona.

"Here you go!"

Shirona waved her hands quickly.

"No need, Brother Dai Yue, you found this, no need to give it to me."

"Okay, this thing is useless to me, just take it!"

Dai Yue directly stuffed Garchomp mega stone and key stone to Shirona.

"Thank you, Brother Dai Yue! "

Shirona smiled sweetly at Da Yue, and Da Yue also smiled and headed towards the exit of the Black Gold Gate.

After the two of them exited the Black Gold Gate, there was a forest path.

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