After saying goodbye to Batadadie, Da Yue continued to head towards Green Ridge City.

That day, the two came to an ancient castle.

The rising sun enveloped the vast forest. Passing through the lush forest and dense branches, you can see an ancient castle surrounded by many thorns and roses. The castle seems to be very old. The high gray walls are covered with dark green vines. There are so many that they almost surround the windows. Some even get into the windows, revealing a bit of gloom.

But in front of this gloomy castle, white roses are blooming at this time. The roses in the wind still have a clear smile, which is so simple that it is fascinating. The delicate white is so light, and the morning dew on the petals is like crystal, reflecting colorful light in the bright morning sunshine.

"What a beautiful flower!"

Amy walked forward, came to the white rose, bent down, and a fragrance lingered in her nose.

"What a nice smell!"

Just when Amy was intoxicated by the white roses, Dai Yue looked at the castle with a vigilant look.

As a time traveler, you should not be too familiar with this kind of scene. The vampires in the movie live in this kind of castle. Although there are no red roses, the white roses are almost the same.

But there are no vampires in this world, so it can only be Pokémon, maybe it is "Big Bat" (Lunaara).

Just when Dai Yue was thinking about it, Amy had already arrived at the gate of the castle.

With a "creak", the quaint door was pushed open, accompanied by countless dust, and the dust in the sky directly enveloped Amy.

"Ahem~ How long has this place been abandoned? Why is there so much dust!"

Amy took out a handkerchief and wiped her face.

"Don't touch anything, it's too weird here."

At this time, Dai Yue also came to the gate of the castle.

Just as Dayue arrived at the gate, dark clouds enveloped the castle, lightning whips cut through the sky, strong winds broke branches, thunder was deafening, and suddenly heavy rain poured down, and lightning danced in the sky.

The sudden heavy rain forced the two to enter the castle to avoid the rain. The castle was dark and pitch-black.

But the strange thing was that the two could see the painting in the hall of the castle clearly.

It was an old man with a cane and wearing noble clothes.

"There won't be ghosts here in Dayue?"

Amy trembled and grabbed Dayue's hand tightly.

Dayue took out the Poké Ball containing Machado.

"Come out, Machado!"

To face ghosts, you have to rely on ghost Pokémon.

"Macha, what's the matter?"

Machado's voice sounded in Dayue's mind.

"Mashado, look around to see if there are any ghosts. There is something strange and creepy here."

Mashado looked around, flew to the portrait and looked carefully, then shook it at Dayue.

"Nothing is happening!"

This confused Dayue, and then he released the Blue Blade Ghost.

The moment the Blue Blade Ghost came out, the strange painting moved.


Amy's scream pierced the sky, causing a wave of shock, resounding throughout the castle.

A purple light shot out from the painting towards the Blue Blade Ghost, and the Blue Blade Ghost's eyes were instantly sluggish, and he stood there motionless.

"Mashado, what's going on?"

Dayue shook the Blue Blade Ghost's body, but the Blue Blade Ghost didn't react at all, and then turned back to look at Mashado.

"Such pure ghost energy. This is the power of the ghost slate."

"You said there is a ghost slate in it?"

When he heard that it was a ghost slate, Da Yue's eyes were no longer anxious, but turned to excitement.

"To be precise, it is the power of the ghost slate, a powerful ghost energy that has been extracted. It should be left by Lord Arceus. The power is terrifying enough for him to break through."

Hearing this, Da Yue did not get too entangled. It was okay without the ghost slate. At least the Azure Blade Ghost could break through again.

Since Bloodwing Dragon joined the team, Azure Blade Ghost has worked harder. The gap between other Pokémon and him is too big, and there is not much threat to his status. (Except for the legendary beasts at present), but Bloodwing Dragon is different. It is only one small realm away from him. Recently, they broke through at the same time, which made Azure Blade Ghost even more anxious.

Da Yue also saw it, and usually helped Azure Blade Ghost to train more, but everyone has the qualifications of the head, so they bite very hard.

At this time, the Blue Blade Ghost appeared in a darkworld. It was very dark all around. The Blue Blade Ghost ran around and launched attacks, but it was still very dark all around. Slowly, he got tired, his eyelids became heavy, and he fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, a beam of light fell on the Blue Blade Ghost. The Blue Blade Ghost slightly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to grab the beam of light, but his hand just touchedLight, light dissipated, and the surroundings turned into endless darkness again, accompanied by endless loneliness.

The purple armor of the Blue Blade Ghost slowly turned gray, the flames burning on his head slowly extinguished, the swords in both hands fell off, the golden eyes began to dim, and an endless fatigue filled the whole body.

"Blue Blade Ghost!"

Da Yue's figure appeared in front of the Blue Blade Ghost.


The figure of the Metagross also appeared beside Da Yue.


On the other side of Da Yue was the Blood Wing Dragon.

"Roar Swamp!"

Next to the Metagross was the Giant Swampert.


Next to the Blood Wing Dragon was the Thundering Vajra.


Banjiras also appeared.


The Bear Apprentice also appeared in front of the Blue Blade Ghost.

Countless familiar faces appeared in front of the Blue Blade Ghost.

(Imitate the memory killing of Pikachu!)

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost slowly climbed up, and the dark purple flame on his head began to burn. The flame covered his arms, and the two swords condensed again. The gray armor was fullof cracks, and the dazzling purple light was emitted. The gray armor fell off completely, and the dark purple armor appeared again. The shining golden eyes opened again.


In the outside world, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost burst out with a terrifying momentum, and the momentum was still rising. Soon it broke through to the peak of the champion, but after breaking through to the peak of the champion, the power was still booming, and soon it reached the critical point of the peak of the champion. With a "click", the Blue Flame Blade Ghost broke through the champion level and came to the early stage of the half-step master.

At the same time, the dark world shattered like glass, and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost opened his eyes, and the dazzling golden eyes blinded Da Yue's "dog eyes".

"The Blue Flame Blade Ghost is good, it has changed a lot!"

Da Yue rubbed his eyes, patted the Blue Flame Blade Ghost on the shoulder and said.


At the same time, the lightning, thunder, wind and rain outside the castle stopped, the painting in the distance was no longer bright, and the entire castle was completely dark.

"Amy, let's go, and try to reach Shuijing City before dark."

Da Yue pulled Amy away from the castle quickly.

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