Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 64 Hands talk life and death chess (1)

In Godot Village, the mountain people from other villages have left. Bai Yang and the old village chief are sitting opposite each other under a tree, and the kitten is fanning him behind him. He is fighting with the old village chief in full swing.

Well, they are playing backgammon, which was 'invented' by Bai Yang.

You come and I turn over, the old village head put down a chess piece and said:

Trading with the mountain people, I will only trade ten sets of weapons and armor to each village, and there is no limit to other things. What do you think of the little brother Bai?

It should be, Wan Mien fights Mi Qiu, if there are too many, you will breed tigers, and you will lose your means of deterrence.

Bai Yang nodded and put down a chess piece and said.

There was a short silence after that, the old village head glanced at Bai Yang, put down a chess piece and couldn't help but ask:

The Che family won't let it go...

After today, there will be no car homes in Deyang Town

Bai Yang said with a chuckle.

The Lan family and the Niu family in Deyang Town will do what you imagined?

It will definitely, even I can guess how they do every step!

Bai Yang spoke with incomparable confidence!


The old village chief was surprised.

Huge benefits will magnify the ambitions in the bottom of the heart. The trading of mountain goods by hundreds of thousands of mountain people in the Mihe Forest is really enviable. As long as the Lan family is not an idiot, they will definitely take this opportunity to destroy the car. Home, the first step, the Lan family will verify the authenticity of the weapons and armor

Bai Yang put down a chess piece and said.

In Deyang Town, in the depths of a gorgeous courtyard that is not inferior to the Che family.


A bright long sword stabbed forward like lightning.


Amidst the sound of Jin Ming striking each other, sparks flew everywhere, and a young man in white was holding a long sword and kicking back a dozen steps, his arms trembling slightly, looking ahead in disbelief.

In front of him, on a human-shaped metal stake fixed to the ground, was wearing the titanium alloy armor that Blue Star brought back from Mihe Forest.

At this time, on the armor, where the long sword stabbed, there was only a shallow mark!

The main members of the Lan family including Lan Xing, several of Lan Xing's older brothers and the head of the Lan family, Lan Qingfeng, gathered in the yard.

It's impossible. I've done my best, and I can't break through this armor with six blood energy poured into my arm to cast a sword!

Lan Xing's elder brother, Lan Shuang, looked at the titanium alloy armor in shock.

Father, brothers, do you now believe that dozens of mountain people in the Mihe Forest can capture Che Jiang who has condensed five blood energy alive with this armor?

Lan Xing said proudly.

Xin'er, it's not that my father doesn't believe me, it's just that this matter is too unbelievable to rely on your own words.

The Patriarch of the Lan Family, Lan Qingfeng, looked at the titanium alloy armor and said in a deep voice.

Then do you believe it now?

Lan Xin blinked her big eyes and said,

Blue Star is just a pseudonym for this chick.

Dressed in a blue gown, the elegant Lan Qingfeng didn't say a word, pointing his toes, he appeared in front of the titanium alloy armor like a ghost, and stuck out his palm and printed it on the titanium alloy armor.

When he made a move, a fleshy palm turned a light blue color and was printed on the titanium alloy armor. It was split when he touched it, and he took two steps back. A handprint that was so faint that it was almost indistinguishable appeared on the armor. The edge of the handprint was mysterious. The appearance of a little frost!

This armor is not inferior to the standard armor of the Imperial Martial Arts Hall. Who is the mysterious young man that Xiner is talking about, and where does this armor come from?

Looking at the fingerprints on the titanium alloy armor, Lan Qingfeng frowned, surprised!


On the other side, Lan Shuang held his long sword in one hand and a titanium alloy broadsword in the other. When the swords collided, his long sword snapped!

Everyone in the small courtyard lost their voices...

What about the second step?

In Godot village, the old village chief looked at Bai Yang and asked.

The Lan family will verify the authenticity of the information

Bai Yang put down a chess piece again and said lightly...


Immediately take someone to the town to conduct a secret investigation to see if the information Xiner brought back is true!

Lan Qingfeng turned around abruptly, looked at his eldest son Lan Shuang and said in a deep voice.

Father, I'll go right away.

Lan Shuang, dressed in a snow-white gown, left quickly.

In the courtyard, the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and everyone was waiting anxiously.

More than an hour later, Lan Shuang came back with a surprised face.


