Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 484 It's time to end

Although the things obtained in this base are not as many as those obtained in the US military base last time, they are all powerful, and these things are of great use to Bai Yang.

After leaving the base, Bai Yang contacted the domestic authorities and handed over the little boy Dongdong to bring back to the country through secret channels. It is inconvenient to take him to do many things by himself, and the country will help with the boy's follow-up matters.

The whole of Japan was in chaos. Countless people took to the streets to parade, asking the authorities to explain the airliner accident, and at the same time asking them to resolve the anger from all over the world as soon as possible.

On the coastline of Japan's mainland, the army of the naval base is already pointing their sword at 'Xijing'. If Amber does not step down, they will not hesitate to use force to oppress it!

At the same time, another army rushed to the border to intercept them, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Once there was an exchange of fire, the entire Japan would be brought into chaos.

The negotiators sent by the upper echelon were useless at all, and the people under Bai Yang's control didn't listen to anything. Their only purpose was to get Abe to step down and give the whole world an explanation.

The whole world is paying attention to this matter, and it can be said that every move of Dongpu will affect the pattern of the whole world.

Every country is analyzing the next situation and making corresponding arrangements according to the predicted situation.

What will happen to Japan next?

In the cell phone video, the boss of Huaxia looked at Bai Yang with a serious face and asked.

Domestic high-level officials know some of Bai Yang's methods, but they are not very clear. They know that the airliner accident is Dongying's revenge, which Bai Yang did not expect. Only then did Bai Yang know what it would look like.

The next big thing will happen. I think I am not a good person. I don't have such noble sentiments. If others want to kill me, I will take revenge. If the man is angry, blood will be splashed for five steps, and he will bear the eternal infamy behind him, Bai Yang said calmly. .

He knew how big the impact would be on what happened next, but so what, it was more important than anything else to keep his mind in order, so what was he thinking about so much, he couldn't live happily.

Specifically? Let's make preparations here, the big boss said with a wry smile.

After thinking about it, Bai Yang said bluntly: There will be firefights and people will die, but it will calm down in the end. It may be inexplicable. In short, just keep watching...

Won't it affect other countries? The big boss's eyelids twitched.

No, I'm curious, how much benefit can the domestic side get from such a big event? Bai Yang asked.

There are many benefits. The most direct one is that they have such a big incident. The military will definitely be restrained by several big powers. We will try our best to install a peacekeeping force to take root and break the situation of the United States in Japan. Big Boss Shen Sheng said.

Thoughts flickered, Bai Yang nodded and said, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Yang headed directly towards the 'Eastern Western Capital'. A few hours later, he came to the political center of this country again.

The streets were chaotic, and there were demonstrators everywhere. They took to the streets to condemn Amber's actions. At the same time, they also called on the country to calm down the matter as soon as possible and give the whole world a satisfactory answer.

However, under such a tense situation, the higher-ups did not respond for a long time, but only held two press conferences to discuss some irrelevant matters.

But at this moment, the first gunshot came from the coastline of Dongpu!

There was an exchange of fire, and the armed personnel of the naval base exchanged fire with the troops who went to stop it, and it was out of control in an instant!

When the first shot was fired, a large-scale armed conflict broke out. The two Japanese armies exchanged fire on the coastline.

The whole world was stunned. It didn't expect it to happen so suddenly, and then everyone panicked, for fear of affecting themselves.

Have you seen it? These Japanese soldiers killed you with missiles. Now is their funeral. Each of you will be buried with at least a hundred people. You should be at ease, right? Treat the artillery fire as fireworks, I hope you can go to heaven Looking at the direction of Dongpu's coastline, Bai Yang thought to himself, then, it's time for this matter to end, if it continues, I'm afraid it will really trigger World War III!

Life is full of accidents every moment, but Bai Yang will never allow similar accidents to happen again!

In a conference room with extremely tight defenses, all the main leaders of Dongpu gathered here, not only Anbei, but also the heads of the entire DANG faction in the Congress, and even the Emperor of Dongpu.

The atmosphere is very dignified and tense.

Amber, how do we deal with the situation in front of us? You caused it all by yourself. You must give an explanation to the people of the whole country, and you must give an explanation to the whole world! One of the old men stood up and pointed at Amber and growled.

The situation is too serious now, if you don't pay attention, the whole Japan will be destroyed, and it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

I caused it all by myself? You are too irresponsible. When you ordered the destruction of the airliner, it was discussed by all of you. Now I will bear everything alone? Amber gritted his teeth with coldness all over his body.

