Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 464 Take Care

Dare to oppose my Blood Lotus Sect, court death!

Kill him, anyone who dares to stop the birth of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will pay the price with their lives...

On the road, there were shouts, curses, and roars intertwined.

The sword's edge flashed, and each time it sprayed blood and flew across the broken arm.

The wind blows dust and sand, swords whine and horses neigh, and the mottled sunlight in the forest seems to be painted with poignant blood.

Lan Xin moved around in the crowd, her eyes were cold, and every time she swung her sword, there was a scream, just like what she said, she wanted to tear up these blood lotus demons, not just kill them!

Once a woman goes crazy, it is very scary. She is covered in blood, and wherever she passes is like a wave of blood.

The sword was like frost, the eyes were like lightning, the blood was like a rainbow, and the voice was like thunder. The forest road was completely turned into a Shura hell.

This girl shouldn't fall into the evil way, right?

Bai Yang frowned and said to himself, killing is enough, let alone torture?

In half an hour, of the more than 50 people who rushed from Baishigou Town, there were only about 20 left, and everyone who was still alive was injured, except for a few warriors, all of them were missing arms and legs.

Damn it, who is this, a member of the Forbidden Martial Arts Hall or a master from the county seat?

Kill, whoever it is, must die!

Several members of the Blood Lotus Cult who were in the realm of warriors roared furiously. Although most of their companions were dead, not only did they not back down, but they became crazier.

They surrounded Lanxin,

The two fought close to each other, and the two shot cold arrows from a distance, trying to kill Lan Xin.

But it was still useless, she couldn't stop Lan Xin from killing, she didn't fight the four warriors head-on, but killed the weak ones first, and then killed the four warriors at the end.

The overall situation is settled!

Bai Yang knew that this group of Blood Lotus Sect members couldn't do anything to Lan Xin, so he still had this vision, so he stopped paying attention.

They didn't pay attention while they were fighting, and the chains on their wrists flew out, tied up a member of the Black-robed Blood Lotus Sect, and dragged him to the grass.

Don't get me wrong, Bai Yang doesn't want to make a fuss, but wants to ask something.

Yin directly controlled it, and the opponent suddenly became Bai Yang's puppet.

Has Baishigou Town been controlled by the Blood Lotus Sect, how many members of the Blood Lotus Sect are there, and what cultivation level are they? Bai Yang asked directly.

The other party replied immediately: Yes, Baishigou Town has been controlled by the Blood Lotus Sect. Now there are 103 official members of the Blood Lotus Sect there, including three warriors and twelve warriors, and the rest are all warriors.

Tell me about the specific situation there, Bai Yang asked again.

In Baishigou Town, all the families who disobeyed my Blood Lotus Sect were ransacked and beheaded, and the officials were controlled through the Xinxin Pill, and a civilian armed force of 50,000 people was organized, and 20,000 people stayed there. , the other 30,000 people have gone out to attack other towns

Bai Yang is silent, he knows that the armed forces formed from civil organizations are just mobs, and if they want to attack towns, they need to use their lives to fill them, commonly known as cannon fodder.

For the vicious Blood Lotus Sect, no matter how many people die, they will not frown.

The new order was established amidst mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Once the Blood Lotus Sect overthrew the Chen Dynasty, everything would be up to them.

What about other places? Bai Yang asked again.

I'm not very clear about the other places, but my Blood Lotus Sect has already controlled more than ten towns in Qingmu County, and each town has organized tens of thousands of people, and they gathered to attack other towns, regardless of the cost, and the results are outstanding... ...

Hearing this sentence, Bai Yang's body trembled slightly. He couldn't imagine how terrible the impact of hundreds of thousands of people gathered regardless of cost would be.


The crimson flames flickered, and Bai Yang burned the person in front of him to ashes.

There is nothing more to ask. The Blood Lotus Sect does everything they can, disregarding the life and death of the world. In order to achieve their goals, they use all living beings as ants to stir up chaos in the world.

Behind every tragic fight, there must be shadows of Shinto monks. Some Shinto monks practice evil magic arts and magic weapons with unjust souls. When the world is in chaos, this kind of Shinto monks rise quickly, and they are extremely powerful. powerful……

Bai Yang frowned, thinking of a lot at once.

Think about it, when tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of unjust souls are condensed into magical treasures and secret techniques, that kind of method can simply be said to stir up the universe and destroy the world!

Tap, tap..., footsteps sounded.

Bai Yang turned around and saw Lan Xin walking towards her with a sword. She was covered in blood. Every step she took, there was a bloody footprint on the ground, and the blood on her body flowed straight to the ground.

The sword in her hand was already chipped, but her eyes were as deep and calm as an ancient well, so calm that it made people chill.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Yang asked, Kill them all?

Kill them all, not one left, tear them all to shreds Lan Xin laughed, her teeth as white as frost.

At this moment, Bai Yang felt that Lan Xin was extremely strange, terrifyingly strange.

Hatred sometimes blinds a person's mind and eyes. Of course the Blood Lotus Sect monster should be killed, but Brother Lan, if you can't control your heart, it's easy to go down the wrong path of evil spirits, Bai Yang said worriedly.

