(These chapters seem to be boring, and the writing collapsed, and I don't know how to change it, so I simply sent out all the chapters of the Wind Flower Festival.)

During the Wind Flower Festival, the buildings of Mondstadt are also decorated in a colorful manner. Tall buildings are covered with colorful flags and lanterns, and trees lining the streets are covered with colorful balloons and streamers. The whole city seems to be transformed into a colorful fairy tale world.

Kagari-ryu took Columbia's hand and walked down the street, admiring the fairytale scenery of Mondstadt at this time. Perhaps because the Wind Flower Festival has Valentine's Day, there are many laughing men and women on the streets at this time. Like Jingliu and Columbia, it's quite rare for two girls to be together.

"We seem to have strayed into a couple's gathering place. Jingliu looked at the many glue-like couples around him, and said to Columbia beside him with some envy.

"Uh-huh, so let's get out of here?" Columbia snorted, seemingly completely unaware of the meaning of Kagami's words.

"Alas......" Jingliu sighed, thinking about it, with Columbia's simple character, how could he understand his own hints.

"Mirror Stream, Mirror Stream!" Just

as Mirror Stream was thinking about how to make Columbia understand his thoughts, a familiar voice rang out.

When the mirror turned around, he saw a girl with long pale blonde hair waving her hand and running towards her.

"Eh, are you...... Long time no see. Jingliu smiled and waved at Anqi.

"yes, I haven't seen you in a long time. "

Who is this?" asked Columbia, holding Jingliu's hand tightly, and her tone seemed to be a little jealous.

"Oooh. Jingliu reacted and introduced to Columbia:

"This is Anqi, who helped me in Jingfu Harbor when I returned to the winter before. "

This is Columbia. Jingliu also introduced to Anqi.

"Hello. Columbia smiled and held out her hand to Anchi.

Anqi looked at Columbia's smile and seemed to feel weird, a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it, and stretched out his hand to shake it: "Hello." "

Huh?" Jingliu also spotted the Vision of God emitting bursts of light from Anqi's waist at this time

, "Congratulations, Anqi, you are also a Vision owner now."

Hearing this, Anqi took the Vision from his waist and shook it in his hand: "The night after you left, I dreamed of Lord Barbatos in my sleep. When I woke up the next day, there was an extra eye of the wind god next to me, maybe this was the blessing of the wind god.

Anqi's eyes were full of faith in the god of wind, like a sincere believer. He then handed the Vision to Kagami.

Kagyu took the Vision of God and observed it, it was indeed a genuine Vision of God. It seems that the heart of God is not without a little use, although it cannot be ruled out that it is the reason why Anqi's desire is strong.

Mirror Flow returned the Vision to Anqi: "So you can become

an adventurer?" "Yes, my parents agreed, and I will register as an adventurer when the Wind Flower Festival is over." Anqi said excitedly.

"Come on. "

Plus~oil~oh~" Columbia also interjected, but how did she feel a little strange about this refueling?

He is a normal conversation, how did he provoke her?

Immediately after that, Anqi seemed to think of something, and carefully looked at Jingliu and Columbia.

"The Wind Flower Festival seems to be a festival of freedom and love, ......right? Wouldn't it?, between girls and girls?" Anqi thought to herself, a shocked expression on her face, and then returned to normal.

Jingliu looked at An Qi's expression as if he had changed his face like Peking Opera, and was a little puzzled.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with it, the festival of freedom and love, the combination of freedom and love, and it is not impossible for girls to be between girls. Anqi nodded, agreeing with this view. Jingliu is his friend, so helping his friend to achieve happiness is also his own task.

After thinking about it, Anqi looked at Jingliu with a confident face: "Don't worry

, Jingliu, leave everything to me!" "Huh?" A big question mark appeared on Jingliu's head

, and Columbia on the side seemed to know Anqi's thoughts, and the previous hostility had faded a lot: "Thank you." "

Huh?" Hearing Columbia's thanks, Jingliu felt like his brain was about to burn out, and he didn't sense that they were communicating with mental power, why didn't I hear anything?"

Anqi patted his head and thought of something.

"When I came over, I saw that there was an archery activity over there, do you want to go over and have a look

?" "Archery, I'm not very good at this?" Jingliu shook his head, wanting to refuse, after all, he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Columbia.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, I'll teach you. Before Kagami-liu could refuse, Columbia agreed to Anqi's proposal.

Jingliu was slightly stunned when he heard Columbia's words, even a guy who has to use mental power to eat can still bow and arrow? But looking at Columbia's confident expression, he could only swallow the doubts that were about to be spoken.


The two followed Anqi's footsteps and soon arrived at the event location.

"Now, that's it, let's go over and ask the person in charge what it is. The

crowd walked towards the person who looked like the person in charge.

"Hello, how does the event work?"

"Uh-huh, the event is like this, you don't need Mora to play for free." We'll provide you with bows and arrows, and then see the balloons over there?"

"Pop the balloon in a limited amount of time and get as much reward as you can break. How's that, are you interested?"

"Sounds interesting, I'll give it a try." Kagairu stretched out his hand to take the bow and arrow, and walked towards the balloon.

Looking at the balloon not far ahead, Jingliu put the arrow on the string, drew the bow, and let go, as if he were a professional archer. The next second, the arrow shot out like lightning, and then ...... Then it landed on the lawn and not a single balloon hit.


Columbia couldn't help but laugh when she saw this.

Jingliu looked at the bow and arrow in his hand with some embarrassment, suspecting that it was the problem with the bow and arrow. If this bow and arrow has an auto-aim function, can you shoot crookedly?"

Are you thinking, it must be the problem of the bow and arrow, not your own problem. Columbia looked at the mirror with a smile on her face.

Jing Liu just touched his nose in embarrassment.

Columbia reached out and took the bow and arrow in Jingliu's hand, took the arrow, drew the bow, let go, and the action was smooth. The arrow was sent out in an instant, and several balloons were popped in one fell swoop.

"How's that, it's amazing. Columbia had a begging expression.

"Hmm...... Awesome?" Jingliu looked at the bow and arrow in Columbia's hand, why did she feel that something was wrong

......?" Did you feel a spiritual force?".

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