Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 984 Dust

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Whether it was created by An Jiu, or it was naturally generated, or it is a historical event, if the formation is allowed to continue, the gathering of evil spirits may give birth to a terrifying evil creature Come out, since you meet Bai Yang, you won't sit idly by.

Looking down, Bai Yang stretched out his hand, and the vegetation that had grown wildly due to the coming of vitality degenerated rapidly at a fast pace, until it became a seed buried in the soil.

In a few breaths, the original virgin forest turned into a wasteland.

There are a large number of creatures in this area. After discovering that their homeland disappeared inexplicably, they collectively froze, as if they were frightened and forgot to move.

With a wave of Bai Yang's hand, the soil on the ground swept like a big wave, sweeping away all the animals in this area.

It was at this time that many animals came to their senses and ran to the surrounding jungle with their tails between their legs and disappeared.

Even though the vegetation disappeared and the land was freed up, the formation still couldn't be stopped. This proved that Bai Yang's guess was correct, and the foundation of the formation was underground.

I want to see what's down there!

Talking to himself, Bai Yang had a thought, and all the rocks and soil in this blank area turned into dust and soared into the sky.

Bai Yang did not lift the ground all at once, but peeled off the ground inch by inch, so as not to damage the things below.

The dust soared into the sky, rising like wolf smoke, and when it reached a certain height, it was like a river rushing, and it turned into huge rocks in the distance.

With Bai Yang's current abilities, a single thought can change the world!

The occurrence of such a big movement here immediately alarmed the top management of Huaxia. Armed helicopters flew from the direction of Xianyang first, and the ground troops were gathering urgently.

Frowning slightly, Bai Yang didn't want to conflict with the Huaxia officials. After solving the problems here, Bai Yang still wanted to restore this place to its original state.

It is also very simple to avoid conflicts with the Huaxia officials. The dust rising into the sky condenses into dozens of boulders, with formation textures on them, and they fall around this area. In a few blinks, a formation covering a range of hundreds of miles is formed. Isolated from the outside world.

Only then did Bai Yang concentrate on lifting the surface bit by bit.

The surface of the ground was lifted little by little, until nearly fifty meters later, the soil below was very different from the soil above, and it was obviously compacted.

Created by humans, the soil deep in the ground for nearly a hundred miles has been compacted. In history, the first emperor who can have such a handwriting and be in this position is none other than the First Emperor!

Thinking in his heart, Bai Yang felt that he seemed to have made an amazing discovery inadvertently.

The rammed part of the ground is a full 30 meters thick, and below it is an ancient masonry layer. When this layer of 10-meter-thick ancient masonry is also lifted, what is presented in front of Bai Yang is a huge underground palace!

When he saw the underground palace below, even Bai Yang couldn't help but be surprised. To build such a huge underground palace with the means of ordinary people in history, one can imagine how much time and huge financial and material resources will be invested!

The underground palace is extremely wide, with a range of eighty miles in diameter, and stone pillars 20 meters high stand one by one.

In this underground palace, there are no golden mountains and silver seas buried with them, but groups of troops.

These armies were arranged in neat formations in large palaces, including crossbowmen, pikemen, knives and axes, as well as ancient chariots and cavalry!

It's so spectacular, the number of underground troops has reached a million!

If this is just a spectacle, even Bai Yang was shocked to understand the nature of these armies.

These millions of troops are not clay-fired products like the terracotta warriors and horses, but living people wearing ancient bronze armor!

I don't know how many years this huge army has existed underground. Even though the corpse has become a mummy, it still stands upright, and the torrential momentum sweeping across the world shocks the soul.

On the periphery of this huge underground palace, there is a river of water ten meters wide and three meters deep, still flowing around the palace.

The palace presents a square shape, surrounded by four directions, and twelve metal giants with a height of 20 meters stand standing!

It is rumored that after Qin Shihuang unified the world, in order to prevent rebellion in the territory under his rule, he confiscated gold and iron from the world and cast twelve golden men to suppress the Quartet. I didn't expect to appear here, and...

Looking at the twelve huge metal giants, Bai Yang discovered that the foundation of the formation that devours vitality and transforms it into evil energy is exactly the twelve golden men!

Eighty percent of the yin and evil energy transformed by the formation went to nourish the millions of troops, and twenty percent gathered in the center!

Looking at the center of the palace, there is a high platform made of stones of five colors, square and pyramid-shaped, nine meters wide on all sides and five meters high.

The symbol of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme!

On the high platform, a three-meter-long coffin was placed quietly. The coffin was made of jade, with simple and elegant writing on the surface, noble and gorgeous.

Around the coffin, there are military generals in kneeling postures guarding each direction.

There is almost no need to guess, who is buried in that coffin is self-evident. With such a handwriting, there is probably no one in history except Shi Huangdi!

