Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 651 Value

As the saying goes, blessings lie in misfortune, and misfortunes rest in blessings. Who would have thought that such a terrifying creature would exist on this island full of treasures?

Especially when people don't know anything about the habits of this creature!

Go! Su Xishui, who was the commander in chief of this trip, ordered in a deep voice after hearing Bai Yang's words.

She has no doubts about Bai Yang's words, this kind of bug, one bad thing will really bring disaster to the world.

She was also paying attention to the situation by the pond before, but she thought she was the top force on this side of the earth, but she didn't see how the bug got into the research assistant's body!

If the previous bug was targeting me, wouldn't it mean...

Trembling all over, she looked at the fat man on the ground.

At this moment, the fat man was silent, and the pink larvae that were feet long outside his body writhed and twisted like hair, making one's scalp tingle.

Those larvae, more than millions?

It's terrible, how long has it been since the bugs entered his body and hatched their eggs, two minutes or one minute?


The other scientific research assistant who went to the waterside with the dead fat man didn't come up and passed out. Seeing what happened to the fat man, he was almost himself. He was determined not to be scared to death.

Cold sweat dripped down drop by drop, and the footsteps retreated step by step. At this moment, the elite soldiers escorting the scientific research assistants were trembling.

Although they cut off more than a dozen of the worms with their own hands, they seemed fragile, but they were terrified after seeing the horror of the worms.

The hundreds of square meters of pond, wriggling and intertwined with endless pitch-black nematodes, are more terrifying than devils in the eyes of everyone at this moment. What kind of pond is that? It's like a gate to hell!

Everyone, except Bai Yang, retreated, retreated again and again, and stayed away from the pond in horror.

Strange to say, except for more than a dozen nematodes that rushed out of the pond when people approached the pond before, no insects rushed out afterwards. Could it be that they will only attack when they are close to them?

When everyone backed away in fear, Bai Yang was observing this kind of bug.

It's unbelievable that this kind of bug poplar is the only place on this island,

If you don't know their habits, you probably won't know how they died in the next trip.

The endless nematodes in the pool were wriggling and intertwined, and through the water surface, Bai Yang found that there were some animal bones at the bottom of the water. After a little digging, he guessed that maybe the worms in the pool were bred by absorbing the nutrients of those animals. .

Looking at Fatty's body again, pink nematodes kept coming out of his body, wriggling like hairs, and when they grew to a foot long, those pink nematodes separated from Fatty's body and flowed with the air like fluff. And Piaofei...

What the hell is this!

Bai Yang's heart tightened and he subconsciously uttered a foul language, and subconsciously took a step back.

The pink larva seems to have no weight, can it float away with the wind? If it floats on Taoist...

Trembling all over, Bai Yang thought for a while, and quickly took a small flamethrower from a soldier, the flames swept across, enveloping the fat man and the endless dividend larvae inside and outside him, and quickly burned him.

Under his thought power, no bug can float away!

It's not that he doesn't know that burning it to death with supernatural flames is more direct and thorough. He just wants to know whether human weapons can destroy this kind of thing, and at the same time show it to the scientists around him, providing them with some intuitive research materials.

The truth is that flames can kill this kind of bugs. In the flames, the pink larvae were burned to fly ash. The flames burned for ten minutes before the fat man's body was also burned.

You can't go, this kind of bug, if you don't study it thoroughly, it will be a disaster for the whole world!

In the terrified atmosphere, the biologist who had reacted shouted loudly, struggling hard, trying to break free from the soldiers' restraints.

Su Xishui looked at Bai Yang. Although she was the commander-in-chief, she saw the horror of the bugs. On the one hand, she wanted to stay away immediately. On the other hand, because she was frightened, she also wanted to know about this unknown creature.

Go! Bai Yang said in a deep voice without any hesitation.

He also wanted to know about this kind of bug, but not in this environment at this time.

Qiu Guorong asked him to protect the people on the island. It was already an accident that one person died, and he didn't want the accident to happen again.

Seeing Bai Yang's attitude, Su Xishui waved his hand, and the soldiers forcibly took everyone away.

In fact, except for the scientist, everyone else is eager to leave this place sooner.

After everyone left, Bai Yang looked in horror at the pool of terrifying nematodes in front of him, without hesitation, supernatural flames rose, and the place turned into a sea of ​​flames, burning all the insects to death and turning them into fly ash.

It's too scary, witnessing the terrible penetrating power and reproductive ability of insects, even Bai Yang, a Shinto monk in the realm of a true king, feels terrified.

After killing all the bugs, Bai Yang checked to make sure that no fish slipped through the net, and then left this place to catch up with the crowd.

One kilometer away from the incident site, Su Xishui and the others stayed on a flat rocky surface.

This time, he really stopped to rest. The previous experience was simply a nightmare, and his legs were weak.

It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let them pass, otherwise Xiao Wang wouldn't have died... In the crowd, the biologist burst into tears.