If that kind of order is not discussed by the Congress, Amber would not dare to issue an order even if he has ten guts. Everything was arranged originally, but God knows why it turned out like this in the end.

Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things. How to appease the anger of people all over the world is the most important thing, and how to appease the current war is the most important thing, the aging Emperor said at this time.

The meeting room suddenly fell into a deathly silence. The current situation cannot be resolved with a single sentence.

But at this moment, the door of the conference room opened suddenly.

Everyone looked subconsciously, and found a young man they didn't know at all walked in, turning a blind eye to everyone.

Who are you? Guard! Where's the guard?

Everyone was shocked, someone broke into this place, that's okay, someone stood up and roared.

Bai Yang walked towards the center of the meeting room step by step, shook his head and said, Stop shouting, it's useless, if you don't want to die, please be quiet, heh, if all of you guys die, I'm afraid the whole of Dongying won't have ten years to live together. I want to calm down completely!

When Bai Yang was speaking, the people present were all cold and looked at him with ghostly expressions on their faces.

A blood-red long sword floated out of thin air, wandered in the void, and slashed across everyone's necks. Although they didn't really cut off their heads, everyone felt the threat of death.

Turning a blind eye to Amber, although Bai Yang had seen him many times on TV, it was the first time to see him with his own eyes. At this time, he was far less beautiful and energetic than on TV.

God Amaterasu, are you a human or a ghost? Amber looked at Bai Yang trembling in horror.

With a playful smile, Bai Yang sat directly on the table in front of him, looked at him and said, Aren't you looking for me? You destroyed that airliner just to kill me, and you don't know me?

It's you? You're not dead! Amber was terrified. The passenger plane had been turned into pieces, but this person was not dead.


Bai Yang kicked him to the ground, squinted his eyes and asked, Do you want to die or live?

Do you know what you are doing? Amber looked at Bai Yang in disbelief and said.

Of course I know what I'm doing. Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. You have already paid the price for what you have done. Although it is easy to kill you, I think it is more effective to keep you. Just right, yours Members of Congress and the Emperor are both here, so they all become my puppets! Bai Yang looked around and laughed.

Joke, who do you think you are? Even if we die, we can't obey you!

Someone sneered loudly, of course they understood what Bai Yang meant by the so-called puppet.

Death? In front of me, even if you want to die, you can't do it. Bai Yang curled his lips.

Not much nonsense, the mental power directly swept away, controlling all the leaders of the entire Dongpu present!

In this way, the entire Dongpu can be said that Bai Yang has the final say!

In the future, if I have any orders or needs, I will call you directly. Now I say, you will follow suit and hold a global live broadcast press conference to explain the airliner incident. In view of the fact that if you kill Abe, you will elect another prime minister. If it takes too much time, he will not die, but at least three congressmen will die. At that time, all of you will kowtow and repent in front of the whole world, and then the oldest three will apologize to me because you encouraged Ann Bei ordered to attack the airliner! Anyway, that's it, you guys are absolutely good at wrangling, just make the whole world happy.

After finishing speaking, Bai Yang left with a smile on his face. No one dared to stop him. At the same time, no one knew that he had been here before, and no one knew that he could decide the direction of this country with one word now!

Instead of being prepared for similar incidents to happen again in the future, Bai Yang simply pulled out the bottom line, found the location of these people and directly controlled them, preventing similar situations from happening again!

After leaving the meeting room, Bai Yang didn't stay in this country too much. He left directly and continued to the United States. Getting that satellite is a trivial matter. How much will it cost after controlling the leaders of this country? It was because of two other things that he had to go.

After Bai Yang left, the fierce firefight that killed tens of thousands of people along the coastline of Dongpu also stopped strangely. At the same time, Amber stepped forward to broadcast the press conference live in front of the whole world.

Everything is happening just as Bai Yang said. He knelt and apologized in front of people all over the world, and then handed over three high-ranking members of parliament. They were the ones who ordered the submarine to attack the airliner, and those three members also confessed. To be honest, after review by the United Nations investigators, 'they really encouraged Amber', and then they demanded seppuku atonement...

In the end, in view of the airliner incident, Dongying will publicly apologize to the whole world and once again pay 100 million US dollars to compensate those who died.

The matter started because of Bai Yang, and he ended it himself. Although it was over, the far-reaching images of the whole incident could not be completely calmed down in a short time, and the whole world was discussing it.

Bai Yang was not interested in knowing about the international disputes that followed. A few hours later, he set foot on the land of California in the United States again...

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