Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 420 Night Battle

As night falls, the world is dense, and in the depths of the prehistoric mountains, poisonous insects and ferocious beasts are dormant. ≥CO

In the night sky, there are raptors with wings spread tens of meters hovering, their cold eyes staring at the dense forest below like knives, intertwined with old vines, and there are giant pythons quietly waiting for their prey in the forest. Tigers move forward silently...

In the jungle, the natural law of hunting and being hunted is playing out all the time, especially at night, when it is the most dangerous time!

rustle rustle...

The leaves swayed slightly, a black and silver flashed, and blinked away, like a ghost.

This is a huge tree with a height of hundreds of meters. Its old skin is cracked like dragon scales. , but the life instinct felt the crisis, and it flicked and stood still until the black shadow was far away, and then it slowly swam its body and prepared to leave.


Another man in black appeared on the big tree. It was a human being with a black robe on his body. He couldn't see his face.

Puff, the python's head was separated from its body, and the blood gushed out with a hissing sound.

Escape? Let's see where you are going! The second black shadow murmured to himself without the slightest emotion, and the figure blinked away, chasing the footsteps of the first black shadow.

Swish, swish, swish... In an instant, another five black shadows came to the spot, paused for a while and chased them away.

The black shadows in the back are a group. Their aura is cold and cold, and there is a terrifying power in their bodies. Once released, they can easily kill ferocious beasts.

In the darkness, Yu Feilong ran fast. In order to meet the night, he put on a black suit so that he could hide easily.

His condition was very bad, his face was pale, he lost a lot of blood, there was an inch-long wound on his neck, dripping with blood, his body and head were almost separated, and he kept running for his life without even a chance to heal his injuries.

In addition, there was a wound on his cheek, with bones visible deep, his shoulder was pierced by an arrow, half of his clothes were already wet with blood, and there was poison in the arrow. Halo, will fall down at any time.

The lingering soul, the Blood Lotus Sect, should be punished! He gritted his teeth, furious with hatred in his heart, but he had no choice but to run for his life.

The master of the Jinwutang County of the Dynasty, the cultivation base of the master,

It's ridiculous to say that he was hunted down like a bereaved dog, but it is the truth.

There were six people chasing and killing him behind him, a Shinto monk in the realm of real people, a martial arts master, and four martial arts masters. Facing such a lineup, he would die if he didn't run for his life.

The truth is that there were originally eleven people who were responsible for chasing and killing him, among them there was a grand master and four martial artists who were all slaughtered by him along the way, but he was also injured, at the end of his strength, he would fall down at any time.

The Blood Lotus Sect set up a murderous situation around the hot and cold springs, and too many people died. The Martial Arts Hall was the focus of care. Except for him, they all died, and none of them survived. Zuo Dao, Shaoyang, etc., all They were all killed on the way to cover his departure, watching his men die one by one, that kind of mood drove him crazy.

The Blood Lotus Sect committed rebellion, and the Forbidden Martial Hall was established to a large extent to deal with such criminals. Conversely, the Blood Lotus Sect would do everything possible to kill the people in the Forbidden Martial Hall if given the opportunity.

This place is already in the depths of the Lost River Forest. There are many crises. I will be fatally attacked by poisonous insects and beasts at any time. The situation is not good for me. There are pursuers behind me. The future is bleak. Maybe I can't leave this prehistoric mountain alive. I don’t know my little girl. How, I hope she has already found the person surnamed Bai, if she finds it, her life will not be a problem...

Yu Feilong's thoughts flickered, he was almost desperate, he saw no chance of survival.

call out……

Under the night, an extremely sharp piercing sound sounded, coming across the sky.

Pfft, a red light flashed, Yu Feilong staggered, fell down with a bang, and a big hole was smashed into the ground.

A silver arrow pierced through his right shoulder, almost tearing its body apart!

Damn it, how could the Gang-Breaking Arrow, the top-secret weapon of the Forbidden Martial Hall, and the Gang Qi that can penetrate the realm of the Grandmaster fall into the hands of the Blood Lotus Sect monsters? If I can go back alive, I must find out the whole family. Cut off!

Yu Feilong's eyes were cold, and he recognized the silver arrow that almost tore him apart. This kind of thing was a top-secret weapon of the Imperial Martial Arts Hall, but it fell into the hands of the Blood Lotus Sect. Needless to say, it was all done by traitors.

Yu Feilong, the master of the imperial branch of the Martial Arts Hall of the Dynasty, the young master of the Yu family in the prefectural capital, with the cultivation base of a master, escape? Where are you fleeing? After chasing you for thousands of miles, you are at the end of your strength right now?

A gloomy voice resounded in the darkness, and a black figure instantly appeared on the top of a big tree a hundred meters away from him.

This person held a two-meter-long black bow, a pot of silver arrows on his back, and two short knives hanging from his waist. He was covered in a black robe and could not see his face.

If you fight head-on, I'll kill you easily! Yu Feilong gritted his teeth, stood up, and with a bang, the ground exploded, and he had rushed hundreds of meters away.

It is not suitable to fight, only to run for your life.

Can you run? The man in black with the bow snorted coldly, opened his bow and set his arrow, and the silver arrow shot out with red light, like a shooting star across the night sky, faster than the sound.

