Break through the fog and see the secrets of heaven and earth!

After thinking about this, Bai Yang was once again shocked by the methods of the Lenggong Taoist master, the Taoist scripture she left behind is too extraordinary.

Generally, one can only comprehend certain rules step-by-step when one sets foot in the True God Mirror's skills, and how much one can achieve depends on one's own talent and skills.

And this Taoist scripture is not limited to feeling a certain rule, but takes you into the world of rules to choose by yourself!

Whether the rules are strong or weak, only the effectiveness is different. One can imagine how rare it is to practice with this Taoist scripture and choose the rules that suit you.

Those who are good at fighting can choose the rules suitable for fighting. Those who are good at alchemy can choose auxiliary rules and choose them by themselves instead of passively accepting them. If this Taoist scripture is known to the world, it will cause chaos in the world!

After thinking about this, Bai Yang calmed down and began to recite Taoist scriptures again.


The Taoist scriptures were recited word by word from his mouth, and Bai Yang heard the sound of thunder again, the world around him was distorted, and then everything gradually calmed down, and then, fog began...

Thick fog covers everything, there is no sound, no scenery, no light, it seems to be a mass of chaos, and everything seems to be still, the thick fog covers the eyes, and nothing can be seen.

Bai Yang once again came to the world of rules shrouded in fog.

Taoist scriptures, at this time, there is no follow-up, and he did not teach Bai Yang what to do in order to break through the fog and see the rules of heaven and earth.

Self-taught, Bai Yang did not stop reciting the scriptures, but repeated it from beginning to end.


After reciting the first word of the Daojing Zhenshen chapter, in the foggy world that was originally still, a thunderclap resounded in the void, filling the universe, as if to break through the thick fog that obscured the sight.

There was something in his heart, Bai Yang continued to recite the scriptures, and as he spit out each word, the thunder rolled and roared, and the invisible fog in his eyes actually changed, surging and distorting, as if it was about to be dispelled by the thunder.

However, the fog in front of him was thick, even though the thunder was slashing like a sky knife, it was only a slight twist and there was no sign of dissipating.

Bai Yang didn't stop reciting the scriptures, but continued. When the second scripture recitation was finished, he found that the dense fog in front of him seemed to be thinning a little bit, just a little bit, and he couldn't notice the change if he didn't pay attention. .

This phenomenon gave Bai Yang great confidence. He believed that as long as he kept reciting scriptures, he would be able to break through this layer of fog sooner or later.

The third time, the thick fog thinned out again, but the effect was not great.

However, after the third time, Bai Yang found that his head felt a little tired. At this moment, he understood that chanting the scriptures to break through the fog also required the consumption of his own soul power. The scriptures are tools, and his own soul is power. Wielding tools with strength In order to break through the fog in front of you.

The fourth time, the fifth time, ten times in the end, Bai Yang recited the Taoist scriptures ten times in a row, the fog in front of his eyes changed slightly, but the change was not big. According to the scriptures, the fog has thinned within a few millimeters in front of my eyes.

That's all.

This is also because Bai Yang is strong enough. If it were another person, it would be difficult for him to recite one scripture completely.

By this time, Bai Yang's spirit was exhausted, and he might faint if he tried again, so he had to stop.

At this stop, everything before disappeared without a trace, and he returned to the place of retreat again.

Sitting cross-legged, Bai Yang absorbed the energy of the heavens and the earth to restore the power of the soul, and it took three full hours for him to recover.

Then, keep going.

Reciting the scriptures again, the vision he felt appeared. After reading the scriptures again, Bai Yang returned to the world of mist. The appearance has not changed at all, and he needs to start all over again...

This phenomenon was expected by Bai Yang, the rules of heaven and earth are not static,

The foggy world I entered at that time was different from the one I entered now.

If this happens every time, doesn't it mean that I have no hope of breaking through the fog for the rest of my life?

It is very tangled, but there is no way out, the secret treasures of heaven and earth cannot be seen through by Bai Yang.

This time, Bai Yang still recited the scriptures over and over again. After ten times, Bai Yang found that the thick fog this time was a little bit thinner than last time, and after ten times, he felt that he could do it again. look.

So he recited the scriptures for the eleventh time. This time, the thick fog was thinner, but he could only stop there.

After exiting the foggy world, Bai Yang fell into deep thought while recovering.

Judging from the comparison of the two times, it seems that the effect of the first time is better than the first time. It seems that it is much easier to break through the fog when reciting the scriptures the second time, and the progress is greater.

What is the reason?

After summing it up, Bai Yang got two answers. First, he recited the scriptures more times, and he understood the truth of the Dao better. After tempering the power of my soul again and again, under the baptism of Dao Leiyin, my power of soul seems to become more and more solid!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang's thoughts sank into the sea of ​​consciousness. After careful comparison, he found that his dojo had become a bit stronger, and his dharma image had also become more solid, which was improved compared to before.

