The girl who stopped Eminem and Liansi in front of the basketball stadium, her lips looked three-dimensional, and it could be seen that under the baseball cap, she should have curly hair...

"We are from the Sakuragi Research Institute, is this the Foot Basket Department?" Lianji asked directly.

"Sakuragi Research Institute...that...I'm Caiko, the manager of the basketball department, may I ask...who is to blame for what?" Caiko's first reaction was to complain, and her expression suddenly became apprehensive.

However, Caizi immediately became a little confused - if someone caused trouble in the research institute, they would definitely notify the school directly.

"Ah! No, no, we're here to see if there are potential talents for future research!" Lian Si heard that the other party was in the basketball team, and he showed the ID card on the picture book so as not to be suspected. identity.

"Talent?" Caizi looked at Lianji even more inexplicably.

You come to the basketball department to find the talents needed by the research institute?

Are you trying to study the maximum level of Pokémon that a human body can fight against?

And...then you need research materials, not research talents!

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to complain, Eminem interrupted: "Actually, there are some special projects, I want to find out if there is a suitable partner... Don't worry, it won't disturb your training, you can let us see see?"

Lianji had also instructed Eminem before that he didn't want to mention flower arrangements in front of outsiders and expose the relationship between Dr. Sakuragi and him, otherwise the "child" would definitely be angry.

"I see... Since it's the Sakuragi Research Institute, of course it's ok." Caizi heard Eminem say this, but she felt more relieved.

Under the guidance of Caizi, Eminem and Liansi came to the stadium and saw that the Kubei football team was training...

There were a group of young men in the field, vying for an ordinary ball, and there was a fat old man off the field.

The only Pokémon present was a Rotom, and the thing attached to it was like a flying garland, flying around the whole field—obviously this is the target!

But Eminem is disappointed...

Why only "people"?

Looks like it's just simulating the infield?

The interaction between the infield and the outfield is the essence of the Pokémon Foot Basket!

However, if you only simulate the infield, using an "ordinary ball" is not a violation, because in the Pokémon football basket, that special ball also behaves like an "ordinary ball" in the infield. When in the field, it will levitate autonomously, absorbing all kinds of energy...

"Huh? Don't you usually train in the outfield?" Eminem looked around the stadium, and it didn't seem like there was an "outfield".

Caizi's face froze when he heard the words: "Of course not. The entire Kubei School has only one standard football field. When it is turned on, it consumes a lot of money. We can only use it a few times a week."

Eminem understands what he said - the real Pokémon foot basket field, not only the facilities themselves are expensive, otherwise the Pokémon can't help but play in it, and... when it starts, there must be a special Pokémon Opening the barrier between the inner and outer fields is not just like laying out a normal football field or basketball court.

Kubei is not a good school either. You can see that it is not a special Pokémon school. It is only second-rate.

In terms of Pokémon football baskets, Kubei is not outstanding. Although the goal is the "Quartz League College League", in fact, they have never qualified in the Golden City...

To talk about the high school Pokémon football basket, Eminem actually knows a more powerful "player" - Shinichi!

In addition to becoming Conan, he is a freshman in the Didan High School, the defending champion of the Quartz League High School League...

It's a pity that he started to "go away" before he even played a game.

As for Kubei High School, it is already the result of coach Anxi's efforts to be able to open the field several times a week for the basketball team.

During the usual training, they are trained separately - that is, the members are in the stadium, simulating the infield training; after that, they will go to the Pokémon battle field to train the Pokémon in a targeted manner; occasionally there will be special ones, simulating inside and outside. Field pass and catch practice; as for game practice, there are not many opportunities.

"By the way, you still need to see the cooperation between them and Pokémon?" Caizi asked as a matter of course.

Before Lianji could react, Eminem said, "That's right, I hope you can show it to us if you can."

Of the ten Pokémon in the competition, each player must select at least one.

It can be five players, each sending one of their partner Pokémon, and the other five all looking for "foreign aid", or one player sending six Pokémon and one for each of the others.

However, in the "High School League", foreign aid is of course limited. It must be a trainer who has debuted within three years, and the Pokémon that appear must be "first-hand" and cannot be obtained from other trainers.

"Sura Wushen"

If it is a "junior high school league", foreign aid is not allowed...

Otherwise, finding five heavenly kings would be too advantageous in the high school league!

"I'm going to apply with the coach." Caizi ran to the side with Coach Anxi, and talked about the Sakuragi Research Seeing the fat coach Anxi looking over, Lianji and Eminem said hello.

In addition, Eminem has also seen the "flower way" - not only the eyes of Lianji, but also... there is only this redhead in the audience!

He was not training on the court at this time, but... doing basic exercises on the sidelines!

Lian Si was also amazed at this: "I really didn't know that before, ikebana likes foot baskets? I didn't hear that he played foot baskets in middle school."

"Young people are like this, they will suddenly be interested in something." Eminem said very maturely.

"That's right, and the two-year league for the middle school group is really too difficult. Diguang's Miracle Generation doesn't look like a junior high school student at all... Ah! Actually, I really like foot baskets, hahaha..." Lian Si didn't realize it until halfway through, and he was a little invested. Ordinary people should pay attention to the middle school league.

Eminem does have a weird expression, but it's not because he doesn't pay attention to these things, but... he wants to ask a certain pretentious detective, did he beat Diguang in the second and third year of junior high?

After Caiko and Coach Anxi finished talking, Coach Anxi waved, and the target Rotom fell over - obviously this is Coach Anxi's Pokémon.

The members who practiced on the field looked over suspiciously. It was said that the time for the simulated infield practice had not yet come.

Along the way, I also found Lianji at this time, and immediately put on a stinky face.

"Everyone rest for five minutes first. Gang Xian, you will organize everyone to practice passing and receiving the ball inside and outside the field later." Coach Anxi didn't mention the Sakuragi Research Institute, which has nothing to do with him as a coach, just cooperate a little.


Eminem looked strangely at the burly, dark-skinned captain, who was really called Gang Xian.

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