Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 288 Base

The dilapidated streets were in a mess, and the giant bear fell to the ground. Its huge body was extremely eye-catching, attracting the attention of countless people.

As the sun set, night began to cover the land, but no one left. Countless pairs of eyes looked at the huge black bear, and the flashes kept flickering, recording every detail of the black bear.

If the police and the army hadn't cordoned off with guns, I'm afraid the onlookers would have rushed over to take a photo with the giant bear.

The armed helicopters were still hovering in the sky, and the armored vehicles had already driven around the black bear.

While waiting for the arrival of the large transport vehicles, a group of so-called experts arrived here first, and circled around the giant bear, not letting out a sound of exclamation.

Ropes as thick as the wrists and steel chains bound the black bear into dumplings, and this was on the premise that the black bear was anesthetized.

Hey, when will he go back? Believe it or not, I'll come back to you again. Bai Yang, holding guns in both hands, looked a little bored.

It's just a black bear, no fuss.

He and a team of soldiers were in charge of guarding against the crowd of onlookers, and they had already fired warning shots several times.

It has to be said that people all over the world have the same virtue and like to watch the excitement.

Apparently, the top officials in the United States attach great importance to black bears. Rao is a country with a high level of freedom, but at this time even the media are not allowed to approach, at most they are only allowed to shoot from a distance.

The cameras of TV stations and media are like long guns and short cannons.

More than an hour later, a large transport vehicle transferred from nowhere came over, with thirty-six wheels. With the help of two cranes, the black bear was placed on the vehicle and covered with a huge canopy. Cloth, blocking people's sight.

Close the team!

With one order, the army began to integrate.

Bai Yang and five big-nosed soldiers got into an open SUV and escorted the large transport vehicle away from Hollywood.

There are thousands of soldiers escorting the black bear, and there are armed helicopters circling in the sky, no one will approach them desperately.

There is no army here, so naturally the police will finish it off.

On this day, Hollywood became famous, and the whole world was paying attention, but no one knew that all of this was just Bai Yang's idea.

Under the night, the convoy was driving in a long line, Bai Yang didn't know where the destination of the trip was, anyway he didn't care.

God, that bear is so huge, I'm afraid only the Hulk can fight it

Dude, I don't think Hulk can beat him

But it was subdued by us

How could such a huge black bear appear? Where did it come from?

Hey, these are supposed to be things that scientists study...

In the car, several soldiers discussed excitedly, there is no way, such a big black bear, no one can calm down.

Huh? Crook, why don't you speak? Beside Bai Yang, a white soldier with a big nose patted him on the shoulder and asked.

Bai Yang Yirong's buddy is called Crook.

Shrugging his shoulders, Bai Yang lowered his head to wipe his gun and said in a hoarse voice: I have a cold, and my throat feels uncomfortable.

The shape and appearance can be changed, but the voice can't, Bai Yang can only play sloppy in this way.

Wow, then you are blessed. When you go back, find Lilina to show you, and keep you from catching a cold. The buddy laughed.

The ghost knows what Lilina is, Bai Yang doesn't bother to answer.

The army escorted the black bear to an unknown place, but the situation has not calmed down, it should be said that it has just begun.

Many countries in the world have justly reprimanded the United States for conducting biochemical research. They want the United States to give an explanation and publish the black bear, otherwise there will be no end. You are making fun of the lives of all human beings!

Ao Heizi, who is about to step down, is in pain. I am about to step down and accidents happen one after another. Not long ago, the stupid system data loss is not over yet. Now there is a horrible black bear incident. How the hell did I know? balls.

Even though the black buddies don’t know anything, they are still arguing with various countries with a tough attitude. It is absolutely impossible for the black bear to hand it over. If there is no such thing, what about making blockbuster movies?

Don't care about the excuses, it's nonsense, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs probably has to work overtime tonight.

At the same time, the top biological experts in the United States gathered urgently and rushed to the secret research base. The fate of the black bear can only be that the mouse did not escape.

Then the US FBI is also acting to investigate the origin of the black bear.

But after a lap, it made people confused. The black bear appeared on the hill in Hollywood, as if it appeared out of thin air, and there were no traces elsewhere. This is so unscientific!

Then every corner of that mountain was almost dug three feet into the ground, and they could find a thread of clues.

Bai Yang handled his traces very cleanly, even the legendary FBI in the United States would not be able to find him in a short time.

In short, the origin of the black bear will only become a mystery in the end, and countless scientists and biologists can't think of the specific origin.

Escorting the black bear is very boring, there is no accident on the way, and there will be no people who are short-sighted to attack the black bear at this time.

