Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 208 No trace

? On the icy snow, dozens of headless corpses lay horizontally, the blood stained the white snow red, and the low temperature quickly condensed the blood into red ice. Ω network Ω

Looking at the direction of the roaring helicopter in the distance, Bai Yang took off the earphones from a dead body and put it on himself, and ran towards that direction.

It was nearly four kilometers away from there, and Bai Yang estimated that it would take 20 to 30 minutes to get there.

Report, the target person was not found, over

Continue to search

Report, Falcon 1, Falcon 2 and all personnel lost contact, please instruct

Why did you lose contact?

Unknown situation

Continue to search for the target, I will ask the headquarters!

Bai Yang was advancing rapidly, and messages from the enemy came through his headset.

From the analysis of the other party's conversation, Bai Yang knew that they were looking for someone, but they hadn't found him yet!

'Whoever you are or who you are, hide well, hold on, I'll be over soon! '

Talking to himself, Bai Yang moved forward at his fastest speed, and stretched out his thoughts, looking for a safe way forward through the snow, so as not to fall into the snow.

After more than 20 minutes, Bai Yang arrived at a place 300 meters away from the helicopter.

At this time, the other party's words came from the headset again:

The headquarters issued an order. We only have five oblique missions. Huaxia has already blocked the border on a large scale to search. In the five obliques, we must complete the mission and then cross the border and detour back from the polar bear country. If the mission cannot be completed , and cannot be caught


The helicopter propeller roared, and Bai Yang could already see a few people searching in the snow hundreds of meters away.

You have no chance to complete the mission and no chance to escape!

Bai Yang murmured to himself, quietly sneaked under the snow surface, crawled towards the opponent,

Bai Yang stopped after thirty meters, waiting for the opponent to come to die.

At this time, several search personnel on the ground were less than 50 meters away from Bai Yang!

The people on the ground are easy to handle, but it's a bit difficult for the helicopter to fly at a height of 30 to 40 meters from the ground.

While thinking about it, the five people over there were getting closer and closer to Bai Yang.

Through the snow, Bai Yang's eyes lit up and he saw a big tree with branches a few meters away.

Creaking, the sound of feet stepping on the snow kept approaching Baiyang, and a minute later, five people appeared within Baiyang's mind range one after another, the helicopter was also circling above, and the strong wind blew up large snowflakes.

Riding the rising snowflakes to block the sight, the roar of the helicopter propellers to cover up the sound, Bai Yang's mind controlled the blood-striped sword to fly out in an instant, cutting off the heads of the five people on the ground in an instant and beheading them!

When their bodies fell, Bai Yang quickly rushed out of the snow, came to the tree in two or three steps, and quickly climbed up along the branches.

The whole process is too fast, it takes less than three seconds!

buzz buzz

The helicopter roared above, and the searchlights illuminated the surroundings.

No, the ground personnel died for no reason!

An unbelievable cry came from the earphones.

There are enemies below, pay attention - come and tell me how the enemy approached us

said an exasperated voice.


Bai Yang, who had already climbed to the tree with a height of 10 to 20 meters along the branches, murmured silently to himself, and the blood-striped sword flew out obliquely, and heard the helicopter hovering more than ten meters away from the tree where he was standing, sending the helicopter and the people inside together. Tear it to shreds!

The fragments clanged and fell, and a minute later, the world was completely silent!

Phew, it's finally settled, don't do it again, the brain nutrition can't keep up at all

Coming down from the tree, Bai Yang let out a long breath and said.

In just a short slant, his brain was running at high speed from time to time, and he already felt a slight dizziness at this moment, and he would fall down if he continued like this.

Regardless of the mess around him, he scanned the surroundings with his eyes. Since the other party has found this location and failed to find the so-called target person, then that person is not nearby!

It may be difficult for others to find a person in this icy and snowy field, but it is very simple for Bai Yang. Looking around for suspicious traces, he found a slight sinking trace in the snow field more than a hundred meters away. If you don't pay attention during the day, you probably can't tell the difference.

It is also advancing from below the snow surface, no wonder it has not been discovered

With a heartbeat, Bai Yang ran over, his thoughts scattered, and he searched forward along the trace.

After moving forward for more than 300 meters, Bai Yang used his thoughts to see a person lying on his stomach under the snow!

It's actually her!

Bai Yang recognized Su Xishui at a glance, and was a little bit taken aback.

At this time, Su Xishui's condition was very bad. He was lying under the snow without moving, but he was still breathing, and fell into a coma.

Fortunately, if I come later, I will let you lie on your stomach in this icy and snowy place, and you will freeze to death within half a slant.

Fortunately, Bai Yang walked over and pulled Su Xishui out of the snow.

However, what Bai Yang didn't expect was that just as he pulled Su Xishui out of the snow, the other party punched him.

