"It's actually...it's here so soon."

Qingliu said to herself.

The spring of farewell, also known as the spring of gift, as the name suggests, is the spring water at the place of farewell.

According to legend, all the souls of dead lives will enter the world of the undead - the spirit world from here.

This spiritual world is not Giratina's inverted world, but a hell-like place where only the undead exist.

It can be said that the spirit world is the source of ghosts in many local legends.

In the 89th episode of DP, there was a ghost girl who manipulated her mind and wanted to pull people into the spirit world, but was finally rescued by the night demon.

And beside such a spring lake, there is still a cave.

A maze-like cave full of mist is the entrance to the reverse world of Giratina, the master of the reverse world.

It can be said that such a small place brings together two extremely dangerous elements.

One is the spirit world, if you are not careful, you may lose your mind and be attracted into it.

The other is Giratina itself.

Strong light and shadows are born, which is the best description of Giratina. It is called the shadow of Arceus. Because of its rough personality, it was eventually exiled to the back of the world, which is evident in its horror.

No matter which one it is, the threat to Qingliu is very great, and it is easy to be fatal.

But the danger is the same. Giratina doesn't distinguish between good and bad people, and vents its anger differently. Everyone must behave a little better when they get there.

But Lucario said that the lake is full of waveguides... What's going on?

Lucario's answer to this was: "Although it is very vague, maybe in that lake full of waveguide breath, Pokémon's injuries can be recovered faster."


Qingliu's expression became serious upon hearing this.

Now whether it is the blue-eyed white dragon, or Lucario, or the blue cotton bird, they are all injured, or their physical strength is huge, and the tyrannosaurus is even more seriously injured.

If he can really heal the injuries and restore them to their peak state, whether he leaves directly with the blue-eyed white dragon or faces the Galaxy team's pursuers head-on, he will have enough confidence to retreat completely.

But if it can't be done, the physical strength of the blue-eyed white dragon will be wasted in vain, and the Galaxy team will catch up behind it.

Thinking of this, Qingliu suddenly laughed.

"It's all about sooner or later anyway, it doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later, and..."

A blue panel appeared in front of Qingliu's eyes.

The series of things that happened was so compact that I almost forgot about the summoning panel.

If I remember correctly, the Fountain of Sending Off and the Cave of Homecoming have existed for a long time and can be traced back to the era when Sinnoh was still called Xicui.

I was too busy to focus on the ruins as the main target, but I forgot that Sinnoh still has things with a long history, such as the three great lakes inhabited by the three holy mushrooms.

"Even if you can't enter the Homecoming Cave, the Fountain of Sending Off should be enough for one summoning."

Thinking of this, Qingliu patted the blue-eyed white dragon lightly, pointed to the location reported by Lucario and said, "Go in that direction at full speed. If it goes well, it may be a big fight next time."

Hearing this, the blue-eyed white dragon spread its wings as far as possible, and shot straight at the direction of the spring of sending off while the wind howled.


Through the tall and dense forest, the blue-eyed white dragon hovered in the air.

Qingliu stood on its back, looking down.

According to Lucario, this is where it senses the waveguide.

But there was nothing in the field of vision except for the endless green.

"I'm pretty sure it's here."

Lucario's voice sounded again, full of determination.

Qingliu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Blue-eyed White Dragon, control your strength, and use the blasting blast bullet downward."

The blue-eyed white dragon nodded, and opened its mouth wide. A faint light and electric current condensed in the mouth, but the continuous high-speed flight has severely squeezed its physical strength, and finally only condensed a fist-sized burst blast and shot towards the forest below.

Qingliu's gaze was fixed on the falling of the Explosive Gale Bomb.

Watching it fall rapidly while the electric current was beating, it soon hit the ground, causing a ripple in the space, and then...disappeared.

disappeared in a real sense.

Qingliu looked at the place where the Explosive Gale Bomb disappeared, then opened the panel, and glanced around.

I saw that in the forest where the original field of vision was full of greenery, but there were no Pokémon figures, there appeared information about Pokémon's illustrations.

It's almost as if it just popped out of nowhere.

"The space here is distorted, so it forms a blindfold."

After a moment of silence, Qingliu said seriously: "Blue-eyed white dragon, charge straight down."

Regarding Qingliu's words, the blue-eyed white dragon started to act directly, as to whether it was because of simple trust or because of its disdain, it is not known.


Seeing that the blue-eyed white dragon was getting closer and closer to the ground, and at the same time getting closer and closer to the place where the explosive blast bomb disappeared, Qingliu suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, the light changed drastically, and Qingliu, stimulated by the strong light, couldn't help but close her eyes.