Lan Qingfeng asked immediately.

Father, the boy has secretly visited several places. It is indeed as my little sister said. In some unremarkable places in the town, there are some women and children living in the same age. It should be the blood that the Che family arranged outside. In this way, other information should not be wrong.”

Lanshuang's eyes shined brightly.

In this way, Che Hong, the owner of the Che family, is a martial artist who has condensed the blood energy of nine paths of fire. There are 14 warriors in the Che family, ranging from one level of blood energy to seven levels of blood energy. It's true!

Lan Qingfeng murmured while turning his mind.

As the head of a family, the other party will definitely take the overall situation into consideration and will not take risks lightly. To put it bluntly, he will look forward and backward. In order to minimize the risk, he will definitely seek helpers for safety. Heh..., there is no way to do this, after all It is a matter of a family, and it is inevitable that one hair will affect the whole body. In fact, if the other party is more courageous, he can completely take over the car family by himself. For the so-called safety, the final benefit will be divided in half. The family will go find a helper!

Bai Yang opened his mouth to eat a piece of fruit handed by the kitten, chewing and saying.

The old village chief looked at him, thought for a while and nodded, it was indeed so, and with a heart to heart, as the village chief of Gordo Village, he would not risk the lives of the entire village.

Lan Qingfeng, the Patriarch of the Lan Family, pondered for a moment, his face was tangled, and finally sighed:

Hao'er, you go to Niu's house in secret and invite Niulanshan, the owner of the Niu's family. Remember, don't let anyone know. If he doesn't come, you tell him that the mountain products of hundreds of thousands of mountain people in Mihelin If he doesn't want to trade half of the business!

Lan Hao, the second young master of the Lan family, nodded and took the order to leave.

Not long after, another big family in Deyang Town, Niulanshan, the head of the Niu family, came in through the back door of the Lan family with his body like an iron tower wearing a black cloak tightly covered.

Brother Niu, it's a rare opportunity, so I have to invite you here.

In the hall, all the servants backed away, and Lan Qingfeng cupped his hands at Niulan Mountain.

Lao Lan, if you don't give me an explanation, I will demolish your entire house today!

The fiery-tempered Niulanshan urn said in a low voice.

Brother Niu, I just want to ask you, do you want our two families to divide up the entire Che family, you just need to answer whether I do or not!

Lan Qingfeng looked at the other party indifferently and said.

I think, I even dream about it. The trade of hundreds of thousands of mountain people in Mihelin, and the large business in Deyang Town, I want to swallow the Che family in my dreams. Hmph, why doesn't his Che family want to swallow us? Even It's you and I, why don't we want to swallow each other?

Niulanshan spoke bluntly.

That's good, now there is a chance to completely swallow the Che family, it depends on whether Brother Niu has the courage!

Lan Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Speak clearly, I am most annoyed by your twists and turns.

Niulanshan was not in a good mood.

Now all the information about the Che's family is under control. We only need to arrange it accordingly. With our joint efforts, we can easily cut out the Che's house. The news comes from a mysterious young man in the Lost River Forest. He captured the Che's family. Che Jiang, the second son of the younger generation, forced me to ask, and I have asked people to verify that all the information is true!

Lan Qingfeng said calmly, and told Niulanshan the news that Lan Xin had brought back.

If this is the case, the Niu family can be swallowed up if the arrangement is overturned. However, casualties are inevitable. If the casualties are too large, the gains outweigh the losses.

Niulanshan thought for a while and hesitated.

How about adding a batch of armor that can resist warriors? Brother Niu, you can try it yourself.

Lan Qingfeng pointed to the titanium alloy armor beside him and said.

Niulanshan raised his eyebrows, got up and walked over, clenched his fist, the fist turned iron gray immediately, the fist was swollen, and he smacked the titanium alloy armor with a bang.

Like a thunderclap, the roof trembled, and Niulanshan stepped back a few steps. There was only a faint fist mark on the titanium alloy armor.

how many?

He looked directly at Lan Qingfeng and asked.

I don't know exactly how much the other party can give. I have already sent someone to pick it up. The other party wants to use our hands to get rid of the Che family. I think it should not be too stingy.

Lan Qingfeng said.


Niulanshan directly made a decision...!

(Seeking recommendation tickets and collections, the new book period has passed, and there is a wave of collections that have not been collected)

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