Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 503 Is it possible?

In the pitch-black underground space, the fireball floated in the air, and the light flickered. Bai Yang and Wang Qingyu came down here and saw a scene that shocked the soul.

A huge dinosaur stood in front of them!

It was a huge monster with a body length of nearly thirty meters. Its strong and violent body, sharp claws, and ferocious fangs all showed the horror of this creature.

Yet it is dead!

Judging from the appearance, this is the Tyrannosaurus rex described in many movies, but it is bigger and more violent than the ones in the movies. Its body is covered with dense scales, and the mottled traces indicate its once domineering power.

After the endless history, it appeared in front of the two of them as if across time and space.

This is a dragon! Wang Qingyu said in a trembling voice, unable to keep his mind calm, his body trembled slightly.

Bai Yang nodded. He had seen more soul-stirring creatures in other worlds, so his heart was still calm. However, it was surprising to see such a terrifying creature on Earth.

The tyrannosaurus rex more than ten meters ahead was roaring upwards, giving them a feeling that it would pounce on them at any moment and tear them apart.

For some unknown reason, the Tyrannosaurus rex's body remained intact, almost like a living thing, and the old, barbaric and violent breath rushed towards the face, hitting the eyeballs.

It's not a fossil, it's simply a living Tyrannosaurus Rex appearing here across time and space!

Don't be afraid, it's dead, it doesn't have any breath of life, be good, with your man here, even if this guy is alive, I'll punch it out. Bai Yang laughed, enlivening the atmosphere.

Wang Qingyu is no better than herself, she is just an ordinary girl.

Huh, I was scared to death just now. Wang Qingyu patted his chest.

Coming to such an empty and dark place, who would not be afraid to suddenly see a prehistoric creature in front of him?

After calming down a little, Wang Qingyu, perhaps out of curiosity, took a step forward to observe the Tyrannosaurus rex in front of him carefully.

do not……

Bai Yang opened his mouth to stop it, but it was already too late.

Wang Qingyu took a step forward. This underground space, which has been quiet for an unknown number of years, will definitely experience vibrations that cannot be felt by the human body.

Coupled with the continuous influx of air from the upper hole, the body of the living Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of it was slightly shaken.

Then the body of the tyrannosaurus rex quickly turned into fine powder and dissipated!

Haven't had time to take a picture yet...

This dinosaur corpse has been in the ground for at least tens of millions of years. For some unknown reason, it has kept its body intact. When it encounters air vibrations, well, it’s gone. In a few seconds, a pool of ashes appeared on the ground, and everything was destroyed. None can stay.

After a pause, Wang Qingyu looked at Bai Yang and said weakly, I... didn't do it on purpose.

It's okay, even if you don't take a step, daughter-in-law, that guy won't be able to keep it, Bai Yang comforted.

Oh... Wang Qingyu shrank her neck, feeling very embarrassed, she always felt that the tyrannosaurus rex was destroyed by herself.

After taking a few breaths carefully, Bai Yang said: The outside air has come in, there is no poisonous gas here, it's all right, you can take off the gas mask.

It was very uncomfortable to wear a gas mask. After Wang Qingyu took it off, he took a few deep breaths and felt much more comfortable.

Suddenly, her expression froze, she slowly raised her hand and pointed forward and said, And...

In the direction Wang Qingyu pointed, that is, behind the dissipated body of the previous Tyrannosaurus rex, there was another dinosaur with a complete body, but it was crawling on the ground.

It was a ridgeback, more than 20 meters long, with a row of bone spurs on its back like blades.

Next to the Ridgeback, there is also the Stegodon, and further away, there are Plesiosaurs, Pterosaurs...

This is a dragon's nest! Bai Yang nodded, took a deep breath and said.

When he saw the Tyrannosaurus rex, he radiated his mental power and scanned the huge underground space. The space is hundreds of meters high, and neither side has been explored to the end. It is obviously more than one kilometer long and more than a thousand meters wide.

In this huge underground space, there are countless dinosaur corpses scattered all over the ground, in various sizes, big and small.

This is a dragon's lair, a dino lair, where thousands of dinos of all kinds appear.

Who knows why they appeared in such a closed underground space at the same time, and judging from their relatively complete bodies, they actually lived here peacefully and did not kill each other.

Observing Bai Yang meticulously, he felt the air condition of this space, and found that there was no air flow here, which proved that this is a completely enclosed underground space. I don’t know how many years it has existed. The corpse is relatively complete.

However, with the continuous influx of air from the upper hole, the dinosaur bodies in this place, one after another, are disintegrating like gravel and turning into dust. It is like a chain reaction, and it is difficult to leave anything behind.

It's a pity, if it can be preserved, it will be a major discovery that shocked the world, Wang Qingyu sighed.

Only the two of them witnessed this epic picture, but it cannot be known by the world.