After his eyes got used to it, he raised his head and looked around, seeing a scene completely different from the green seen outside.

A lake that is bigger and bigger than Qingliu has ever seen is located in the downward concave terrain, and the blue water mixed with a little black ripples under the swimming of some water-type Pokémon.

And what makes Qingliu feel unusual the most are the water-type Pokémon living in this lake.

Their average size is about one-third larger than the Pokémon of the same type in my impression, and each of them is very energetic, giving people a seemingly inexhaustible energy.

This perfectly coincides with the [Status] displayed on the panel illustrated book as full of energy, which also gives Qingliu a little bit of confirmation in his heart that the water in the farewell spring that Lucario said is unusual.

I don't know if it will treat the injury, but at least it does look unusual.

Moreover, the levels of these water-type Pokémon in front of them are mostly above level 20, except for some who seem to be relatively young.

Even Qingliu saw several Gotha ducks and a Gyarados.

They were very wary of their sudden appearance and the blue-eyed white dragon, whose size and appearance looked very oppressive, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

Even though the blue-eyed white dragon was very tired at the moment, he still raised his head and chest high, ignoring them with a haughty attitude towards these sights.

But Qingliu knew that its physical strength had reached its limit and it was just holding on, so he found a place where there were no Pokémon gathered and said, "Blue-eyed White Dragon, go to the corner over there."

Immediately, one man and one dragon landed on the edge of the lake.

Almost as soon as it landed, the blue-eyed white dragon couldn't control it any longer, and fell to the ground while trembling slightly, its long tail drooping along the ground into the lake.

"Thanks a lot."

Qingliu squatted down, fed a specially selected bag of energy cubes suitable for the taste of dragons, and gently stroked the head of the blue-eyed white dragon.

If it weren't for it, I would be in a very bad situation now.

But from the perspective of the blue-eyed white dragon, it is indeed a bit of a burden to continue to fight at birth, and then continue to fly at high speed.

The blue-eyed white dragon swallowed the contents of his mouth in one gulp, with a reminiscence expression on his face, and then his huge blue eyes turned to Qingliu.

Qingliu immediately comforted: "Don't worry, as long as this spring water is effective, the physical strength will soon make those guys look good."

Hearing Qing Liu's words, Qingyan Bailong nodded slightly, but did not make any other movements, continuing to stare closely.

"……What's wrong?"

Qing Liu couldn't help asking.

There was no reply, no movement, and still remained motionless, which made Qingliu a little puzzled.

Seeing that Qingliu couldn't understand what it meant, the blue-eyed white dragon seemed to lose his composure, and raised his paw just as he was about to make a move.

Suddenly, a sound came from its stomach.


Blue-eyed White Dragon: "..."

Qingliu: "..."

"So, are you hungry?" Qingliu suddenly realized.

When he threw the energy cube to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon when he repelled Sui Xing and left, it seemed to be very interested in this thing. Thinking of this, Qing Liu immediately started to take things out of his backpack.

When the blue-eyed white dragon saw Qingliu's movements, his expression changed slightly. He supported his body with his front paws and slowly climbed up from the ground, turning around backwards, trying to show that he was not very interested in these things.

At this time, the voice sounded again.

Goo~ Goo~~

The atmosphere gradually became awkward, and the movements of the blue-eyed white dragon also froze in mid-air.

"Actually, it's normal to be hungry and want to eat, and you've been busy since you came out of the legendary White Stone, so you didn't eat anything. I didn't think carefully."

After Qingliu generously saved all the food in the backpack, he took out all the food and placed it in front of the blue-eyed white dragon.

When the blue-eyed white dragon heard Qingliu's words, he didn't feel grateful at all. Instead, as if he had been stimulated, he opened his wings violently, as if he was about to fly away.

Such an expression made Qingliu frowned, and at this moment he couldn't help but think of some female characters in the second dimension.

After quickly considering the sentence, he quickly said loudly: "I'm sorry, I might have misunderstood it. I actually took these things out to give you a taste to see if it suits the taste of dragon-type Pokémon. After all, other than you The other two students in the same class are also from the dragon family, if they don’t suit your taste, if you buy too much, it will be a waste.”

After finishing speaking, Qingliu didn't care whether the blue-eyed white dragon accepted it or not, and ran away directly.

As he was walking, he turned his head slightly, using the corner of his eyes to look at the one who was wandering back and forth between himself and the food, with a look of "Since this is the case, then I have to reluctantly help you taste it", the blue-eyed white dragon, The corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile.

"I can't tell, there is arrogance and arrogance when fighting, and a little bit of arrogance when it comes to eating."

before 12 o'clock

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