Police Chen Shu

Chapter 615 Even in my dreams, I want to go back and be a policeman

"Chen Suo, I'm the PR manager here."

Yang Yang didn't know that Chen Shu had been transferred to the special police brigade, he just thought that he was still the deputy director of the Zhongshan Institute, so the address was the same as before.

"Do you know that pornography is involved here?" Chen Shu shuddered, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable.


A short scream came from the corner.

Originally quietly squatting in the corner, embracing the old horse who would not get involved in the blind affairs of the police, when he heard the policeman who was obviously leading the team spit out the word "pornography", it was as if Plowed from head to toe by bombs.

He has worked as a policeman for decades, especially as the captain of the Police Assistance Force. He has used this status to earn money and earn a living in the society, and he has always possessed a very strong professional sensitivity.

Therefore, he paid special attention to and researched both the "Public Security Law" and "Criminal Law", knowing what things can be done, what things can be done secretly, and what things can't even be touched.

A_PARTY has been showing the public a mass-market KTV before, and the ladies and sisters inside are all brought in by mommy from outside, and have nothing to do with KTV. Not to mention pornography, even paid escorts may not be enough, because people walk in from the outside with their own feet.

KTV can't stop it, and it won't stop it.

So Lao Ma followed Yang Yang to drink and play in the box with confidence and boldness. It's his bad luck. A_PARTY's involvement in pornography has just been reformed in the past month. He has heard some rumors, but he thinks that the most is that the venue started to intervene in the commission of the young lady's escort.

Let me ask, there are so many KTV entertainment venues in Dongzhou City, not to mention 100%, 90% of them are paid escorts. In case of being caught, it is also a public security case, and at worst, another police station will continue to work. There are precedents for this. After working for so many years, he has a lot of experience in changing offices.

I never wanted to hit the wall directly!

Ignoring Li Chaoyang's previous order to squat in the corner with his head in his arms, the old horse jumped up and ran in front of Yang Yang, pulled the other's neckline with his hands, and asked loudly in fear:

"Yang Yangyang, is your company selling silver????"

Yang Yang frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to pat off the two hands on his neckline, and said with a bit of disgust in his tone: "What are you afraid of? It's not a crime of shooting, and you will be released after a few years in prison."

"How many years have you been sitting?" The old horse gritted his teeth, and directly punched Yang Yang in the face, "I fucked with you! I was killed by you!"

The diametrically opposed attitude of Lao Ma mainly stems from the nature of the places under investigation. He has his little Jiujiu, and sitting in his position, he always tries his best to use the resources at hand. The less power he has, the more in place and meticulous the use, and nothing can be wasted.

Originally, he thought that the whistleblowing was just a paid escort at the venue, this kind of small case that only involved public security punishment, and even people would not be detained. He sent some rumors in private, even if he was really caught, it was still a public security case, and even the leader gave him a small punishment to save face, and it passed away.

Even when Chen Shu and others led the team to the compound of the Zhongshan Institute to gather, he even ran to give a warm reception in a hypocritical way. It was even more reassuring to see all the members of the special police. After all, the status of the special police brigade was a little lower than that of the police station, and they hadn't handled any serious cases. They came here, maybe they came to take pictures and do some publicity work.

Later, I learned from the surrounding old policemen that the leader of the special police team who came over was still the deputy director of public security of their Zhongshan Police Station, and the enthusiasm rose immediately. These people can be regarded as their own people in the institute, and if they make a mistake in their actions, I believe the superiors will hide it.

It's no wonder, otherwise, how could the investigative task of moping and platooning fall on him, the assistant policeman. This degree of caution is already quite good. Therefore, Yang Yang's favor deal that just happened to be in front of him, he must have settled for it, and maybe he can dig out some more.

But what Lao Ma didn't expect was that there was a security captain hidden in the huge team of 40 or 50 people, and he couldn't be blamed for this. No normal person would have thought that the dignified captain of the security team would be silent in the team Not much, and this time the target turned out to be a blow to the pornographic industry.

This is crime fighting!

If this is tipping off the news, it is also a crime!

The old horse who had studied the "Criminal Law" for many years directly collapsed. After punching Yang Yang, he didn't need other people to stop him, and he collapsed on the ground, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

"It's over! It's over!"

Everyone watched the old horse's gaffe calmly. They had seen this kind of scene too many times.

"Do you know that your company is involved in pornography?" Chen Shu stepped forward and stood in front of Yang Yang, saying in disbelief.

"I know." Yang Yang looked calm, and the words he blurted out seemed natural.

"How could you think of doing such a thing?" Chen Shu's eyes almost overflowed their sockets.

"I can't find a job, and I have no money to eat." Yang Yang's cold look made him reject people thousands of miles away.

"How can it be impossible to find a job? At least you can work as an assistant policeman in the police station, and you can live with food and shelter." Chen Shu tried to explain, but he didn't know if this explanation was sincere, or just to cover up his inner feelings. Guilt and excuses for concealing the facts back then.

"Affiliate police? You let me, a dignified graduate of the Provincial Police Academy, become an auxiliary police officer? Give my classmates a smiley face just to make a living? Director Chen, I don't need your superior mercy." Yang Yang said goodbye. Turning around, he snorted coldly, and didn't want to say another word.

"How is it possible! Now the bureau has just issued a notice, and the reform system for the auxiliary police will be introduced in the next few years. At that time, it will be compiled with the cause." Chen Shu became a little anxious, even a bit of a bitch, not like an investigator , The police handling the case.


Seeing that Chen Shu wanted to preach, Yang Yang roared like a erupting volcano, "Don't play around with your hypocrisy in front of me, I don't mind! It's not your turn to teach me what I do! Are you Who? Who are you?"

Chen Shumoran: Indeed, he, who has only met Xiao Yang a few times, has no right to criticize other people's lives. To put it nicely, senior brother, since Xiao Yang resigned, the two have almost become strangers.

For a moment, Chen Shu recalled the scene when they solved the reservoir murder case together two years ago. At that time, Yang Yang had just graduated from the police academy, and he looked as vigorous as he could be.

Xu Chaofan, the deputy director, couldn't stop praising Chen Shu when he pulled him.

The face is full of pride, and the words are full of pride.

Xiao Yang is his apprentice.


Chen Shu was stunned, and after a moment of silence, he said, "If Xu Chaofan knew about you, how sad he would be."

Chen Chuan, Li Chaoyang, Zhu Yiba, and the other policemen in the box all knew that the tougher Yang Yang acted, the weaker he was inside. So weak that after he resigned from public office, he could only hide in this filthy place to drink and get drunk every night to escape reality.

Chen Shu's words broke his defenses.

Yang Yang, who had always been extremely strong and did not even hide the crime, now his eyes turned red and his body trembled.

He suddenly knelt on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and pressed his forehead against the carpet, choking with sobs:

"Whoa, brother, I want to go back and be a policeman"

"Brother, I want to go back even in my dreams."

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry"

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