Police Chen Shu

Chapter 340

The commander didn't want to waste any more time, so he took a step forward and stared at me closely: "Officer Chen, please don't make things difficult for me. You are alone. If you still insist on disrupting our work, don't blame us for not giving you dignity." .”

Zhang Yang, who was standing behind Chen Shu, couldn't help but took out his mobile phone from his arms and picked it up to shoot the live video. He said without hesitation:

"Decent? It's you who don't want to be decent! I'll take this video and post it online for everyone to comment on!"

This time, before the leader could speak, several young people from the spaceship department rushed forward to snatch the phone.


Shocked, Zhang Yang dropped his phone and wrapped his arms around him from behind, hugging Chen Shu who was standing in front of her.

"Stop it!"

Two fires rushed straight to the top door from the soles of his feet, Chen Shu was extremely angry, and shouted at these big departments and leaders for the first time.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point, but the mutual dispute was temporarily suppressed by the shouting and cursing.

On the contrary, the commander with so many people felt a little weak inside. He looked at the young special police officer in front of him, seeing the other party looking straight at him without fear, and a burst of irrelevant thoughts surged in his heart for no reason.

This policeman has murderous intent, he should have killed someone before!

The commander suppressed the wild thoughts in his heart, shook his head, and signaled everyone to go up and take the two away.

At this moment, another SWAT forcefully squeezed in.

"What are you doing? There are so many people bullying a girl. Is this a human thing? How will you hang around in the work unit in the future?"

Although it was a question, but the tone was frivolous, and it was a bit of a joke when this person said it.

Chen Shu asked, "Chen Chuan? Why are you here?"

Chen Chuan smiled, took two steps and stood beside Chen Shu, stretched out his right hand and made a "yeah" gesture, and said to the commander with a smile: "Leader, we are two people now."

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit a smiling face. Chen Chuan's indiscriminate meddling in this time slightly relieved the tense atmosphere between the two parties.

The commander was stunned by the new special policeman, he wanted to lose his temper but couldn't, it was really uncomfortable.

Just as he was hesitating, a person next to him came over and told the commander that there were more than a dozen team members from his unit running towards him.

The commander knew that the matter at this moment was not easy to solve, so he could only let out a long sigh, and ordered others to go to the temporary headquarters to report the situation here, and ask the superiors to make a decision.

After speaking, he waved his hand, and everyone dispersed.

On-site crane operations have also temporarily stopped.

Here, Li Da and Xu Mingliang rushed over with a dozen special police officers. Wang Ju, who had been standing not far away for a long time, also came over.

Li Da asked carelessly, "Why are you all gone?"

Chen Shu glanced at Chen Chuan in surprise, pointed to him and said, "The leader just now is a real deputy senior official. You can brag about this bull for the rest of your life."

Wang Ju nodded: "It is indeed at the deputy senior official level."

As soon as the words came out, the audience fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes turned to Chen Chuan. Chen Chuan was a little flustered in his heart, but his face was calm, with a cold "hum" on his nose.

With a guilty conscience, he glanced at the back of the deputy director of the spaceship department and his party leaving, and finally felt relieved.

Straightening his back now, he shouted: "That's necessary. The official university has a fart, we have reason to travel all over the world without being afraid."

Chen Chuan made good use of this hard-won opportunity.

In a tearful statement, the ins and outs of Chen Chuan single-handedly saving Chen Shu and others were arranged by him in a very short time. Finally, in the brigade, he reversed the usual lazy impression of the dispatched police and showed his face.

Everyone surrounded him wisely, leaving Chen Shu and Zhang Yang alone.

Chen Shu patted Shang's jade hand on his belly lightly, and said with a smile, "Yangyang, it's okay, everyone is gone."

"Ah? Ah!"

Zhang Yang half-opened his eyes, looked around, and saw that the people from the spaceship department had really left, and there were also acquaintances from the Zhengming District Special Police Brigade nearby. Although they all turned their backs to them at the moment, it was obvious that they all saw the embarrassing scene just now.

After letting go of his mind for a while, he realized that he was still holding Chen Shu, so he let go of his hand in a "ah" and said "I'm going to the press conference", and ran away in despair.

Chen Shu walked to the side and bent down to pick up Zhang Yang's cell phone that had been thrown on the ground before. He didn't have time to call out, so he could only watch Zhang Yang leave. Turning his head to look at the dilapidated cabin on the bridge, he felt a little uneasy.

After about ten minutes, a staff member of the spaceship department in civilian clothes ran over with a firefighter and said to Chen Shu: "You and the firefighters go up to search and rescue together. Search one cabin, and we lift another cabin."

On the viaduct!

Special police officers and fire officers and soldiers were attached to the wood like ants, and a group of people were lying densely inside and outside the cabin. Everyone wanted to tear the cabin open and check it again.

Chen Shu stood at a high point and looked over little by little.

At this moment, I found that fire officers and soldiers are indeed much more professional than police officers in terms of search and rescue. In addition to the gap in equipment, the difference in mobility is also obvious at a glance.

Some fire officers and soldiers encountered complex cabin fragments. If the tools at hand were not convenient or suitable, they would roll up their sleeves and dig directly with their fingers.

Chen Shu felt pain just looking at it.

After about forty minutes, the search of the uppermost cabin was over.

The crane started to work, and the huge mechanical arm grasped and pulled it, and lifted the cabin directly away from the viaduct steadily.

The cabin that was suspended in the air, as Wang Ju said, the debris inside kept falling from the sky with the swing of the mechanical arm.

It's really dangerous if someone is inside.

Chen Shu watched the operation of the crane, knowing that if no new survivors were found after lifting off all the cabins. He will definitely be held accountable afterwards and be punished extremely severely.

Chen Shu laughed at himself: "He can mess up things of this level, and he will be able to brag for a lifetime in the future. But this is good, at least he can sleep at night."

He let out a long breath, concentrated his attention, and continued to search the cabin below with the big guys.

In this collapsed aft cabin, he and a squad leader of the fire brigade used video life detectors to detect the bottom space below several times, including the sound detection equipment used by the firefighters early in the morning. The result was that there were no survivors.

This time, the running part of the rear car and the cabin that were pressed on top were lifted away, and the search and rescue was carried out again. It is estimated that there is little hope.

Standing at a slightly higher place, Chen Shu quietly watched the special police and fire officers and soldiers remove the landslide piled up like a hill one by one.

After removing some fragments of the cabin, a stainless steel luggage rack first appeared underneath, and five or six corpses were buried thickly under the rack.

Nothing happened.

Everyone was silent for a while, and then wiped the clothes on their bodies with their hands. Although it was not clean, at least it was a respect for the victims.

Two people move one, remove one, and make up two people to continue moving, in order.

Suddenly, in plain sight,

A small hand stretched out from the gap between several corpses, tremblingly, but firmly stretched out.

At this moment, his heart seemed to be shaken severely. With trembling fingers, Chen Shu pointed at the little hand, and shouted with all his strength:


This is the miracle of life.

He was full of tears.

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