Police Chen Shu

Chapter 344 The Rich Second Generation

At dawn, Chen Shu, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by a thunderstorm. He was delighted to find that it was raining outside. He simply opened the window of the dormitory, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the ground, he felt particularly comfortable.

Although he stayed up for two nights in a row because of the rescue operation, since he got into the bed in the dormitory early last night, he had slept for about ten hours. At this time, Chen Shu felt refreshed.

Now that he has woken up, he will no longer go back to the nest and lie down.

After changing into the freshly laundered police uniform, according to the habit he had developed in the Zhongshan police station, Chen Shu started to walk around the special police compound with his hands behind his back before the cafeteria opened.

The office building is not big, only four floors high. There is only a large indoor training room and two warehouses on the first floor; the second floor is divided into four large general offices, which are naturally used by the four squadrons under the brigade; The third floor is the back office and the brigade leader's office; the fourth floor is the duty room and meeting room.

When Chen Shu arrived at the duty room, he saw that there was only one assistant police officer in charge of answering and calling, lying on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone. He must have been so engrossed in the game that he didn't even know that someone opened the door and came in from outside the house.

There are so many police assistants in the brigade, but this one named Pu Shu impressed Chen Shu the most.

It has been seven or eight years since Pu Shu graduated from university, and his family is married to Zhang Luo. The next year, his wife gave birth to two children, and then stays at home full-time with the children.

It stands to reason that the salary of the assistant police of the special police brigade cannot support the daily expenses of this kind of family at all. I can't bear the fact that my father is rich, and it is rumored that he has opened a four-star hotel in the city, so he is also a rich man.

This Chen Shu can be seen from the only Porsche 911 sports car parked in the compound. Oh, of course, now there is another Chen Chuan's Panamera.

According to Chen Chuan, who came half a month earlier than Chen Shu, this Pu Shu is also a person with a good brain. If he has a family and a business, he will not go back to inherit it, and even come to the special police brigade to work overtime and be on duty. The latrine doesn't shit.

Although the temporary establishment of the Police Assistance is not very valuable, it is still a fairly stable job, which is not bad under the current economic situation.

"Do you think his salary can give him money?"

Chen Chuan dismissed it, completely forgetting that he was actually half a catty like Pu Shu.

Here, Chen Shu walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, looked at the mobile phone Pu Shu was holding horizontally, and tapped his hands quickly, knowing that he should be playing a game, so he didn't bother.

In terms of duty, the special police brigade is different from the police station in the jurisdiction. Although its jurisdiction covers the entire Zhengming District, there is a high probability that there will be no police on the night shift at night. Basically, it is enough for the on-duty team to leave only one person to check and hold the phone.


Pu Shu let out a long breath, only to find that the new deputy captain of the brigade was sitting across from him with a smile and looked over.

He hurriedly put down his phone and got it right: "Da Chen, why are you here?"

This question is very unlevel, but it can be seen that Pu Shu is very embarrassed.

Chen Shu is the leader of the on-duty team today. Unless it's 8:30 in the morning and it's the turn of the next on-duty team, Chen Shu has the final say on this place.

Besides, it is quite normal for a duty leader to inspect the duty room of the unit during the duty period.

Chen Shu didn't care too much, he just came to a new unit, and he wanted to take advantage of the gap to learn more about the situation of his brothers.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Shu finally figured out why Pu Shu came here to be a special police officer.

It turned out that Pu Shu liked the police since he was a child, but he was not very good at studying, and he didn't like reading very much. He couldn't even pass the college entrance examination. As soon as I graduated from high school, I was dragged into the family business by my family. I started from the grassroots level and started to serve people.

But he was lazy by nature and thin-skinned, he didn't want to do this business with a smile on his face, so he ran to sign up as a police assistant in private according to his own temperament. Fortunately, the SWAT team came at the first stop.

They are both only children, and the family can't hold back, so let him go.

The daily work is to exercise and sit in the car to patrol, except for the shift every eight days, for Pu Shu, there is really nothing wrong with this job.

"Da Chen, it's actually good to be on duty at work. You see, there is nothing to do this night, and I can rest for a while. If I go home, I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby."

Pu Shu's original intention was good, and he wanted to show his willingness to go to work in front of the leader.

But Chen Shu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard these words. He thought of Brother Wang Chongming in the Zhongshan Institute, that guy was working desperately in the unit to meet the targets, just to complete the task as soon as possible and go home early to spend more time with his wife and daughter.

However, everyone has their own ambitions.

Chen Shu gave a few words of encouragement and left.

After a while, it was already half past seven in the morning.

Chen Shu turned around and walked towards the cafeteria behind the office building. When he rounded the corner on the first floor, he found a row of newly renovated offices.

Taking a closer look, the bungalow has three large characters "Case Handling Area" hanging above it, and "Inquiry Room (1)" and "Inquiry Room (2)" are also hung on each room, and there is even an information collection room.

Looking through the window, the equipment is still brand new.

"Is this the SWAT team?"

Chen Shu touched the bright and fresh white paint on the wall, always feeling that there was a conspiracy waiting for him in his heart.

Entering the cafeteria, it is comfortable to look at the bright and clean windows. In a group eating place like a work canteen, the food doesn’t really need to be delicious. As long as the place is clean and the ingredients are hygienic, everyone will be satisfied.

Although both the special police brigade and the Zhongshan police station have an establishment of more than 100 people, but in the early morning, there are obviously many more people eating at the special police.

Maybe it's because there are young people here, and they don't like to cook for themselves.

The food in the cafeteria in the morning is good, such as mutton stuffed wontons and sesame seed cakes. There are also several kinds of side dishes, tea eggs. Chen Shu ate a big bowl of wontons, a sesame seed cake and a tea egg.

After breakfast in the cafeteria, Chen Shu returned to the office, preparing to continue to compile the brigade's training plan for the first half of the year, and strive to see results in the middle of the year.

After entering the office, I saw Chen Chuan turning around in the room with a newspaper, shaking his head and thinking: ". But because he understands the impermanence of fate, he knows how to cherish, be grateful and be kind to others. Please love life and cherish life. What you disdain must be Others think about it day and night."

Seeing Chen Shu coming in from here, he jumped and trotted over.

"Book, read it!"

With a smile on his face, the spring breeze is showing on his face.

Chen Shu took the newspaper suspiciously, and took a closer look, the front page photo turned out to be the photo of Chen Chuan and the little girl saluting each other.

I have to say, this shot was really good. The reporter with great writing skills would fan the flames and stir up the flames a few times, it would be hard for Chen Chuan not to get popular.

"How about the book?"

Chen Shu raised his eyes from the newspaper, and looked at the young rich second generation standing in front of him who had already been on the road of serving the people before he knew it.

He smiled and nodded, sincerely admired: "It's so handsome."

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