Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 648 Endless Treasure!

The waves beat the shore, the sun was shining brightly, and the shore was quiet.

Just after landing, I encountered a piece of natural gold the size of a table and a top-grade jadeite the size of a washbasin. How could it not be shocking?

Among the people around here, the fifty elite fighters are okay, their faces remain unchanged, and the five old scientists are just amazed. Only those young scientist assistants have red eyes and shortness of breath.

Natural gold and emeralds represent wealth, immeasurable wealth, and it can even be said that if it is converted into money, it may be a number that they will not be able to earn in their entire lives.

Money touches people's hearts, but seeing fifty murderous elite fighters around, who would dare to fart?

After the shock, several scientists and their assistants acted immediately. Although the electronic equipment could not be used, their experience and technology were still there, and the specific data were obtained soon.

Gold weighs about ten tons rounded up, and its purity is very high, reaching 95%. As for the emerald, it is hard to judge, but if it is stripped from the rock, it weighs about one hundred catties, and its quality is world-class!

In the end, everyone's eyes were on Su Xishui, she was the commander in chief of this trip.

Looking around the crowd indifferently, Su Xishui said: We have two tasks, first, to investigate the specific situation of the island, and second, to find out the whereabouts of the people who went ashore before, discover these two things, and Not in the quest sequence...

Speaking of this, she frowned, thought for a while and said, The gold should be buried immediately, and the emerald has been cracked. Take it away after stripping it!

The gold weighs ten tons, so there is no way to do it. The emerald is only one hundred catties, so it can be taken away. As for how to deal with it later, it goes without saying. If you can leave, you can hand it over to the country...

No one has any objections, and no one dares to object. The whole world is paying attention to this island at the moment. No matter what thoughts you have, it's best to put them away. Since Su Xishui has given the order, just follow suit.

The gold is processed immediately. If the surface covering is not cleaned, it is just an inconspicuous stone. As for the emerald, after cutting it out, two emerald green crystals the size of a semicircular washbasin are simply intoxicating in the sun.

This piece seems to be gold...

A few minutes later, a scientist assistant in his twenties pointed to a three-meter-high rock and said in a troubled tone.

Then, it was confirmed that this piece was indeed gold, weighing more than one hundred tons!

peeking face to face...


I picked up a random rock just now, and after analyzing it, I found that it is actually a silver mine with a purity of 63%... A grey-haired scientist held up a stone and said in a blank tone, especially looking at the surrounding coast, with a complicated look on his face.

No one spoke, and the scene became quiet again. Everyone seemed to be dreaming, and it felt very unreal.

What kind of evil island is this? A seemingly ordinary rock is covered with gold. You may find emeralds inside if you break a stone. Pick up a stone at random and it will contain silver. This...

Gold, silver, and emerald appear at the same time, it's so unscientific!

There is also a coral forest over there, you don't know, these are just the tip of the iceberg of this island! Bai Yang said strangely in his heart.

Su Xishui took a deep breath and said, First record the various discoveries, then observe the surroundings in detail, analyze the specific composition of the air and soil, and we will head to the depths of the island in an hour!

When the order is issued, everyone should do what they should do. Even if they are not at peace, they will become numb when they see a lot.

It was really a surprise. In more than an hour, dozens of large and small natural gold nuggets were found in the area of ​​hundreds of meters from the shore, all of which were hidden under the mud or rocks. A lot of emeralds were also found.

That's not all, scientists have found more than ten kinds of precious metals around, many of which are strategic materials that are prohibited from being sold and traded by various countries in the world!

What the hell is this island?

No matter who it is, a swear word burst out in my heart at this time, which is really shocking.

While the scientists were busy, Su Xishui came to a higher place alone, and then pulled out an old antique fireworks stick from nowhere, chichi sprayed red flames, and she raised it and waved it towards the distance.

Su Xiaoniu, what are you doing? Bai Yang didn't understand, and asked curiously.

Glancing at Bai Yang, Su Xishui said, The communication is interrupted. This is the agreed communication method. Let's see if we can get in touch there.

Opened his mouth, Bai Yang didn't say anything, and thought Su Xiaoniu, you probably think too much, the distance is tens of kilometers, it's a ghost that the other party can see your little light in broad daylight, and look in the direction from here, The surface of the sea is an arc, and the aircraft carrier can't see the other party. How can they see your situation here?

A minute later, Su Xishui gave up, probably because she didn't get a response from the other party, and then she changed a method, took out a mirror to reflect the sunlight and shook it there, but it still didn't work.

We are completely cut off from the outside world, Su Xishui finally said with a frown.

Bai Yang didn't care about these things, he borrowed a multifunctional military engineering shovel from a soldier brother, and digging with his buttocks on the side. After less than a minute of digging and throwing the ground, he threw a small hole in the ground.