However, these were not the focus of Bai Yang's attention. After seeing the underground palace at a glance, he placed the realization in the place under the high platform of the coffin.

A young man in black looked at the coffin on the high platform with a look of excitement, as if he didn't realize that the top cover of the underground palace had been lifted.

An Jiu, you are indeed here. Bai Yang looked at the black-robed youth and said.

While speaking, Bai Yang's figure descended, and came to An Jiu who didn't know when he came here in the palace.

Master Bai, please give me some time? An Jiu said still looking at the jade coffin on the high platform.

Bai Yang also looked at the jade coffin and said, So, you created everything here?

Yes, I arranged the formation. I want to revive the army of millions here and the people in the coffin! An Jiu said excitedly.

Resurrection? A joke! Bai Yang sneered.

An Jiu looked at Bai Yang with an excited expression and said, It's not a resurrection in the true sense, but to let the army of millions have combat power again...

Interrupting An Jiu with a wave of his hand, Bai Yang said, Just like those undead monsters in the ruins of the capital of the Shenwu Dynasty?

Yes, An Jiu nodded.

Tell me, why did you do this? Bai Yang asked.

Taking a deep breath, An Jiu said: Master Bai, during this period of time, I have learned about the history of China in detail. Looking at the past and present, the first emperor can be called the first person in the past and present. He is the first to completely unify this land. Although his achievements may not be worth mentioning limited to this side of the world, his great talent and strategy are unquestionable.”

This is a person with great luck and courage. He should not just disappear into history or even be buried in this dark underground forever. Young Master Bai, if they can be 'resurrected', this will be an invincible army. That ancient emperor has great luck, even after thousands of years of death, it has not dissipated, if they are resurrected, they will be able to absorb the vitality of the world and grow, and there will be no bottlenecks, and they will be able to swallow mountains and rivers and sweep the world!

After listening, Bai Yang asked: Is this the reason why you used the twelve golden men as the foundation of the formation to transform vitality and revive it?

That's right, Young Master Bai, if the emperor of the ages goes to the Tianyuan star, with the environment there and his own great luck, even if he is only in the state of the living dead, it is a certainty that he will grow into the supreme power at the level of the emperor in the future. So, Young Master Bai, please give me some time to wake him up completely. An Jiu looked at Bai Yang almost pleadingly and said.

You only see the possibility of their future growth, but have you thought about the consequences? Bai Yang asked calmly.

An Jiu bowed her head and stopped talking immediately.

Bai Yang continued: As you said, this is an invincible army. Once awakened, they have infinite growth potential, but they are no longer living people. Even if awakened, they are only evil existences. Who can survive the devastation? That day Can you bear the big karma?

But Young Master Bai, it would be too sad if such an emperor through the ages just turned into the dust of history. He could have bloomed with endless brilliance, An Jiu said anxiously.

He shouldn't have existed in the world, so why do you say it sadly? Even if he has the possibility to grow into a strong emperor of heaven, it will only bring disaster. My generation of monks should think of the common people. An Jiu, I know you I wanted to witness the appearance of a peerless person, but you almost made a big mistake, what should I do with you? Bai Yang said almost indifferently.

It's true that Qin Shihuang is an emperor through the ages, but he is a tyrant. If he is allowed to wake up and become an evil existence, Bai Yang can't imagine what kind of consequences he will lead this invincible army. All Bai Yang can't let such a thing happen.

An Jiu turned pale and smiled wryly, why didn't he know the consequences of doing that? But he was not reconciled to let such a person who was supposed to suppress Eternity turn into dust, so he arranged a formation to wake up everything in the underground palace, but Bai Yang came before he had completely completed it.

Falling short of success, going against the sky is worse than being punished by the sky. If you can wake him up, it might be fine to suppress me with his great luck. It's a pity..., Young Master Bai, I can no longer follow you. It's a pity...

An Jiu said bitterly, the next moment, abscesses appeared on his body for no reason, and his whole body melted like a wax figure when it encountered an open flame, and within a few breaths, his soul was scattered and turned into fly ash.

He is trying to defy the sky, if he succeeds, his life will be ruined. At this time, no one can save him from the punishment of God.

After An Jiu's death, the animal skin that recorded the book of ghosts was left in place.

Bai Yang sighed, put away the book of ghosts, looked around, and destroyed the array arranged by Anju.

When the formation was destroyed, millions of corpse soldiers lost the nourishment of the evil spirit, and under the bright sun, everything turned into dust and dissipated!

A few minutes later, the entire huge underground palace was empty except for a speck of dust.

Sighing again, Bai Yang left the underground palace, controlled by the earth-type ability, and restored the opened surface again, the wood-type ability was born, and the plants grew wildly.

In the end, there seems to be no change here, but the world doesn't know that the emperor of China through the ages almost came out of the ground with a million soldiers...

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