Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 531 Blood Paves the Way

Bai Yang could see it clearly, it was an extremely ugly bug, rushed out of the sand, swallowed a person in one bite, then under the cover of the sand, it dived like a fish swimming in the water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

The worm was about eighty centimeters in diameter, similar to an earthworm, without a head and five sense organs, and the mouthparts at the top were split and covered with terrifying sharp teeth. Its skin was smooth and covered with mucus, and it was extremely disgusting.

What made Bai Yang stare was not its ugliness and swallowing a person, but the worm that sneaked into the sand and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had merged with the desert.

Are ordinary bugs mutated for some reason, or are they simply species that humans haven't explored yet? Bai Yang thought to himself, but couldn't get an answer.

That scene appeared too fast and astonishingly, a living person disappeared in the blink of an eye, and everyone who saw it gasped and screamed in horror.

Have you seen clearly, what's going on? Song Yidao asked in horror, trembling all over.

It's too far away, I can't see clearly, a person will disappear in a blink of an eye. Wang Hua swallowed hard, sweating coldly.

High school student Xiaofei screamed and cried, yelling that there is a ghost.

Da da da……

Gunshots rang out all around, and even though the surrounding armed men were all terrified, they still fired shots to suppress the panicked and frightened crowd.

Devil, there is a devil!

Monster, there are monsters over there, I don't want to go there...

On the other side of the safety line, more than a dozen people who were advancing all collapsed after the leader disappeared. Some people knelt down to pray, and some turned around and ran back.

Go forward, let me go forward, who dares to run back and kill someone! Bowie roared with wide-eyed eyes. Although he was also afraid, the more weird the behavior ahead, the more it proved that there is endless wealth waiting for him in that direction!

Da da da……

On the side of the security line, the subordinates around Bauwe shot at the feet of the people running back. However, facing the fear of the unknown, they didn't care about fear at all, and ran back all the time.

Ah, save me, it's just me...

There was another terrified cry. Among the crowd running back, someone's feet sank into the sand, and the ground couldn't bear his weight like a current of water.

The body sank downwards visible to the naked eye.

In less than three seconds, the 1.8-meter-tall black man completely disappeared on the surface of the sand. In situ, the sand flowed like water, and when it calmed down, there was no trace of 'swallowing' a person!

The rays of the rising sun filled the sky and the earth, but at this moment, the hundreds of people around felt cold all over their bodies, which was too weird and terrifying.

bang bang bang...

On the other side of the safety line, amidst the sound of thumping on the sand surface, five bulges suddenly appeared in a row, and the sand splashed in all directions. When the sand fell and subsided, five people who ran back disappeared!

No matter what it is, shoot and kill me! Bowie roared, pointing forward, his face twisted.

Da da da, the gun fired, the bullets poured, and some sand was splashed, but they didn't hit anything. Instead, they killed all the remaining people who ran back.

Several bloody corpses were placed on the ground, and then, visible to the naked eye, those corpses sank into the sand and disappeared!

A gust of wind blew by, and everyone around felt cold.

I can't go ahead, I can't go ahead, Lai Ershui muttered to himself while looking at the front tremblingly, the compass pointer in his hand spun wildly, and finally the pointer broke directly.

Father, what should we do? Enkai, a white young man, looked at Bowie and asked, swallowing his saliva. The previous scene really scared him.

The sand exploded, people disappeared, corpses sank into the sand strangely, everything was so permeable.

Bowie took a deep breath and was about to give an order when he turned around and looked to the side.

The ascetic Sen, who was kneeling on the sidelines and reciting scriptures, stood up at this moment, muttering something fanatical, and walked forward on his own initiative, stepped over the safety line, and moved forward step by step. , as if ignorant of fear.

Mr. Sen, what are you doing? Bowie asked loudly.

Sen slowed down, looked at Bowie and said with a smile: I feel the breath of God, it's there, I'm going to see God!

With that said, Mori turned around and moved forward again.

Bowie opened his mouth, didn't stop him, and stared with wide eyes.

When Sen crossed the safety line, he moved forward step by step, but he didn't encounter any danger. He walked farther than those people before, and moved forward again, still without encountering danger.

No one knows why Sen didn't meet the situation of those people before, just watched him move forward step by step.

When Sen advanced about 50 meters, Bowie's eyes flickered, and he pointed to Sen in front, meaning self-evidently, kill him!

Bowie is the leader here, and he does not allow anyone beyond his control to appear.

Just when he gave the order, Sen seemed to know what he was thinking, stopped, turned around and glanced at him, smiled strangely, and then he took a step forward.

Disappeared, Ascetic Sen, just disappeared into the sight of hundreds of people out of thin air!