Then, Bai Yang picked up a piece from the pit with a smile on his face and smirked towards the sun.

Su Xishui narrowed his eyes, dazzled by the sunlight, looked in the direction of Bai Yang, opened his small mouth in a daze.

I saw Bai Yang standing there with a smirk, holding an apple-sized transparent crystal in his hand, irregular, a bit like glass, and a bit like rock sugar.

Diamond! Su Xishui blurted out these two words, and then rushed towards Bai Yang like a cheetah and grabbed it with his hand.

Bai Yang jumped away, looked at Su Xishui who was almost red-eyed, and said, Su Xiaoniu, what are you doing?

Diamonds from where did you come from? Su Xishui asked, staring at Bai Yang firmly, as if he was a life and death enemy.

He casually weighed the diamond in his hand, which may be the largest known diamond in the world so far, Bai Yang pouted and pointed to the big hole beside him and said, You're blind, I picked it up!

On this island, although Bai Yang's mental power could only be maintained at a distance of 100 meters due to unknown interference, he was still able to find too many good things within this range.

Although he didn't say anything, the shock in his heart can be imagined, the surrounding area is so small, it can be said that the land is covered with gold, any step on it is silver, and there are countless gems!

Endless treasures, if a certain person owns this island, he can use the treasures on the island to buy the whole world!

This is Bai Yang's evaluation of the island.

However, although there are many treasures on the island, almost all of them are buried in the rock mass, and it is not easy to mine them out. No, it took him a lot of effort to dig out the easiest piece of diamond.

If digging two shovels can dig out such a large diamond, it is considered laborious...

Hand over to the country! Su Xishui looked at Bai Yang and gritted his teeth.

The diamond is so big, even if she is an iron-blooded soldier, she is not calm at this time. After all, she is also a woman, and she is no different from other women when she meets diamonds.

Are you stupid or am I stupid? The one I picked up was mine. It's such a big piece. It's enough to get two diamond bracelets for my daughter-in-law when I go back. Bai Yang smiled, and the diamond disappeared in his hands.

Wishing to bite Baiyang to death, Su Xishui said with burning eyes: Many people around have seen it, you can't swallow it all by yourself!

Cut, what the heck, who refuses to let him come to me? Rolling his eyes, Bai Yang went to the other side with the shovel on his shoulder.

Su Xishui gritted her teeth and looked at Bai Yang, and then told everyone to follow quickly. She was curious about what Bai Yang wanted to do.

Leaving the place where the diamonds were dug, Bai Yang walked tens of meters, saw a shell the size of a washbasin, grinned, pried it open with a shovel, took out a pure white pearl the size of an egg, and shook it at the Suxi water. After shaking it, it was put away again.

You can't do this, you should hand it over to the country! Su Xishui persuasively persuaded Bai Yang.

Bai Yang pretended not to hear, and continued to hunt for treasure.

Tsk tsk, amazing, on this island, almost all the treasures can be dug up with a shovel. Even the soil can extract rare elements of great value.

Endless treasures, this island is endless treasures. In just one hour, Bai Yang dug up more than a dozen diamonds, one of which was almost as big as a football. Who knows why Mao would appear on this island, among which rubies and sapphires There are so many emeralds and so on, Su Xishui almost went crazy seeing it.

Obviously so many people around saw Bai Yang digging for treasure, but no one thought it was strange.

Su Xishui despised this point, she dared to swear with her big breasts, it was Bai Yang who made other people subconsciously ignore what he did.

you can not do that!

When he dug a sapphire the size of a goose egg and held it in his hand, Bai Yang squinted his eyes while carrying the shovel and looking towards the distant coast.

They came to the island safely with his secret help, but people from other countries did not go so smoothly. It was not until this time that he saw the first group of people go to the island after a narrow escape.

Hehe, if the specific situation on this island is reported to the outside world, I'm afraid the whole world will go crazy. The people who landed on the island before lost contact after they came up. Could it be because... Bai Yang squinted his eyes and said to himself.

But many things are just speculation until confirmed.

Wealth touches people's hearts, no matter how loyal each so-called soldier is to his country, when he sees a golden mountain, it is inevitable that his heart will not be shaken!

Chief, after a short analysis and research, this island has almost all the precious stones, precious metals and various precious elements that we know, and the amount is astonishing. The specific reasons for this situation are unknown, perhaps because This island had all these things but was buried deep in the sea.”

Besides, the inexplicable interference on the island has prevented any electronic equipment from functioning normally. The reason for this is unknown, but we have concluded after preliminary investigations that at present, there is no serious harm to the human body on the island. Viruses, bacteria, and the like, the stench is just emitted after the creatures on the island die...

When an hour was up, a gray-haired expert came to Su Xishui to report the situation.

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