Boom, a large crater of more than ten meters exploded on the ground, the Po Gang Arrow was terrifyingly powerful, comparable to a missile, and Yu Feilong narrowly avoided it.

But he paused, with a look of despair on his face.

At some point, four men in black robes appeared around him, blocking all his way.

Is today the time for my burial? Yu Feilong murmured to himself, flipping his hands, a golden long spear appeared in his hand, and an aura of relentless defiance of death appeared on him.

Flying Dragon Spear? Your grandfather Yu Changsong is really willing to teach him to you. I think you have already learned the Flying Dragon Spear? But how much power can you use now?

In front of Yu Feilong, a man in black said coldly.

His body is relatively thin, and the night wind blows, his black robe is grinning, strangely, he stands in the air, as if he has no weight, this is not a ghost, but a flying flesh!

Under his feet, a Zhang Zhang long black cloth trembled, with countless terrifying patterns of evil spirits on it, supporting him to fly in the air.

A sacred artifact that can make people fly! Yu Feilong's heart sank.


With a cold snort, Jade Flying Dragon rushed out with a gun, the rocks under his feet collapsed, the golden spear in his hand trembled and buzzed, and a bright golden light bloomed in the night sky, like a golden sun.

hold head high……

The dragon roared, and the long spear was stretched out. A 100-meter-long golden dragon stretched out its teeth and danced its claws.

Martial arts masters are definitely not idle. When they are desperate, the power that erupts is astonishing!

It's just a dying struggle! The black-robed man standing on the black cloth snorted coldly.

Tap your toes lightly, the black cloth under your feet shakes, the sound of a ghost roaring, black mist surges from the black cloth, and a ferocious monster rushes out of it.

It was a giant python with a length of 100 meters, without the slightest flesh and blood, just a skeleton, the whole body was pitch black, every bone was forged like gold and iron, black lights flashed in the eye sockets, it was sinister and sinister.


The ferocious pitch-black bone python and the golden dragon met in the night sky. There was a terrible explosion, sand and rocks flew around, ripples agitated, big trees broke and flew, and boulders shattered.

I didn't expect that the Flying Dragon Spear combined with the Flying Dragon Spear Technique would be able to condense martial arts will to kill living souls. Unfortunately, can you still make a second blow? Hahaha...

The black-robed man sneered, pointed his toes, and once again a pitch-black python rushed out, baring its teeth and claws, rushing towards the jade flying dragon.

Divine artifacts have incredible means. Even though the piece of black cloth is just a piece of black cloth, it uses a secret method to describe the formation, and the living soul is collected in it to condense and drive it. The living soul of a giant python is killed. This real person The Shinto monks in the realm are also distressed, but if they can kill Yu Feilong, everything is worth it. As long as the living soul and true spirit are immortal, at worst it will be condensed again!

After one blow, Yu Feilong's face became even paler, and he was on the verge of falling. The qi of the Grandmaster Realm was almost exhausted. Facing another giant python, he couldn't resist at all.


His eyes flickered, and at the last moment, he gritted his teeth, and a pitch-black jade pendant appeared in his hand, with golden threads running through the jade pendant, which was extremely miraculous.


The jet black jade pendant was crushed by him.


In an instant, the golden light was shining brightly, illuminating the night sky, like a scorching sun rising, and a golden dragon hundreds of meters long flew out of it, roaring across the sky like a living thing, shocking the surrounding fields.

Yu Changsong is actually willing to spend nearly half of his cultivation to seal a martial arts will to defend you. It shows the importance he attaches to you. If you kill you, I'm afraid your Yu family will go crazy.

The man in black roared, a little excited and a little apprehensive.

The hundreds of meters long golden dragon flew across the sky, and the living soul of the giant python was instantly shattered, and the giant trees and the ground collapsed wherever it passed.

Pfft, the dragon claw slapped it, and a black-robed man who wanted to run in the realm of a martial artist was slapped into pieces, and the spurt of true energy couldn't resist the slightest bit.

Boom, with a sweep of the dragon's tail, he smashed the martial arts master holding a big bow. He majored in bows and arrows, and his body was weak, unable to resist the terrible power.

Finally, Jinlong rushed towards the Shinto Daoist standing on the black cloth.

Damn it, your grandfather Yu Changsong is already a grand master, no! the man in black exclaimed.

He sacrificed the black cloth, a divine artifact under his feet, in an attempt to resist the golden dragon. The black cloth instantly enlarged to cover the night sky, and ghosts cried and howled inside, and ferocious souls rushed out one by one, trying to kill the golden dragon.


This area of ​​the world seems to be collapsing, terrifying ripples radiate out, and all of them are swept away in a radius of one kilometer.

cough cough...

Yu Feilong appeared thousands of meters away, coughing up blood, and staggered to escape. He saw that there seemed to be a light in the darkness ahead, and rushed over immediately without hesitation.

At the same place, the smoke and dust cleared away, and two embarrassed men in black robes appeared from among the rocks, looking at the scene in front of them and peering at each other.

The real Shinto who chased and killed the Jade Flying Dragon is dead, and the master of martial arts is also dead, what should we do? To chase or not to chase?

Yu Changsong, the patriarch of the Yu family, has become a grand master. This is a great event!

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