More than two hours later, Bai Yang and his convoy entered a tunnel. When entering the tunnel, the armed helicopter left, but the convoy did not pass through the tunnel. Halfway through, one side of the tunnel cracked, and the convoy turned into it and continued to advance underground. After traveling for more than ten kilometers, when the sun came out again, it was already in a mountainous area.

Damn, what the hell kind of place is this?

After coming here, Bai Yang was stunned. If he hadn't come here in person, the ghost would know that there is a secret base in this place.

When Bai Yang and the others came here, there were already thousands of heavily armed troops waiting for this place, and even Bai Yang saw a few American faces that often appeared even in the China News Network.

This seems to be a scientific research base? The thought stretched out, and Bai Yang raised his eyebrows.

This area is so large that even his thoughts can't completely cover it. There are labyrinth-like fortifications built in the mountain, and his thoughts can't reach the end of the ground.

Tsk tsk, I seem to have caught a big fish?

Although he thought so, what disappointed Bai Yang was that it was obviously only a biological research base, not a weapon equipment research base. Apart from many soldiers stationed there, there were no big guys he wanted.

He is just a big soldier now, just follow orders.

The black bear was taken away, and the group of them completed their mission. After the officer handed over the people here, there was nothing to do with them, and they went back where they came from.

Just what I want.

Bai Yang remembered this place, and he must come here for a 'visit' when he has time.

You must research something through the giant bear. If I come here and you don't have any results, I won't ruin this place for you, wasting so much of my time.

Whispering in their hearts, their army left from the underground passage.

After completing the task, the atmosphere on the way back was obviously much more relaxed. The big soldiers chatted about everything, but the one who talked the most was the black bear.

Bai Yang was drowsy along the way, but after more than three hours, he smelled the smell of the ocean, and his spirit was shaken, he knew that his destination was approaching.

Turning around a small hill, a gate appeared in front of it.

National Defense's 12th Sea, Land and Air Amphibious Military Operation Base (the author's nonsense)

This is the name of this place. It is built on a military base by the sea. Bai Yang can see warships one after another on the sea, and even an aircraft carrier. Under the water, there are absolutely no submarines that have escaped!

On the other side of the airport, under the searchlights, armed helicopters and fighter jets were lined up neatly.

I really want to empty this place. Bai Yang sighed in his heart, but he knew that was unrealistic.

Back at the base, after the chief roll call, the weapons were put into storage, and everyone went back to rest after disbanding. After all, it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

However, after disbanding, Bai Yang became entangled, what should I do next?

Hey, Crook, what are you thinking, let's go, we won't have anything to eat if we go late, because today we are on a mission and we need extra meals, a buddy patted Bai Yang's shoulder and said.

Forget it, wait until later to make trouble, Bai Yang no longer struggled, smiled and said nothing.

The buddy looked at Bai Yang suspiciously, thought he was weird, and said, Crook, you couldn't be scared stupid by that bear, did you?

It's quite scary, I haven't reacted from that kind of fear yet, Bai Yang babbled.

It's okay, I'll accompany you to see a psychiatrist after eating, the buddy said friendly.

Bai Yang was not used to eating the food in the United States, so he ate some symbolically. In the end, he didn't go to see a psychiatrist. He found his dormitory by insinuating, washed up, and lay down on the bed in a daze.

This is a room for four people, the other three were discussing the black bear with great interest, they were so excited that they couldn’t fall asleep, and they were speechless because of the noise, Bai Yang simply ‘helped’ them fall asleep.

There are two weapons in the arsenal within the scope of the mind. Don't worry about it, just make troubles directly. Don't care about your American chickens. Anyway, you are already exciting enough because of the black bears. I don't mind if you are a little more exciting!

At two o'clock in the morning, Bai Yang kicked off the quilt and stood up muttering, snapped his fingers silently, his thoughts stretched out 360 degrees, and everyone within a diameter of two kilometers fell into a 'deep sleep'!

This is not enough, but all electronic equipment, including cameras, radars, and computers, are all destroyed. The idea is to facilitate the destruction of components inside the equipment!

It disappeared for a while and then reappeared. Holding the blood-pattern sword in his hand, he flew out under the control of his mind and pierced directly into the ground. It doesn't matter whether you are a communication cable or a cable!

For a few minutes, the area fell into an eerie silence!


Bai Yang kicked open the door of the dormitory, went outside, and went directly to one of the armories.


Just as Bai Yang left the dormitory, a loud siren sounded from afar.

I rub it, the efficiency is quite high, so quickly found something wrong, Bai Yang was speechless, and did not stop to go to the equipment warehouse.

The ear-piercing sirens rang through the night sky, alarming other places in the base, and there were noisy sounds from a distance, but this piece of silence was like a ghost land... (To be continued.)

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