Pokemon: The initial Pokémon is Yagumon

Chapter 345 The final trump card!

"This is……"

"What happened...why did they all suddenly fall down?!"

"Captain Hui Yao! Mr. Akiya!"

The surrounding security personnel stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Lying on the ground were nine Pokémon that had suffered severe injuries and were extremely weak, as well as two figures, a young man and a middle-aged man.

No one knew what happened. They only remembered that after the strong light suddenly burst out from the semi-mechanical Pokémon just now, when they opened their eyes again, there was already such a scene in front of them.

Two trainers at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings, who were stationed at the Sinnoh Alliance headquarters and were equipped with Gosanjia and Quasi-God Pokémon, were killed instantly after the other party launched an attack.

This kind of thing was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

At the same time, it far exceeded the expectations of the alliance executives in the underground secret room.

After several senior executives confirmed that the figure lying on the ground was indeed Keiyao Mingzai and their Pokémon, their expressions suddenly changed.

"How can this be?!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Although Hui Yao talks a lot and Ming Zai is taciturn, they are both genuine Four Heavenly Kings. Together, the two of them can even compete head-on with A Liu, the strongest Four Heavenly Kings currently in service. How could they lose?

And... they still lost in such a completely crushing way, which was hard for them to accept.

Gong Si's expression at this moment was completely gone from the calmness he had when he dealt with it before.

Even he, a person who pays great attention to the other party, did not expect such a result.

"How is it possible that the strength has improved so fast! It was almost a tie with Yulongdu a month ago..."

When he learned this information, he was very shocked. He was shocked that the opponent's strength had improved so quickly. From defeating Kikuno's second-tier team to defeating the Four Heavenly Kings level Pokémon controlled by dark matter, to the Lake Wisdom incident, his strength was incredible. It's the same thing for a while.

But no matter how fast it is, the level improvement should be getting smaller and smaller as you go later.

Even to be on the safe side, he even directly transferred two people who were similar to Du to take action together.

How come it has only been half a month and it has reached the current level?

Based on the current performance of the instant kill of Teruyasu and Akiya, would it have been the same result against Aoyagi in Watari a month ago?

Doesn't that mean that Qingliu has now entered the stage of the strongest Four Heavenly Kings?

No, that's not right!

Even the strongest Four Heavenly Kings might not be able to defeat him.

After all, from the beginning to now, this guy has faced the ten Pokémon of Huiyao and Mingya with one Pokémon. He has completed the crushing with an absolute numerical disadvantage. This is comparable to ten versus ten. Then the situation of crushing is completely two concepts.

Even Teruya and Mingya didn't even have time to activate the attribute rule power possessed by Pokémon in the Four Heavenly Kings stage...

"Gong Si, what should we do now?"

Someone approached and asked in a low voice.

"what to do?"

After Gong Si repeated it, he said with a gloomy expression: "What else can be done? To deal with such a guy who dares to openly attack the alliance, of course we must use all means to subdue him."

"But the current Four Heavenly Kings still have a champion. They are either far away and unable to catch up, or they are out of touch."

The man said anxiously: "And if Hui Yao and Ming Zai are not his opponents, the rest of the people in the headquarters will not be his opponents at all. They can't even delay time. In the two previous scenes, you Saw it too.”

Because the incident happened suddenly, and no one would have thought that someone would directly break into the Sinnoh Alliance headquarters. The most important thing is that the absolute main force stationed at the headquarters was easily suppressed. This has never happened before.

When Gong Si heard this, he immediately sneered: "When did I say that I would use the rubbish left over from the current headquarters?"

The other senior officials headed by him saw that Gong Si was still laughing at this time, and some were at a loss as to whether Gong Si had gone crazy due to the blood attacking his heart.

Gong Si, however, seemed not to feel their uneasiness and continued to talk to himself: "The security department spends so much money every year that I can't even remember it, but now it is being punished by such a guy who appears out of nowhere. He was beaten so violently that he couldn't even raise a splash of water.

"Even if I spent all the money on the Carp King in the stinky ditch, the number of carp I could cultivate would be enough for that guy to bombard him for a whole day.

"As a result, these wastes only lasted a few minutes! A few minutes! What's the use of them? A bunch of wastes!!!


The more Gong Si talked, the more excited he became, especially when he thought about spending the huge sum of money.

By the end of the sentence, his face had turned red, his expression had turned ferocious, and his voice had become infinitely close to a roar.

This made others feel more and more that Gong Si was really angry. Just when they began to discuss in low voices what to do, Gong Si's voice sounded again.

"Take that thing out for me!"

Only this time, he no longer roared like before. Except that his chest was still rising and falling due to excitement and his face had not returned to normal, his whole person looked the same as usual.

"That thing?"

Most people were stunned when they heard this, their eyes filled with confusion.