Seeing the countless corpses of dinosaurs that kept collapsing, for some reason, Bai Yang felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

His thoughts seemed to span time and space, across tens of millions of years, seeing these dinosaurs come to this place, sealed in this dark and dark underground, lingering here, exhausting the last trace of air, swallowing their last breath, from then on buried here.

At the end of their lives, the Tyrannosaurus Rex roared to the sky, as if expressing the unwillingness and sadness in his heart.

That was the end of an era, that was the end of a civilization, and belonged to the era of dinosaurs, Bai Yang sighed silently.

The earth is in the endless starry sky. After billions of years, human beings are just one of the masters in the endless life of the earth. It is only a few million years to go back to the ancient human ancestors. Before human beings, the earth has other the master.

Before human civilization, there were more brilliant lives.

Feeling inexplicably melancholy, Bai Yang stepped forward and came to the place where the Tyrannosaurus rex dissipated more than ten meters away. The dust on the ground was separated under the action of his thoughts, and a sharp claw appeared under the dust, one meter long, like a curved Knife.

Bai Yang bent down, wanting to pick it up, but touched it lightly, and the claw turned into dust.

It's not a fossil, it's carbohydrates that have passed through the ages, exposed to the air, and can't be preserved at all.

Wang Qingyu came to Baiyang's side, feeling melancholy for the epic atmosphere of the end of the dinosaur era, pointing to the front and saying: Yangyang, there are dragon eggs over there.

Bai Yang looked, and in the pile of rocks, several large oval-shaped ashen eggs of basketballs lay quietly there, beside a pile of dust from the dissipated dinosaurs.

The dragon eggs are relatively complete, but they no longer have any breath of life. Before Bai Yang walked over, they turned into dust like the corpse of a dinosaur.

There are many dinosaur eggs in this underground space, but they are also crumbling.

Nothing is left!

It stands to reason that there are so many dinosaur corpses here, even if they are exposed to the air, nothing should be left behind. It is unscientific to turn them all into dust. At least one tooth must be left, right?

Yet this is the truth.

They have gone through tens of millions of years, crossed the long river of history, and finally turned into the dust of history.

This is not a dragon's nest, but a dragon's tomb, a dragon's tomb, and a dragon's tomb. What is buried is not the corpses of these dinosaurs, but the dinosaur civilization tens of millions of years ago!

Standing in front of a small nest, Bai Yang watched a few dragon eggs turn into dust, and suddenly, he raised his head and moved forward.


The flames rose, illuminating the front clearly.

That is the edge of this underground space, hundreds of meters high but irregular stone walls.

The fireball floated in the air, and the light flickered.

Ah... this... Wang Qingyu covered her mouth and exclaimed in shock, how could this be possible!

Under the light of the fire, many strange patterns appeared on the stone wall, like some symbols and words.

Red Cliff Heavenly Book!

No, there are countless murals on the stone wall similar to those on the cliff of Hongya Tianshu. There are many, covering the entire stone wall hundreds of meters high, densely packed with various symbols, as if telling an ancient historical picture scroll .

Why do the strange pictures in the Red Cliff Book of Heaven appear here? Bai Yang muttered to himself.

With flickering eyes, he dragged Wang Qingyu along the stone wall of the underground space and walked quickly, where the fireballs would light up wherever he went.

After more than two hours, they walked around this underground space.

The space is more than 3,800 meters long, 200 to 500 meters high, and 1,300 to 2,100 meters wide.

This is an extremely huge underground space, but on the stone walls around this space, it is full of strange symbols that are magical and incomprehensible.

Text, symbol or scroll?

No translation, can't understand.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Qingyu said anxiously, Yang Yang, tell me, could these weird symbols be characters from the age of dinosaurs? They belong to the... civilization of the age of dinosaurs!

After saying this sentence, Wang Qingyu herself was stunned.

Bai Yang was taken aback, and remained silent for a long time.

Civilization in the Age of Dinosaurs? Even left a text? is it possible?

Isn't it? Human beings have only been on the earth for a few million years even counting the first ape-man, but they have already created such a brilliant civilization. Then dinosaurs once ruled the earth for hundreds of millions of years. Could it be that they can't Create civilization? Wang Qingyu said with a trembling voice.

Bai Yang frowned, took a deep breath and said, There's nothing wrong with saying that. After all, dinosaurs ruled the earth for hundreds of millions of years, but I think it's unrealistic.

Dinosaurs created civilization? playing...

However, the history of hundreds of millions of years does not allow the evolution of intelligence similar to human beings?

Wang Qingyu struggled and said: Let's assume that the dinosaurs in historical research were extinct because of the impact of celestial bodies on the earth. They created dinosaur civilization, but they were destroyed when the celestial bodies hit the earth. Then this place was in the dark underground, so it was able to survive. Save it!

There is some truth in saying that, but why haven't there been similar places in other parts of the world? Bai Yang couldn't figure it out...

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