It is said that scientists only have cold data in their eyes, but obviously, this scientist cares more about life.

Mr. Zhang, don't worry, his death will not be in vain. The state will compensate his family members who support him...

When Bai Yang came over, he saw Su Xishui comforting the old scientist.

Seeing Bai Yang's return, Su Xishui got up and walked over and asked in front of everyone, What's the result?

All wiped out, Bai Yang nodded.

This kind of dialogue is not only about eliminating those terrible nematodes, but also reassuring everyone that that kind of thing is not invincible.

Although they don't know how Bai Yang wiped out so many bugs, maybe they are skeptical, but obviously everyone's mood improved a lot after hearing Bai Yang's answer.

Afterwards, Bai Yang walked towards the biologist surnamed Zhang. On the way, he asked someone to give him a glass vessel, which was sealed and made of strong tempered glass, and put a nematode into it.

Although he killed all the nematodes in the pond, Bai Yang still kept one for research, which was the one that killed Fatty before.

To be honest, Bai Yang would have trouble sleeping and eating if he didn't understand this kind of thing.

Mr. Zhang, you are an expert in biology. I have left one of this kind of worm. I need your help to study it. But for the sake of safety, I must be by the side during the research, otherwise I cannot ensure safety. Bai Yang held it The sealed nematode came to Mr. Zhang and said.

The tempered glass vessel is not big, only one foot in length and width. The nematode twisted and struggled in the transparent tempered glass vessel with great force. There is a 'aggressive' sound on the vessel.

Vessels made of this material are stronger than bulletproof glass, and nematodes can do nothing.

When they saw the nematode in Bai Yang's hand, the people around screamed and moved away, as if hell, no one dared to get close to this kind of thing.

Even Mr. Zhang shuddered after seeing the nematodes, but finally overcame his inner fear and nodded.

Since Bai Yang was able to catch the nematode and said it would protect his safety, he chose to believe that Qiu Guorong had a secret conversation with them when he came here, and he had to listen to Bai Yang when necessary on the island, whatever he said Be confident in any decision.

The country will not deceive them scientists, so he chooses to believe.

Okay, but I need something... Mr. Zhang looked at Bai Yang and said.

Nodding his head, Bai Yang said: No problem, just tell me what you want. Since this kind of bug is too scary, I hope to get to know it a little bit and then destroy it.

I understand the seriousness of it. This kind of thing cannot exist in the world... Mr. Zhang gritted his teeth, and then added: This kind of thing is really more terrifying than nuclear bombs! Ten thousand times more terrifying...!

The things Mr. Zhang asked for were very simple, most of them were just some research equipment. There were no cutting-edge equipment here, but he still brought something like a microscope.

And then, the guinea pig, a must-have for scientists...

No one dared to approach the place where Bai Yang and the two were, and they all stayed away in fear.

An hour later, Mr. Zhang, with the help of Bai Yang, put the mice, various fishes, seawater and nematodes together for research, and the preliminary results came out.

This is a creature with unimaginable reproductive ability. It is hermaphroditic and can produce hundreds of millions of fertilized eggs in an instant. As long as it has nutrients, it can hatch and reproduce in an instant.

It has the same vitality as a leech, even if its body is cut in two, it will not die, and it will grow as before.

This is also a carbon-based life form, but the cell activity is unheard of. The speed of cell division and reproduction is many times that of ordinary life forms. The specific parameters have not yet been determined, and the length of lifespan is unknown.

Preliminary judgment, this is an aquatic organism, but it can survive in an environment without water, but it prefers to live in water...

Finally, if the genetic characteristics of this creature are thoroughly studied, and if it is applied to the human body, perhaps there will be no disabilities in the world. Although this creature is terrifying, it is of great value!


All kinds of things, Zhang Lao told Bai Yang his preliminary knowledge about this kind of nematodes, and this short one-hour research overturned his decades of knowledge about biology.

This horrible nematode...

But if its biological characteristics are used, its value is immeasurable.

He did not know what language to use to describe its value and danger.

This kind of thing must be destroyed and cannot exist in the world. Mr. Zhang hopes you understand, no matter how valuable it is. Bai Yang shook his head looking at the worms that devoured various fish and shrimp nutrients in the glass vessel and changed from one to countless.

I understand Mr. Zhang said in horror.

A worm, put together with fish, shrimp and mice, can breed hundreds of millions of larvae in an hour, and this is not counting the number of larvae killed by poplar during the period.

More than geometric multiples of growth!

Then, can Mr. Zhang explain to me why this creature that used to live in the deep sea didn't wipe out other creatures in the ocean? With the characteristics of this creature, it is not difficult to destroy the world, right? Bai Yang finally asked. There is this problem.

After the previous understanding, I have two guesses. The first is the temperature. This kind of creature lives in the deep sea. The temperature is low, resulting in inertia, so it reproduces in a small amount. There is also a natural enemy...

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