So, I thought I had prepared well enough, but it was still not enough. The Dharma and Dojo have not reached the real limit, and there is still room for improvement. I can only say that the scriptures are too extraordinary, otherwise I would not have discovered it at all. In this way, the dojo and dharma will become more and more solid and powerful after being baptized by the Taoist scriptures again and again, and once they step into the mirror of the true god, they will achieve higher achievements than others!

After some conclusions, Bai Yang was overjoyed. The taller buildings rise on the ground, the stronger the foundation, the higher the achievements. Now he is not in a hurry to break through the mirror of true gods. If he uses Taoist scriptures to refine the aura of the dojo to his own limit, it will be very difficult for him to truly step on the ground. When it comes to the true mirror, it means a lot.

Restoring his exhausted spirit, Bai Yang began to recite scriptures again.

This time, he recited it a full twelve times, and he has made progress compared to the last time, and the fog in his eyes has become thinner. Although it is insignificant compared to the world in his eyes, progress is always good.

Withdrew from the world of mist, his dojo and dharma form became solid again, the progress was very small, but the dust piled up into the mountain and the water dripped into the sea, the hard work of water grinding will not be in vain.

In this way, Bai Yang began the first real closed-door practice since he set foot in the practice. He ignored everything that happened outside, and chanted the scriptures wholeheartedly to temper himself and break through the fog.

Time passed day by day, and he made progress every day. Although the progress was small, every bit of progress made him very happy.

Ten days later, Bai Yang was able to recite scriptures nearly a hundred times at a time, and the fog in front of him became thinner, and he could vaguely see through the fog to see a place ten centimeters away.

At this time, Bai Yang saw the first rule.

It is hidden in the mist, it is only the size of a hair, because it is covered by the mist, Bai Yang can't see it clearly, although the rule is only the size of a hair, but after careful observation, Bai Yang found that the power contained in the rule made him tremble .

He still can't understand what that rule means, but the other party is like a chain that traverses through the ages, because it is a stationary Bai Yang, he doesn't feel much, but he can feel that if the rule the size of a hair is crushed against him If you come here, it will be enough to easily crush yourself into dust!

After exiting the world of mist, Bai Yang was shocked, the power of rules can only be truly controlled by the mirror of the sage, and now he is only the mirror of the master of heaven, and his mind is shaken just by seeing it.

However, he felt that it was not enough. The easier the rules were to see, the less effective they were. The foggy world seemed boundless, and there were so many rules of the Great Dao contained in it.

What's more, my own dharma and ashram still make progress under the baptism of Taoist scriptures!

In ten days, Bai Yang's aura at the dojo had at least doubled in strength. If he fought the wolf king again at this time, he could feel that it would not be as difficult for the dojo to crush the wolf king's domain.


After recovering, Bai Yang began to practice again. He wanted to let his ashram and dharma body undergo the refinement of Taoist scriptures to the limit, and his own ability to break through the fog reached the limit before he considered being promoted to the True God Mirror.

Again, the rules of heaven and earth are changing all the time. When Bai Yang entered the foggy world again and broke through to the extent of last time, the rule he saw had disappeared, and there was nothing.

Bai Yang was not discouraged, and continued to work hard.

As time passed day by day, Bai Yang's Dharma image and dojo were slowly becoming solid, and the area of ​​the fog that was broken was also expanding. Occasionally, the existence of rules and order could be seen. From the first few days, I could see it once. Later, I can see it once a day, and sometimes I can even see different rules in the mist...

Since then, he has retreated for a while and is still going on.

On the other side of Calabash Valley, Kitten and others gathered around Xiaolan with distressed faces.

Xiaolan's belly was already big enough, and it was supposed to be time for delivery, even the time had passed, but there was no movement at all, and the baby in her belly showed no sign of being born.

After this happened, just to be on the safe side, Qing He even sent people to the palace of the Chen Dynasty and invited the imperial doctor to help check it out, but it turned out that everything was normal.

Seeing the frowning expressions of Xiaolan and the others, Qinghe comforted: Don't worry, the imperial doctor said it's normal, if the baby doesn't want to come out, let him stay in Xiaolan's stomach, it's just that Xiaolan suffers, Also, the baby's father is extraordinary, and it's normal for him to spend a little longer in the womb than other babies.

The few girls peeking at each other can only accept such a statement, otherwise what else can they do?

For now, the baby is unwilling to come out, and they haven't thought about caesarean section...

However, at this time, outside the Calabash Valley, Huang Qiu, the guardian of the Chen Dynasty, came, with a serious face, because since he got the news, there was movement from Daguang, and he had to notify Bai Yang immediately to prepare for the battle...

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