Dai Yue called Dr. Eisen to tell him about the poaching organization.

And Dr. Eisen was proud of Dai Yue.

In the next few days, Dai Yue used three more bottles of qualification enhancers.

Swampert was upgraded from half-step leader to leader, and its strength reached the middle stage of the gym.

Pokémon: Swampert

Gender: Male

Owner: Dai Yue

Attribute: Water/Ground

Features: Torrent/Moisture

Qualification: Leader

Level: Middle stage of the gym

Carrying items: Mysterious Water Drop, Swampert Mega Stone

Skills: Arm Hammer, Hot Water, DD Gold Hook, 100,000 Horsepower, Hold, Reverse Scale, Attack, Double Return, Power of the Earth, Earthquake, Surf, Turbidity, Water Cannon, Sleep, Sleep Talk, Brute Force, Ice Fist, Waterfall Climbing, Tidal Whirlpool, Bodybuilding, Mud Wave...

Padong Monkey also evolved into Booming Vortex, and its strength also reached the gym level.

Pokémon: Booming Pokémon

Gender: Male

Owner: Dai Yue

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Grass Maker/Lush

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Gym

Carrying Items: Assault Vest

Skills: Drum Strike, 100,000 Horsepower, War Cry, Sonic Blast, Hold, Fitness, Crazy Plant, Mallet, Branch Thrust, Provocation, Leaf Storm, Shoot Down, Acrobatics, Quick Turn, Grass Knot, Sword Dance, Grass Field, Grass Oath, Sunny Day, Sun Beam, Destruction Death Beam…

“Roaring Swamp!”


Looking at the luxurious data panel, Dai Yue looked calm on the surface, but he was already laughing so hard in his heart.

“Okay, it’s time for us to leave the Orange Forest.”

He put away Metagross and Blue Blade, and took Swampert and Booming Pokémon towards the direction of Orange City.

After walking for a while, a boy wearing a straw hat and holding a bug net appeared.

"I finally encountered a novice mission?"

There was no way that Dai Yue would either fight against the king or the champion when he debuted. He suspected that he had already reached the late stage of the "game".

"Let's fight. If you lose, give me 1,000 Alliance Coins. If you win, I'll let you go!" (Alliance Coins are the universal currency of the Pokémon League and can be used in all regions.)

The insect catcher took out a Poké Ball and challenged.

"Come on, Booming Kong, you go."

"Go, Powdermoth!"

Pokémon: Powdermoth

Attributes: Insect/Poison

Features: Compound Eyes

Qualifications: Elite

Level: Late Skilled

Seeing the information about Powdermoth, Dai Yue smiled. It seemed that he was an enhanced version of the insect catcher.

"Booming Kong, give him a big bag!"

Booming Kong directly hit the acrobatics and directly hit the Powdermoth into a circle of eyes.

"You are brave!"

Dai Yue directly threw ten Alliance Coins with a face value of 100 yuan to the insect catcher, and he walked away.

As for why he gave money to the insect-catching boy, on the one hand, it was because of the sentiment of the game, and on the other hand, Dai Yue was rich, very rich. He was not like other time travelers who were penniless and could only rely on Beedrill.

Dai Yue continued on his way, and they came to a lake.

"Let's have lunch here!"

"Roar Swamp~"


After lunch, Dai Yue planned to go fishing to relax.

He took out the top fishing rod made by Dewen Company and took out the water energy block as bait.

He threw the fishing rod, and the fishing line "flew" out and fell into the water with a "plop".

Dai Yue waited quietly, and from time to time he took out the snacks he brought with him to eat.

When Dai Yue swallowed a jelly, the float sank directly.

Dai Yue suddenly held the fishing rod tightly, and the Booming Swampert and Swampert next to him also came to help Dai Yue pull.

A Pokémon that looks similar to a sea snake. Her body is butter-colored, with red eyes and three black spots under her neck. Her head is relatively long with a bulge on top. Her eyebrows extend from her body, and the part where they connect to her eyelids is butter-colored, and the rest is mostly red. There are also red hair-like fins covering both sides of her head. Her tail is covered with blue and pink scales with black stripes. There is a red oval pattern in the center of the four large blue scales overlapping at the end of the tail.

Pokémon: Milotic

Attribute: Water

Feature: Charming Body

Qualification: Champion

Level: Mid-Elite

"Good guy, it's Milotic, everyone, pull hard."

Da Yue continued to pull Milotic directly onto the shore.

Just then, a shining Milotic with blue eyes, blue hair, and gold and red tail scales appeared. His eyebrows were a little shorter than the previous Milotic.

As soon as he appeared, he fired a water cannon at Dai Yue, and Swampert directly defended and withstood the water cannon.

The fished Milotic also took the opportunity to escape.

Pokémon: Milotic (=Shiny)

Attribute: Water

Feature: Magical Scale

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Gym

The Shiny Mienshao saw Mienshao running away, and also dived into the water.

"Damn it! I must subdue you!"

Watching the two Mienshao disappear, Dai Yue was so angry that he threw the fishing rod aside.

After a while, the anger in Dai Yue's eyes gradually subsided.

Although he was still very angry, he still picked up the fishing rod again.

Dai Yue could directly release Metagross to flatten the lake, but this was completely unnecessary, and he was not going to fight against an evil organization. He just wanted to subdue a Pokémon, so why waste his talent.

He put the bait on the rod again and continued to wait.

After a long time, the Shiny Mienshao was finally caught.

"See how you run, Swampert Freeze Punch!"

Swampert directly froze the surface of the lake.

The other Mienshao was blocked by the ice just as it was about to come out.

Shiny Mienshao flew towards Swampert with a Dragon Wave.

"Swampert, dodge, DD Golden Hook Arm."

Swampert quickly dodged and hit Shiny Mienshao with a rotating arm.

"Booming Kong 100,000 horsepower!"

Mienshao broke through the ice and was directly knocked out of the battlefield by Booming Kong.

Booming Kong vs. Mienshao.

Swampert vs. Shiny Mienshao.

"Drumming, attacking."

Booming Kong beat the "Stump Drum!" Green vines sprang out from the ground and hit Mienshao.

And Swampert directly attacked Shiny Mienshao.

Ice beam and dragon tail also met Booming Kong and Swampert.

The vines directly broke through the ice beam and hit Minashao, knocking her unconscious.

Seeing this, Daiyue threw out the Poké Ball and captured her.

Swampert and Shiny Milotic were fighting hard, but Swampert was still in the upper hand.

After capturing Milotic, Booming Vortex also joined Swampert's battle.

With the combined efforts of the two Pokémon, Shiny Milotic was quickly defeated and was captured by Daiyue.

Pokémon: Milotic (Shiny)

Gender: Male

Owner: Daiyue

Attribute: Water

Feature: Magical Scale

Qualification: Master

Level: Early Gym

The other one is female, and these two Milotic are a couple.

After the capture battle, Daiyue continued to set off for Chenghua City.

In the evening, Daiyue finally arrived in Chenghua City.

Daiyue checked into the hotel and took a comfortable bath.

"It's time to challenge the gym tomorrow!"

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