Only the tallest and bulkiest executive standing at the edge caught Gong Si's gaze, took out a delicate box from his body, walked to Gong Si and handed it over.

"I don't believe I can't take you down with this thing!"

Gong Si took it, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Chairman Dama Lanqi, who had been sitting in the first place and showed no signs of the battle outside the headquarters building. He had been wandering around like an Alzheimer's. When no one was paying attention to him, his eyesight had disappeared. Refocus.

Those somewhat hazy eyes stared at the box in Gong Si's hand, and their gaze gradually became sharper.

At the same time, outside the headquarters building.

Huiyao stood up with great difficulty.

Even though he had the fastest reaction and tried to distance himself as quickly as possible, he still withstood the terrifying energy impact and fell from mid-air.

If it weren't for Xue Yifei's crazy protection of him, all the bones in his body would have fallen apart.

Even so, now he only felt that his whole body was in crazy pain as if a steel needle had been pierced.

Huiyao moved his body with difficulty, and his eyes quickly scanned the surroundings.

"Mr. Mingzai... the blood-winged flying dragon... the fast dragon..."

His eyes passed by one by one, and when he found that there was no such figure, Huiyao couldn't help but feel happy.

The moment before the Pokémon named Mechanical Greymon changed its form and launched an attack, he asked it to increase the distance. Now that I don't have it here, it means...

Huiyao raised his head with great effort and looked at the sky above his head.

The Mechanical Greymon was still at the location where the laser attack had just erupted, while Aoliu was still wrapped in the smoke and dust that had not completely dissipated.

Although I don't know how Aoyagi can continue to float in the air after Mechanical Greymon rushes out, but after just completing a round of crushing attacks, his thoughts will definitely be careless.

And this is his chance!

He doesn't ask that the only remaining Pokémon can do something that ten Pokémon can't do, he just wants it to accomplish one thing.

Capture Qingliu!

If you can't defeat the Pokémon, then attack the trainer!

After all, their mission is to stop Aoyagi from attacking the alliance headquarters, and the Pokémon are just there for the taking.

"Although this is not very honorable, it is my responsibility, so I'm sorry!"

Huiyao took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his body when he inhaled, and roared loudly.

"Bite the land shark!"

The moment the sound rang out, hidden in the clouds, the powerful biting land shark, which had grown in size but had restrained its breath, fiercely began to dive.

In the blink of an eye, the biting land shark suddenly rushed above Qingliu's head.

When Huiyao saw Qingliu and Mechanical Greymon turn their attention to him because of his sudden shout, the corner of his mouth raised with difficulty.


At this distance, even if the reaction is timely, the speed of the biting land shark that has fully activated the power of the dragon system is enough to break through to the front.

The power of the swooping coupled with the full-fire Biting Land Shark, even if there are other Pokémon holding Qingliu in the smoke, it will definitely succeed by surprise.

Seeing the two sides getting closer and closer, Mechanical Greymon gradually reacted and wanted to rush over. The success rate in Hui Yao's heart had climbed to the highest level.

But almost at the next moment, the Pokémon called Mechanical Greymon suddenly stopped again just as it had sprinted before.

But Qingliu seemed to feel no movement at all, still looking down at his location.

I just don't know why, but from such a long distance, Hui Yao seemed to see the faint mockery at the corner of Qingliu's mouth.

Before he could seriously think about the possibility, something unexpected happened.

The biting land shark that had broken through to a distance of less than two meters above Qingliu's head suddenly stopped and stopped in mid-air while maintaining a vertical dive.

It didn't rise or fall, it just stopped in mid-air.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed, and as if the space where the biting land shark was completely frozen.

what happened? ! !

He had no idea what was happening suddenly in front of him and how to deal with it.

He tried to issue instructions to let the biting land shark explode with all its energy to attack, but it still had no effect.

Confusion filled Hui Yao's heart at this moment.

It wasn't until a natural breeze blew away the last part of the smoke and dust from Qingliu's position in the sky that Huiyao could see clearly what was going on.

Instantly, his eyes widened!

I saw that Qingliu didn't step on the back of any Pokémon, and was just suspended in the air out of thin air.

Still a superpower?

As soon as this issue surfaced, it was denied by Huiyao.

Because he saw that behind Qingliu's body, three petite figures with red gems in their hearts and the appearance of elves were continuously stimulating the terrifying amount of super power energy.

These superpowers...

Supporting green willows suspended in the air.

Blocking the sudden advance of the biting land shark.

And Huiyao knows their identities.

The legendary Pokémon of the Sinnoh region - the Gods of the Lake!

In the last chapter, I seemed to have swallowed several comments because I revised the chapter sentences and typos. I’m sorry.

This chapter was almost finished at 3:15, but it felt like it was too little, so I wrote more.

03.57 can be considered around 3 o'clock... right?

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