Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 236 Hunting the Apostle: [Material Fission Cannon]

At nine-twenty, there was some commotion in Jianghe City. All roads out of the city were blocked, and there were significantly more police cars racing and roaring on the streets than before.

Perhaps some people with ulterior motives may notice that the Dispute Arbitration Court, which is usually closed at night, has dispatched many vehicles for the first time, and they don't know what tasks they want to perform.

The government did not give a reason for this, and only a small number of people were affected, so the commotion quickly subsided and did not attract attention.

Outside Jianghe City, on the empty and deserted road, several small trucks had their accelerators pushed to the bottom, and they were cutting through the air at speeds of more than 160 kilometers per hour, like sharp swords connected end to end, towards their target.

I don't know if it was the movement of the truck or some other smell that woke up the dog in the house. The barking of the dog kept coming and going throughout the town for a long time. The owner who couldn't bear the disturbance came to the yard in his slippers and beat and scolded his dog. But it was of no use, and the owners had no choice but to turn around and go back to the house, cursing, "Eating dog meat during the Chinese New Year" and closing the door tightly.

What the residents of the town didn't know was that the disaster was less than fifteen kilometers away from them.

The screeching sound of brakes pierced the night sky, and a truck tilted its body and stopped at the edge of the forest.

"Hurry up!"

Two logistics department personnel got out of the car, as well as Zhang San and Li Si. After moving the large lead box out of the car, the logistics personnel drove away again.

Zhang San and Li Si put on special high-noise headphones, and instantly felt that their eardrums were shocked and painful, but there was nothing they could do. If they didn't wear these headphones, they couldn't take out the [Meditation Snowman-Replica].

"How do you think this apostle can come here?"

Zhang San adjusted the illumination angle of [Shadow-Copy] and asked in confusion.

"Who would have thought that this guy would close his shop and go back?"

Li Si was filled with worry.

Something like this went wrong at the beginning of the battle. I heard that the leader of the logistics force was stunned by the aftermath of the explosion. As an old saying goes, it was a "bad start". This was not a good sign.

Zhang San sighed: "This has never happened before. It seems that the information on [Rusted Paint Door] will be updated. It may be prohibited from being used in missions in the future. Another key containment object is missing."

"No one expected that the apostle could run away with the door... Sigh."

As soon as they arranged the snowman, they saw a helicopter flying deep into the forest above them, into the encirclement they had rearranged.

"Class A has arrived!"

As soon as Li Si finished speaking, he saw a huge black object roaring out of the forest in the night, crashing directly into the helicopter at an astonishing speed!

"That's a tree!"

If hit, at an altitude of several hundred meters, even an A-level investigator might not be able to survive.

"Hahaha! We caught him!"

In the seat compartment of the helicopter, Xiao Zheng grinned. His body shook, and the white bandage wrapped around his right arm was shattered, revealing a thirty-centimeter-thick gun barrel inside, which reflected the metal in the night. Cold light.

The metal exterior is covered with a complex mechanical device, and the bottom is connected to Xiao Zheng's elbow, completely replacing his forearm and hand.

Facing the huge tree trunk that was coming, Xiao Zheng did not panic. He took out a bottle from his pocket, bit open the bottle cap with his mouth, and stuffed a small steel ball into the magazine at the back of the barrel.

"Taste the power of this!"

He supported his right arm with his left hand in a triangle shape on his chest, and aimed the muzzle at the flying tree trunk.

The next moment.

"call out!"

It was like the sound of a rocket being launched and ignited. Huge air pressure was generated at the muzzle, spraying the material forward at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound. The moment the small steel ball collided with the tree trunk, a dazzling light burst out.


A thunderous sound exploded, and the night sky lit up again. Fortunately, twelve D-class personnel had been deployed. Although the power of this explosion was much inferior to the one ton of explosives before, you must know that what caused this explosion was just It's an ordinary steel ball!

The fireball ignited in mid-air, and the air waves and huge heat spread indiscriminately to the surroundings. Although the helicopter responded early and immediately raised its flight altitude, it was still affected by this violent updraft and almost lost control. , and after shaking violently for a while, the plane stabilized again.

"Get ready to go down!"

Xiao Zheng said, and the magazine on the gun barrel popped open again. In order to prevent the people on his side from being used as targets when they landed, he poured a dozen steel balls into it and aimed them at the ones who had just thrown the tree trunks. Indiscriminate bombing was carried out in various places.

For a time, bombardments sounded one after another, all the forest within a hundred meters in diameter was blown up, and the flames began to spread.

The helicopter lowered some altitude, but it was still dozens of meters above the ground. There was no suitable terrain for landing in the forest, and in addition to being prepared for attacks by the apostles, this was already the limit.

Just as the bombing stopped, Xiao Zheng, Yi Zhiyu, Canglan, and Liang Wan jumped from the seat compartment without any landing gear.

To most people, this would undoubtedly be an act of suicide, but they were different.

They are Foundation A-level investigators!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Four blasts of sound broke through the air, and everyone landed safely.

The helicopter quickly evacuated and disappeared on the other side of the black screen.

Several small black snakes crawled out from under Canglan's black robe and blended into the surrounding environment. Yi Zhiyu adjusted his muscles and bones, and his breathing rate gradually deepened.

Xiao Zheng pointed the barrel into the dark forest, where a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

"One, two, three, four, tsk tsk."

Liu Fusheng smacked his mouth and kept shaking his head.

"Without a gardener, do you four want to kill me?"

Information currently available to the public:

[Project Name: Material Fission Cannon

Object Level: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Because the muzzle of the material fission cannon itself is not covered by any blocking device, the muzzle must be covered at all times when not in use to prevent moisture and even other substances from entering the muzzle and causing uncontrollable consequences.

Description: The material fission cannon is a large hand cannon with a length of 0.5M, a diameter of 0.3 meters, and a bore diameter of 0.25 meters. It was accidentally manufactured by the engineers of [DATA EXPUNGED], and only one completed product is preserved.

The material fission cannon does not require specific cannonballs. There is a magazine with a space of 0.2M×0.2M at the rear. It is known that any material, even air, can be fired as a cannonball. When hitting a solid target or the ground, the warhead will explode. The inner workings of the material fission cannon are currently unclear, but after many measurements, it has been found that the explosive power of the cannonball is proportional to the total mass of material placed in the magazine.

Note: The atomic properties of the substances placed in the magazine must be stable. Iron, copper, lead, silver and other substances can be placed. It is strictly prohibited to place substances with unstable nuclei in the magazine, such as [data deleted], [data deleted], [ Data deletion] and so on. 】

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