Putting the blood-dropping sword back into its scabbard, Lan Xin smiled and said, I have a sense of proportion, don't worry, Brother Bai, that day will never come.

Nodding his head and saying nothing, Bai Yang pointed to the distance and said, There is a small river over there, let's go wash up.

Okay. Lan Xin nodded.

The creek water was splashing, and Lan Xin, who was only wearing a bellyband and obscene pants, was washing up. The stream water had been dyed red, and her graceful figure was looming in the water like a mermaid.

The sun has already set in the west, the sun shines on the world, the autumn mountains and red leaves, the whole world is like a flame.

Bai Yang looked at the distant mountains in a daze, the red leaves in the autumn mountains, it seemed to be blood and fire, as if it was the bloody wind that was going through all over the Chen Dynasty.

A bonfire was crackling and burning, and Lan Xin's washed clothes were baking.

Bai Yang looked at Lan Xin in the water, shook his head, got up, hunted a fat rabbit, an unknown colorful pheasant, and two fat fish, washed them clean and started grilling.

When the prey is roasting deliciously, night has fallen.

Lan Xin came out of the water, water droplets rolled down her white body, the silk apron and underwear were wet and almost transparent, two bright red spots on her chest were faintly visible, and an indescribable black spot below caught the eye.

She didn't pay attention to Bai Yang's gaze, walked over barefoot with long legs, sat by the fire, grabbed a hot fat fish and stuffed it into her mouth.

Delicious her mouth was full of oil, and the shark's fin couldn't stop her from enjoying the delicious food.

Hold the grass, can you be more reserved? Bai Yang rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

Curling her lips and looking at Bai Yang, Lan Xin spat out a shark fin and said, What's the matter?

Bai Yang looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling that he was on the verge of committing a crime all the time, but this is a buddy...

After eating and drinking enough, Lan Xin's bellyband and obscene pants were dried, she put on her clothes, lay on the grass and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The campfire was crackling, and the surrounding insects and birds were chirping.

What's your plan next? Lan Xin asked.

With Erlang's legs crossed, Bai Yang held a blade of grass in his mouth and said, I don't know, Baishigou Town is ahead, do you want to go?

Of course, there are blood lotus sect monsters there, they should all be damned, Lan Xin said calmly.

Well, get some sleep, get enough energy, and kill the Blood Lotus Sect monster tomorrow. Bai Yang closed his eyes and said.

I can't sleep, Brother Bai, please sing for me. Lan Xin looked at him and said.

No... Bai Yang rolled his eyes and sang to his best friend? What song are you singing? love song? Pull it down, it feels like a shock to think about it.

Lan Xin did not give up, and continued, Then make a poem?

It's endless, right? Bai Yang turned over.

Tch... Lan Xin had nothing to do with him, she rolled over and fell asleep.

The moon rises to the middle of the sky, and then slowly sinks to the west. The world is hazy under the night, and everything is silent.

The bonfire has been gradually extinguished, only the orange-red charcoal fire looming.

Sleeping drowsily, Bai Yang's eyelids trembled, he opened his eyes for a moment, threw something from the interspatial bag, closed his eyes and continued to sleep, with a slight sigh in his heart.

The next day the sun rose as usual, and the world came alive again, but the autumn scenery added a bit of bleakness to people.

Looking at the stream not far away, Bai Yang looked indifferent.

Lan Xin was no longer around, only a letter under the stone.

The stream kept flowing, and the sun gradually rose. After sitting for several hours, Bai Yang gave a wry smile and waved, and the letter flew into his hand.

This is Lan Xin's handwritten letter. There is not much information, only a few hundred words.

Brother Bai, thank you for your company these two days, in just two days, I have experienced the joy and ease that I have never experienced in this life.

But God is really playing tricks on people, why didn't you let me meet you earlier?

brother? Heh... I want to sleep with you, but you don't even have feelings for me, do you know how hurtful it is?

I like you, don't laugh, but only until I like you, now we are brothers, so ironic.

Bye, Brother Bai.

In your words, the world is so big, I want to see it, maybe one day we can accidentally meet each other, then I will buy you a drink.

I took away the talisman you put on the side last night, you already knew that our parting was imminent, right? If you are stupid, you will die?

Don't look for me, don't worry about me.

Brother Bai, the battlefield is not suitable for me, but the sword in my hand is still sharp. When I go, I will use all my strength to kill the blood lotus sect monster.

If one day I really fall into the path of killing, brother Bai, you must kill me, kill me with your own hands, don't be soft-hearted, I beg you!

So, take care...

Bai Yang read the letter calmly, then folded it, put it in the space bag, shook his head and gave a wry smile.

When your brother left, I knew the countdown to parting had begun

I regard you as a brother, but you want to sleep with me, how can there be such a reason?

If one day you really fall into the realm of murder, I will never cut off your head mercilessly

Parting is the beginning of the next reunion, I hope you will still be you

When two people meet unexpectedly, one step too early or one step too late will not work. There is no part in this life. This is also fate...

Muttering in his mouth, Bai Yang got up and walked towards Baishigou Town.

The wind blows, the leaves fall, the grass and trees bow their heads, the sun is mottled, and the world remains the same.

Whoever lives less lives as usual.

Some things can only be buried in the bottom of my heart...

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