Bai Yang rolled to the side to avoid it, and was speechless when he saw Su Xishui who was unconscious in the snow.

What kind of training have you gone through? Even when you're in a coma, you still instinctively attack those who approach you. You're really an out-and-out evil cat. Be good, with me here, it's fine.

I don't know if Bai Yang's words played a role, but Su Xishui fell into a deep coma completely.

It is absolutely impossible to let her lie on the snow. Bai Yang went over and carried her on his back to go to the hot spring mountain. Su Xishui, who was covered in bruises, had to have coupons, otherwise he would face amputation or even death after a long time. risk!

After more than one slant, Bai Yang was so tired that he was sweating profusely, so he brought Suxi water to the hot spring mountain, soaked Suxi water in the warm spring water, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After resting for a while, he non-stop dug out a bottle of Cao Huan Dan wine from his backpack, came to Su Xishui, pinched her breasts and fed her to drink one by one.

Just let it go. I didn't bring Baiguo Niang with me, but I brought a few bottles of Cao Huan Dan wine. I bought it with money. Does it count as taking care of my own business?

When drinking Su Xishui, Bai Yang talked to himself.

Observing closely, Su Xishui was originally a beautiful girl, but now she is in a terrible state of distress, with her head drooping on her head like a weed, and her face is blue and purple. Those who don't know it think it is a female ghost

Task, U Disk

After taking a few sips of wine, Su Xishui actually said these words in a daze.

U disk? Obviously, you paid such a high price for that thing. I didn't say it earlier. I used my thoughts to see that there were several U disks on the person on the helicopter that was finally killed. I will find it for you. You should rest well and leave it to me.

Muttering in his mouth, Bai Yang's thoughts penetrated Su Xishui's head, gently teasing her brain nerves, causing her to fall into a deep coma again.

To be honest, Bai Yang didn't want to face Su Xishui face to face. It wasn't because of confrontation with her. The main reason was that they were supposed to be carrying out some kind of secret mission. Yes, help secretly, travel in brocade clothes at night, without a trace

Letting Su Xishui soak in the hot spring, Bai Yang left Hot Springs Mountain again. It was much faster when he was alone, and he returned to the battlefield not far from where he found Su Xishui before.

Among the piles of debris, Bai Yang found twelve USB flash drives with his mind, all of which looked the same.

So many? The ghost knows which one you are talking about. Forget it, take them all back. Then you can choose slowly.

After finding the thing, Bai Yang was about to go back, and then swept away unconsciously, and saw another USB flash drive in the snow not far away, which was the same as the twelve on his body, and he didn't let it go, dug it out and took it away .

After thinking about it, he spent a little time searching around a kilometer around, but he didn't find anyone else, so he walked back.

Back on the Hot Spring Mountain, Su Xishui, who fell into a deep coma, slept soundly. Her originally bruised skin had returned to normal. Bai Yang observed with her mind, and found that there was no hidden wound on her body. She should be alive and well again after waking up. good man good woman man

I don't want to take advantage of you, but it's not a problem if you stay in the water all the time

As he said that, Bai Yang turned Su Xishui into a little white sheep and asked her to continue soaking in the hot spring, while he brought Su Xishui's wet clothes to the top and put it on the hot water near the hot spring outlet. on the rocks.

Halfway through, Su Xishui's clothes were dry, Bai Yang took them off again, fished her out of the hot spring and put her in the tent, and wiped off the water stains on her body.

Then he dressed her up like a filial piety, and put on her underwear and hood. After a lot of work, he stuffed her into her sleeping bag and finished the job.

Although I don't know what you have done, you must have done something good for the country and the people. There is only so much I can do to help. I am sincerely sorry for the sacrifices of others. I am sorry and wish you complete the task ,goodbye

In the small tent, Bai Yang looked at the unconscious Su Xishui and muttered, put thirteen USB flash drives beside her, then went out, packed his things, left the tent for her, and left with a backpack on his back.

It's been a few days. From the conversations of those people, I think it won't be long before people from the country will find her here.

Bai Yang didn't go far, and came to an inconspicuous mountain three kilometers away, used the blood pattern sword to dig out a cave on the stone wall, went in by himself, blocked the entrance of the cave, and left a man who could observe the situation on the other side of Suxishui , It took half a slant to cover the outside with the idea of ​​snowflakes. If he doesn't go out, no one will know that he is hiding here

Time passed little by little, and after a few slants, it was almost dawn, and there was a humming sound from the sky.

It's finally here, what a big battle

Seeing the direction of the source of the sound through Ji, Bai Yang grinned and stared.

In that direction, dozens of armed helicopters flew over, and there were even fighter jets opening the way. Without exception, both armed helicopters and fighter jets had the five-star red flag on them (to be continued.)

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