Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 399 Flying over the Pacific Ocean

Under the night, the fighter plane roared, blinking away, the terrifying speed tore through the air, and the roar was transmitted far, far away. W (i)

Ahead is the vast ocean, the sea and the sky are the same color, boundless.

In the cockpit of the fighter plane, Bai Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. Although there was nothing around him, he still felt like he was being watched.

Compared with other worlds, human beings on Earth are really too weak. However, Earth has its own uniqueness in changing the world with technology. Many weapons invented are probably not inferior to powerful monks in other worlds.

The locking of radar or satellite is inevitable. That kind of fluctuation is invisible and intangible. It can't be seen or touched, only a little vague feeling in my heart.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. I haven't really grown to the point where no one on earth can stop me. It's just that people's usual thinking can't understand my methods and they can't do anything about me. If they understand me, they will definitely be able to come up with targeted methods to deal with it. I!

Regarding these, Bai Yang thought very clearly, he was not a person without brains, it was because he didn't understand that the other party was helpless.

Next is the most dangerous moment, there will definitely be missiles launching to intercept us, Bai Yang said, but with a smile on his face.

He didn't come to Dongpu to make a fuss without thinking, but he had his own intentions.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to try out the advantages and disadvantages of the technological means of humans on Earth today under the collision of other world cultivation means, find out the advantages and disadvantages of each aspect, and make plans for the future.

This side of the earth is Bai Yang's rear. He doesn't think that his cultivation world is more brilliant than billions of geniuses in other worlds. In the future, there will be a big collision with other worlds. Only by understanding the methods of today's people on earth can we get from here in the future. While doing things in the past, make arrangements for the means of outsiders!

Although the Liusheng family has great influence, it doesn’t need Bai Yang to make such a big commotion in Dongpu. Even if they want to show Wang Qingyu their means, they don’t need such a way at all. It’s all because Bai Yang has his own ideas .

Missile? Hearing Bai Yang's words, Wang Qingyu's face turned pale, and he immediately calmed down.

Missiles, for today's people on earth, almost represent the absolute lethality. Once they are aimed and hit, they will die without life, and can easily tear a piece of people into pieces.

Yes, this is inevitable, are you afraid? Bai Yang said calmly.

Wang Qingyu was silent for a moment and said: It's not scary, after going through so much,

I have become numb, and I have seen a world that completely subverts my cognition. At this moment, I wonder if I am dreaming.”

Hehe, Ann, don't be afraid. To deal with missiles, I have prepared three methods for the time being. Each of them should be able to easily eliminate the threat of missiles. Even if it doesn't work, we won't die. Don't worry about that, Bai Yang laughed.

He knew that Wang Qingyu was actually afraid in his heart. As an elegant woman who ate western food and drank red wine, how could she not be afraid of such a situation.

Wang Qingyu didn't speak, his head was still dazed at this moment, and the experience of just one day was like a dream.

Dongpu's radars and satellites both locked on Bai Yang's unsociable fighter plane at the same time, and there was nowhere to hide.

From a hidden place on the ground, two missiles were launched earlier, dragging a long flame across the sky, and heading towards Bai Yang and his plane across the sky.

The speed of the missile is much faster than that of the fighter plane. After all, the fighter plane has its own load, and the resistance of volume and air cannot be ignored, while the missile is designed for killing, which is different.


Bai Yang's heart tightened inexplicably, he had a feeling in the dark, he instinctively felt the threat to his life, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

After all, human technological means can still threaten his life. Bai Yang estimated that if he was hit head-on by a missile with a large equivalent, he might not even be able to bear it. Be destroyed!

To be on the safe side, it's better to evade by destroying the structure of the missile, Bai Yang thought to himself.

The mind power radiates out, centering on the fighter plane, within the range of his mind power scanning within two kilometers in diameter. Once a missile is found approaching, it will be dealt with immediately.

The distance of one kilometer is a blink of an eye for missiles and fighter planes, but Bai Yang can still deal with it calmly by maximizing his senses, after all, he is no longer an ordinary person.

Even without using mental power to catch it in advance, the naked eye has already seen two missiles coming across the sky with long flames in the dark night ahead.

Those sword bodies seemed to tear the sky apart, containing earth-shattering power.

Although he doesn't know much about military technology, Bai Yang probably guessed that once he is locked on by the missile, if he is not hit by the opponent, the opponent will chase after him, and it is useless to dodge, unless the speed is so fast that the propellant fuel of the missile is exhausted. .

Can fighter planes be faster than missiles?

Almost when the missiles were seen with the naked eye, they had already flown and entered Bai Yang's mental range!

At this moment, for Bai Yang, time seemed to slow down countless times, and he did a lot of things in a flash.

First of all, the mind locks on the two missiles, penetrates into the missiles, and destroys all the electronic components inside them!

Almost instantly, the two missiles had become duds, and it was impossible to detonate normally.