Seeing this scene, the surroundings suddenly fell into a strange silence, with the breeze blowing, everyone felt cold all over.

Hastily, what is going on here, what is the exploding sand, why do people sink into the ground, how did that dead old man disappear? Song Yiyi widened his eyes, subconsciously clenched his hands and muttered to himself, My heart was terrified, and my whole body was trembling.

Bai Yang's eyes flickered, and he probably knew the reason.

The sand exploded, and the bugs swallowed the people who passed by, causing the people to disappear mysteriously. Also, the area was full of quicksand, and once you got stuck, it was like sinking into the water.

As for why Sen was not in danger, Bai Yang carefully observed his route, and he happened to avoid the quicksand area. As for why the underground bugs didn't eat him, Bai Yang felt that he was too dirty, even bugs would hate him...

In the end, Bai Yang was not sure about his disappearance, but one thing is certain, Sen's last step forward was because he stepped into the dark and dense fog area that Bai Yang Hui saw!

In front, Bowie took a deep breath, turned around, pointed in the direction of the captured people and roared: Thirty more, let me pass from here, and anyone who dares to resist will be killed!

After receiving the order, the surrounding armed men acted immediately, pulling people roughly in the crowd.

It must not be us, it must not be us, Wang Hua muttered to himself, trembling all over.

However, what they were afraid of would come, and several fierce armed men walked straight towards them.

It's over, it's over, Song Yiyi trembled all over.

Bai Yang looked at the armed men who came over calmly, they stopped, turned a corner, grabbed a few big-nosed crooked nuts and dragged them away.

Huh, fortunately, fortunately Wang Hua's whole body went limp, and he felt that he had walked through the gate of hell.

No matter how many crooked nuts died, Bai Yang felt that it was none of his business, but he didn't allow Huaxia to die, so he did something secretly.

While screaming and cursing, thirty people were roughly taken to the safety line, kicked over, and shot if they dared to run back.

Bowie and his gang don't treat the captured people as human beings at all.

Thirty people did not dare to go over, and six were killed, unable to resist, they could only bite the bullet and run forward.

Ah, I can't move

What the hell, save me!

Of the more than 20 people who ran past, some fell into the quicksand, while others were swallowed by the rushing insects and dragged into the ground.

Fire, fire where the sand bursts, Bowie roared.

Da da da, boom boom boom...

Machine gun rifles fired together, and even a bazooka.

Bullets whistled, rockets exploded, and gunpowder smoke filled the air, accidentally killing several people who were forced to run over.

Father, what do you think is that? Enkai pointed to a bulging place hit by a rocket and said in horror.

In that place, there were pieces of rotten meat, and in the sand, there was a twisted and struggling body of an insect.

Damn it, what the hell is that? It turns out that this kind of thing is playing tricks. Bowie stared, but didn't dare to go over to check.

Of the more than twenty people who passed this time, nine of them were killed by mistake, thirteen sank into the quicksand and disappeared, and the rest were swallowed by bugs, but they took the opportunity to let Bowie kill a bug.

At this time, someone quickly ran to Bowie to report: Boss, we flew over with the aerial camera, but after more than 50 meters, the console lost contact with the aerial camera and could not send back the picture. Even the small radar that came could not scan that area, the signal was jammed by something unknown.

They didn't just let people go on risky explorations, they also used technological equipment, but it was still useless.

Bowie nodded to show his understanding, then turned around and said grimly: Pull ten more people over, let them lure that kind of thing out and kill it, I don't believe that there are endless things like that in this place! Also, carefully remember the safety route , Those who sank obviously stepped on quicksand, enough, Kang Mao, act now!

I have to say that Bowie is still very smart. Seeing that the bugs in the ground can be killed, he thought of the method of using human life to lure him, but it was just a little cruel.

The fact is that his idea is completely correct, and he forced ten people to go there again. With previous experience, whenever there is a bump on the ground, it is a firepower pouring over to kill the bugs rushing out of the ground.

Before and after, nearly a hundred people died, and a total of nine worms were killed. After that, no more worms came out of the ground.

During the whole process, sixteen people finally passed through that area, and just like Sen before, they disappeared out of everyone's sight.

Don't pay attention to those people who disappeared. Now use an iron hook to hook me a creature of that kind, and pull it out for me with a cart. I want to see what the hell it is, Bowie said, pointing forward.

Someone acted immediately, stepped on a safe route, and came to the nearest worm whose body had been smashed to pieces, hooked the remaining half body with an iron hook, tied the hook to the vehicle with a rope, and the motor roared. Forcibly pulled half of the worm's body out of the ground.

Seeing the eight-meter-long bug corpse covered in mucus lying on the ground, everyone gasped, how could there be such a big bug!

Including the section of the smashed head, the bug's body was at least ten meters long!

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