But this is not over. If the fighter plane is hit by two missiles, the ammunition inside will still be detonated, and it will still be a situation where the plane is destroyed.

So Bai Yang had to dodge, control the fighter plane to fly towards the two missiles, then the fighter plane rolled and tilted vertically, passing between the two missiles!


The two sides almost passed each other, just for a moment, but it was the difference between life and death!

Damn, this is really exciting! In the cockpit, Bai Yang said to himself.

The change at that moment seemed simple, but he had already tried his best. At this moment, his body was covered with cold sweat. If he was hit head-on by two missiles, the consequences would be chilling to think about!


Two missiles and fighter planes passed by, because the internal electronic components were destroyed by Bai Yang's mental power, they did not turn around and continue to chase, but continued to rush forward.

However, at that moment, the Japanese authorities were terrified.

They clearly saw from the radar that the two missiles hit the fighter plane. After all, the distance between them was so close, but the two sides passed by without incident. This is not the most terrible thing. What is terrible is that they The two missiles lost control, and they could only watch helplessly as the two missiles flew towards the mainland!

No, the missiles are out of control, intercept them immediately, we must not let them fall to the mainland and explode, or the consequences will be disastrous!

The head of the Dongpu military department was furious, almost roaring and ordering, this is so exciting...

Because the radar locked the two out-of-control missiles, the ground responded quickly, and two anti-missile missiles lifted off to intercept them.


Not long after, two clusters of flames lit up in the sky above Dongpu, as if two scorching suns appeared in the night and lit up the night sky. The scene was more beautiful than any fireworks.

Fortunately, the two missiles did not land on Japan and explode.

Be sure to shoot down that fighter plane for me. For sure, launch four missiles into the air again, carry out front and rear flank attacks, prepare for the Pacific aircraft carrier formation, and launch the fighter plane. In case the missiles fail to intercept, fighter jets will also be used Destroy it for me!

The leader of the Japanese military department issued a death order.

At this moment, Bai Yang and his fighters have rushed into the sky above the ocean, specifically the Bohai Bay, and broke away from the mainland of Japan.

On the ground, four more missiles rose into the sky, flying towards their fighter planes from different directions.

Here it is again, the Japanese authorities are really willing to spend money.

Feeling the sense of crisis in the dark, Bai Yang sighed in his heart.

It's no wonder Dongpu, after all, this is a matter of the country's face, who can give up easily?

Over the ocean, two missiles appeared in front of them, but there were two more behind them!

The first two can be processed in the same way as before, but the last two...

Bai Yang's thoughts changed sharply.

The front two can be destroyed and avoided, but even if the rear ones are destroyed, with their speed and inertia, they might hit the fighter plane, not afraid of 10,000, just in case...

With a fixed gaze, Bai Yang could only take risks.

The first two missiles were concocted in the same way, and their minds were locked, destroying the internal structure and turning them into duds to avoid, and the two sides passed by again.

However, even if the rear was destroyed, it still flew towards the fighter plane under the terrifying speed and inertia.

Because the fighter plane is also advancing, the time can be extended a little bit.

Therefore, Bai Yang made two-handed preparations. When the structure of the missile was destroyed, the chains flew out, tied the two missiles, and only pulled them down a little, changing their inertial direction!


In the blink of an eye, two missiles passed under the fighter plane, approaching obliquely into the vast ocean below.


The powerful impact detonated two missiles, which exploded in the ocean, setting off huge waves.

Huh, escaped!

Bai Yang heaved a sigh of relief, it was really a close call before, and it was over if he didn't pay attention.

Thanks to that chain, changing the trajectory of the missile a little bit, the difference is a thousand miles away, and the ending is already different.

So far, Bai Yang has piloted a fighter plane and brought Wang Qingyu into the sky above the Pacific Ocean, flying all the way to the land of China.

However, there was a series of roaring sounds ahead, and fighter planes took off and flew towards this direction.

I'm afraid this is caused by Japan's Pacific Aircraft Carrier Fleet. If that's the case, just charge over there, and anyone who dares to get close will die!

Bai Yang's eyes turned cold, and his heart became ruthless.

Withdrawing the chain and pasting it in the gap of the fighter plane, his thoughts stretched out. At the end of the thoughts, supernatural flames burned in the sky and on the ground, weaving into a circular fire net, as if a fireball with a diameter of two kilometers rose in the night sky.

The fire net is woven by supernatural flames. It is finger-thick and has holes the size of a table. It is enough that the fighter plane cannot penetrate it. Moreover, this kind of consumption is very small for Bai Yang, as if a net-like defensive cover appeared one kilometer away from the fighter plane. .

In this way, Bai Yang, who was in the center of the fire net, directly rushed over with a fighter plane...

(Happy Chinese New Year, dear ones, I wish you and your family members happiness and happiness)

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